Chapter 20: Summer

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Sometimes that's the only thing people can do.

Sometimes that's the only thing people can use.

Fear controls our life.

One way or another.

People run to escape.

People run to call for help.

People run to get away.

People run from fear.

People get driven away.

It's life.


as they say,

'You can run, but you can't hide.'

Some people spend their entire lives running.

Some people spend half their life running.


some people don't run at all.

Some people look fear right in the eyes and say,

"Stay away from me or you'll see who's really afraid."


with some people,

is hard.

It used to be for me.

I tried to run.

The celebrity world drives people away.

It tried to drive me away a few times.

But it's not that easy for some people.

Fear controls people.

So they run.

Cooper ran.

No one knows where he went.


I'm not that person who goes chasing after them.

And sure,

that sounds pretty awful,

but sometimes,

people need space.

They need time.

Cooper did.

I haven't known him for long.

Then again, I haven't know any of them for long.


I can tell that Cooper is the person who runs once.

This was his time.

His time to repair.

His time to get away.

And he succeeded.



I don't blame him. 

The fear in Addy's eyes were created than ever.

Even worse than when she was questioned.

Her bright blue eyes had drifted down and wide.


she did exactly what I thought she would.

she ran too.


she wasn't running away.

She just ran.

Probably back home.

She isn't a runner.

I can tell.

I looked at Bronwyn and Nate.

Bronwyn was freaking out.

Nate seemed surprisingly calm.

She ran to the other side of the hall.

"Bronwyn, what are you doing?" I asked.

She turned back around to face us.

"I'm going to after Cooper." She answered.

Nate and I looked at each other.

We were both thinking the same thing.

We ran over to her.

"Bronwyn, no! You're pregnant!" I exclaim.

"So?! Pregnant women run all the time!" She responds.

"You can't, Bronwyn. Let him go." I answer.

"Why, Summer? Why should I?" She asks.

I hesitated.

How was I supposed to explain to her?

"You just can't. Don't do it. He needs space." 

She scoffs.

"Oh, shut up, Summer! I can do anything I want, and if I want to go looking for Cooper, then so help me god I will!" She exclaims.

Oh god.

I really don't want to argue with her.

"We won't let you do this, Bronwyn. Calm down." I answer.

Nate nods.

"And? I care because?" She answers.


This is going nowhere.

"Don't, Bronwyn! Give him space, he needs it!" I fire back.




"No! I'm going. Don't even try to control me, Summer, it won't work!"

I rolled my eyes.

"That's not what I'm trying to do at all! I'm trying to help you!" I answer.

"Well, you're doing a pretty bad job." She began. "You know, now that I think about it, maybe YOU did this. Maybe you hired those officers to fire Cooper up. You made him run, so they would suspect him more than you."

What the hell?

Is she serious?!

"You think I did this?! Seriously, Bronwyn. Get real. Why would I do that to Cooper? Why would I burn down my own club?!" I asked.

"What?! I wouldn't be surprised if you did this. Frame us for this. Now, that makes sense."

I felt the anger run through my veins.

I felt my blood boil.

But I couldn't do this.

"Now you're just making stuff up!" I answer.

Suddenly my dad walks to us.

As soon as he comes, we all freeze.

"What's going on here, Summer?" He asks.

I'm pretty sure all of us are afraid of him, honestly.

"Oh, nothing." I answered.

"Really? Because It looks like something's going on here."

"Nope. Nothing. Promise. We were just talking, that's all." I answer.

I hope he buys that.

"I don't buy that."

Damn it.


Bronwyn takes a step forward.

"Actually, Mr. Scott, we were just talking about how your own daughter could've burned down her own club. She hired police to come and make Cooper angry, resulting in him running, and making the police suspect him more than her." She adds.



My dad studies what she just said and looks at me.

I sigh.

"Summer, why would you do that? Do me, to you, to your family?!"

"I didn't, Dad! I didn't! Are you really buying this crap she's telling you?!" I exclaim.

Bronwyn smiles.

Nate walks away.

"Well, it sounds pretty accurate, Summer. I wouldn't be surprised if you did this. How dare you."

"Dad! It wasn't me! She's making this up!"

"I don't think so. You need to leave. Now."

"Come on, dad! You have to believe me! I'm your daughter!" I yell.

"Go. Now." He answers.









I decided to let my confidence take over instead of showing anger.

"You're going to be so sorry you did that, Bronwyn. Mark my words." I answer, calmly, and walk away with my guards.

I rushed to my car.

I banged on the wheel as hard as I could.

What was left for me?

What happens now?

How did this happen?

She turned my own father against me.

And soon, my mother.

But, instead,

I went to the only place I felt safe.


I drove and drove.

I couldn't hold in my anger.

I needed Braxton.

I needed him so much.

Once I got to the penthouse,

I used my key and opened the door.

I told my guards to leave.

I panted and fell to my knees and cried.

Braxton immediately ran to me.

"SUMMER! Are you okay, baby?" He asked.

He got down on his knees and kneeled beside me.

I fell into his arms and cried and cried.

"She-she-" I began.

"Who?" He asks.

"Bronwyn, she-"

"What did she do?"

"She made up all this crap that I burned down the club, and told my father! Oh my god, Brax! I'm as good as dead! What do I do?!" I yell.

He held me tighter and wiped my tears away.

"Oh my god, babe. I'm so sorry." He answered.

"You're all I have left, Brax. I need you." I respond in tears.

I panted.

"I know, I know. And I'm here." He answered.

He helped me up.

"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about." He says, wiping my tears.

"What is it?" I asked.

He takes a deep breath.

Then, he did something I never expected.

"I love you so much, Summer. And I have no idea who to do this." He says.

"Do what?" I ask.

He gets down on his knee.

"Summer Alicia Scott-" 

"Will you marry me?"

                                                         END OF PART ONE

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