Chapter 10

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Beam pov:

I told my Mom to apply for 2 days leave and she nodded and went to make a call.

She came back and told that she has 2 days off.

I too informed university that I want 2 days leave and informed them about my condition. They permitted it.

I told my mom that I too applied for 2 days leave.

She knotted her eyebrows and I just shook my head.

It's been a while we have heart to heart talk.

She barely gets offs so I want to be with her and catch up about out lives.

There are some things I have to know

About my mom employers

Their behaviour


And all those

OMG ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I forget to give intro about ourย  lovelies

Forth jaturapoom:

Son of David and marla jaturapoom jamuroham's who owns well known architect company
Fourth year engineering student.
Prefers a low key life
So doesn't carry family name.
Calm and always with stoic face

Beam baramee:

Son of Lander and Bella Baramee.
Lost his father at early age.
Always in his own bubble (he and his mother)
Hardworking and calm

Happy reading

Love you all..
Stay home stay safe


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