Chapter 9....

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The sound of my apartment door closing woke me up the next morning. Disoriented I slowly sat up in bed trying to remember where I was for a second. Feeling cooler air nipping at my exposed top I clenched my blanket to my chest, flash backs of what happened yesterday flooding my mind.

With flaming cheeks as I thought about last night I looked around for James. The spot next to me was empty. My heart sunk as I realized the door closing just a moment ago was James leaving. He left without saying goodbye. For some reason that thought made my chest hurt more than I thought it would. This was suppose to be just a one night stand, nothing more.

Still clenching my blanket to my chest my gaze wandered around the room before I noticed a piece of paper laying on my nightstand. Curious I reached for it and saw my name written on top in messy handwriting.


Thanks for a great night. I had a wonderful time with you. I have an early appointment today and I didn't want to wake you. Here is my number. I would love to see you again before I leave tomorrow.


His little note did wonders to my self esteem. A giddy smile appeared on my face as I gazed at the phone number James left. He didn't want this to be just a one night stand either. With the note still in my hand I did a little dance on my bed.

Feeling like a teenage girl with a crush I slid out of bed, heading for the bathroom. I was halfway across the room when something flashed out of the corner of my eye. 8:30 am. I did a double take as I looked at the clock hanging on my bedroom wall.

8:30 am.

It clicked just then that in a matter of 3 hours I had to interview Mr. Morris and I had absolutely nothing done.

"Shit." Cursing loudly I ran towards my bathroom. My movements were rushed as I flipped the shower on.

I had spent all last night with James completely forgetting about getting my interview today and doing my research on Mr. Morris. I was suppose to be spend all last night working, not sleeping with some guy!

How could I have forgotten all about this?! This was my one shot at getting a promotion, a promotion I have worked my ass off for the 3 years.

I muttered curses under my breath as I hopped in the shower. My giddy mood was disappearing as I started fretting about getting all of the things I needed done in just three hours. Despite not doing any work last night I couldn't find it in myself to regret spending it with James. Last night was the best night of my life.

Even though I got soap in my eye and dropped the bar of soap twice I managed to get out of the shower in ten minutes. Quickly drying myself off I threw on random pieces of clothing before grabbing my laptop and my notebook.

Because I literally had no time I decided on writing down some of the most basic questions that you could ask someone. I thought back to little interviews I had done and seen. They were all probably the worst questions, most of them the guy has probably answered a million times, but I had no choice.

I tried to throw in some unexpected questions like; What would you have done if you weren't an actor? What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Do you freak out meeting other famous actors/actresses?

My mind was a mess and it didn't help I kept thinking about James. Every other question I wrote down his face would pop into my head and I was reminded of what happened between the two of us last night. No matter how hard I tried to not think about him I couldn't.

Somehow though I managed to write down a page and a half of questions in almost an hour. Of course most of that hour was spent fantasizing about James. I was actually somewhat proud of my questions and what I got done in a short amount of time.

Yes, I should have looked the guy up but that would have taken too much time. If I would have done this last night I would have looked at past interviews and learned more about the guy but time was not on my side right now. I was just hoping my boss liked what I had tomorrow and that this would be my ticket into being the head of the magazine one day.

* * * * * * *

"You seem really happy today." My best friend, Sarah Fisher, commented as she sat on my bed while I got ready. I had barely finished writing down my questions when she showed up at my door demanding on helping me get dressed.

"Am I not usually happy?" Nothing could stop the smile or happy feeling I had right now.

"No." I shot her a look over my shoulder.

"Why are you here again?" I leafed through my clothes trying to find the best outfit for my interview in just an hour.

"I am here to see if you have everything you need for the interview." She replied, "Oh and to make sure you wear something other than jeans and a jacket."

"Jeans and a jacket are comfortable." I defended my choice of clothing. I didn't dress that bad. I dressed for comfort not for looks.

"You are interviewing James Morris, you can't look like a grandma or a hobo."

"Why is this guy such a big deal?" I questioned for the hundredth time in the last two days. At the moment I could care less about some famous actor. I had my own hot guy, well he wasn't really mine but things could change.

"Lily you can't be serious. James Morris is only the hottest actor alive right now. And on top of that you get to interview him! Everyone wants to be you right now."

"I know that it is a big deal but he's probably a dick or something." Aren't most famous actors severely rude?

"Whatever you say." She muttered. Sarah couldn't wrap her head around the fact that I didn't know who this James Morris was. Yes everyone would kill to be in my position today. Not everyone gets to interview the most popular actor.

* * * * * * * *

I spent the next hour getting dressed in an outfit picked out by Sarah. In her words she wanted me 'knock his socks off at the sight of me'. I really could care less.

The closer the time got to go to my interview the more nervous I got. Didn't help Sarah kept going on about how big of a deal this was. My happy mood was slowly diminishing as well as all my doubts started to set in.

When the time came to head over to the coffee shop I was meeting Mr. Morris at, my nerves suddenly sky-rocketed. Now I was second guessing the questions I had prepared and if I was ready to really do this. This was my first high profile job like this and I didn't want to mess it up. My boss would kill me if I did something stupid.

"Good Luck." Sarah beamed at me as I slid into the taxi seat. "Call me when you are done and try to sneak a picture for me!" I quickly shut the door before she could demand something else from me. Almost the entire time I was getting ready she kept trying to get me to get a signature and a picture of James Morris. It wasn't going to happening.

The entire ride to the coffee shop I ran through my notes and everything I would say. It would be just my luck to forget everything and look like an idiot in front of him.

Pulling up to the cafe I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I can do this. I am Lily Mathews. I chanted to myself. I can do anything. Clenching onto the strap of my bag that held my recorder and notes, I stepped out of the taxi.

Catching a glance at the clock on the dashboard of the taxi I cursed. I was late! Practically throwing the money at the driver I darted for the entrance of the cafe. This was not a good first impression. 

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