Chapter 25: Summer

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All it takes is one choice.




Then your life is dependent on that choice.

It's awful,

isn't it?

Sometimes you can make the wrong choice.

And that choice dictates your life.


you can make the right choice.

Either way,

it dictates your life.

Wrong or right.

When Cooper and I stepped out of that limo,

that was a choice.

Was it right?

probably not.

But was it really a choice?

definetly not.

The cameras flashes brighter and brighter each time.

But I felt numb.

I was immune to it.

Cooper needed to follow my lead.

He's new.


as from 3 years ago.

But still.

He watched my every move.


not even halfway down the red carpet,

I watched his.

He clicked on right away.

He only needed a glance at me.



I followed his every move.

Paparazzi kept asking questions.

But I ignored.

I suddenly felt more confidence walking into that ballroom.

It was the usual.

Every year was the same.

It was the biggest event of my life.

And I couldn't afford to screw up.

Other than the fact that Bronwyn screwed up my life.

I had to make amends.

Then I saw him.

"There he is." I said.

Cooper looked in the same direction at my side.

"What are you waiting for? Go." He answers.

He placed his hand on my back.

Then he shoved me.


And I did.

I walked up with pride.

He was talking with a group of his associates.

I stood slightly behind him.

"Father." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He slightly jumped.

Then he looked back at me with his bright but cold green eyes.

"Summer. How are you?"

He was faking.

That's how this works.

"Great, thank you. And you?"

I know, I know.

It sounds so fake, doesn't it?

That's the celebrity world for you.

"Very good. John, you remember my daughter Summer, don't you?"

John held out his hand to me.

"Of course, Rex. Summer, must I say, you are even more beautiful than I remember."

I took his hand and gave him a light shake.

"Thank you, John." I answer.

"I saw you brought a date?" One of the other men says, motioning at Cooper.

We all slightly turn our heads towards him.

Cooper nods as he slips some scotch.

He walks over to us.

Then he stands next to me.

"Men, this is-" I began.

"Cooper Clay, is it?" Man 1 says, offering his hand to Cooper.

"Yes, sir. A pleasure to meet you." Cooper answers.

"You as well. I've heard lots. You are wanted by the police, are you not?" Man 1 asks.

Oh god.

How did I know this was going to come up.

I sighed.

I looked at Cooper and he looked back at me.

He coughs.

Then he looks man 1 right in the face with confidence.

"Yes, sir. But I can assure you, I am innocent." He responds.

"I'm sure you are. My money is on the blonde chick." Man 2 says, laughing.

"I will bet you $500,000 right now that it was the criminal guy." Man 3 answers.

Now they're making bets.


I had to do something.

"Anyways, John, how's the hotel coming on?" I ask.

After all,

I am the CEO of Scott Enterprises.

I'm the boss.

"Great, actually. With your credits, we will be able to open soon." He answers.

Thank god.

"Summer, how is your fiancé? Braxton, is it?" Man 2 asks.

"He's great, thank you for asking." I respond.


I forgot.

I ended my last chapter when he proposed to me.

You didn't see my response.


it was yes.

Braxton is the love of my life.

And I couldn't imagine marrying anyone else.

"Where is he, if you don't mind me asking." Man 3 asks.

"Not a problem at all. He is in Texas for business, but he asked me to give you his best. He feels terrible for missing this event, but luckily Cooper here was able to fill in for him."

"Good man. I am looking forward to meeting with him next weekend." Man 3 says.

"Dad, a word?" I ask, turning to him.

"Of course. Cooper, keep them entertained, will you?" Dad asks.

"no problem, Mr. Scott." Cooper answers.

Dad and I walk away to a quiet spot.

"So now you're just going to pretend nothing happened? What the hell, Dad?!" I say.

He scoffs.

"Of course not. I have a plan." He answers.

"Oh? And what is your 'plan'?" I ask.

"Do you really think I believed the girl, Summer? Over my own daughter?" 



he NEVER believes me.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask, puzzled.

"Come on. You would never burn down your own club. Especially because you just maintained control over Scott Enterprises less than 2 years ago. You would never do that to me, would you?"

I sighed.

A wave of relief ran through my body.

"No, of course not. Are you crazy?" I ask.

"Good." Dad said, putting his hand on my back.

Then we walk back to the group, 

only to find new additions.


"Mom." I say.

"Summer, good, you're here. We were just talking about your modeling career."


I have no idea how much longer I can take this.

"Right. So, we were thinking, my cousin is an associate at Vogue. We would like you to shoot the cover." Man 4 comments.


for me,

I have to do it.

Unless I want my mother to expose me.

She gives me a cold death stare.

I sigh.

I hate modeling.

But I have no choice.

"Of course. When?" I ask.

"We were thinking next week? It's last minute, but it will work, I assure you."

I gave him a card.

"Take my assistants card. She will help you schedule an appointment."

"Oh my god! Is that Cooper Clay?!" A girl exclaims.

Then she walks over to us.

Cooper laughs.

"Liliah! Inside voices!" Mother snaps.

"Sorry. Is that really you?" She asks in excitement.

"Yeah, I think so." Cooper answers, laughing.

"Where's Kris?" She asks. Then she looks at me. "And Braxton?"

"Business, Liliah. Calm down." I answer.

She takes a deep breath.

"Will you be at the wedding? I'm going to be a bridesmaid!" Liliah asks.

"Liliah!" I snap.

Maybe I am like my mother.

Which I hate.

"Not sure, but-"

Suddenly two big guys come up behind Cooper and point their guns on his back.

Everyone gasps.

Cooper sighs.

Then he looks down at the ground and puts his hands up.

"Cooper Clay, you are arrested for the murder of Mr. Eston Dyne. You have the right to remain silent." The cop says, putting handcuffs on Cooper.

"Cooper? What the hell?" I ask.

Everyone stares.

He doesn't say a word.

Then I hear my father whisper to Liliah,

"Nice work."

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