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Saebyuk's Point of View

We arrived at Mark's house and another dog started to bark.

"Hi Milo." He said and Cong berried her face with my shirt.

"Come inside." He said and closed his garage door and started to take off his shoes.

I set Cong on the ground and she was sniffing Milo's face as I took off my shoes too.

Now Mark was dusting his place with a broom.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"I haven't cleaned my house in maybe four months." He said and continued to sweep his mud room and his living room.

"I think it's pretty clean by me," I said but started to walk to the bathroom, "can I wash my hands?"

"Oh, you're walking to my pantry," Mark laughed, "the bathroom's straight ahead."

I smiled and walked in a straight beeline to the bathroom.

When I was done, I unlocked the bathroom door and unpacked my suitcase.

"So, how old are you?" He asked.

"I'm twenty." I said alongside continuing to unpack.

"Oh, uh, you seem kinda young to be that age." Mark said and leaned on his counter.

"Well, that's what I am." I said and straightened up.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"A little bit." I said but sat on one of the chairs in Mark's counter.

"What kind of food do you like?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Whatever you feel like. I'm now pretty hungry."

"I have..." Mark said but opened his freezer, "some pork that needs to defrost. And some ramen we can eat."

"Ooo, we can have ramen." I said, smiling.

"Okey dokey," he said, "but I need your help making it."

Then he walked to his pantry to find ramen and tore two plastic containers in front of me.

"Ok, but I only have one stove though." He said.

"That's fine by me. You can start yours first." I said.

"Wait, how about we make one big bowl of ramen?" Mark asked.

I shrugged.


Then he started to bring out a kettle for water and turned on his stove. He put two of the ramen packets in the packet simultaneously into the boiling water and cracked two eggs, one handed.

"Woah, you're good at cracking eggs." I said.


When Mark was done, he brought out two bowls and a ladle and scooped the ramen onto my bowl.

"Thank you." I said alongside handing the bowl in front of me.

He then ladled some ramen into his bowl and patted a seat on his dining table.

"So, which high school do you go to?" Mark asked.

"Oh, actually, I'm a college student at Seoul University College. My degree was bio chemistry until, you know. Shit happened." I said and continued to eat.

"Oh, I mean we can go to your college to finish up your semester." He said.

"Yeah. Can we go back tomorrow?" I asked.

Mark nodded.

I woke up at six but sluggishly shut it off on my phone.

Ahh...why is my name Saebyuk..? I don't like waking up..

I got ready.

In the middle of putting on my makeup, Mark knocked on the door.


"Hello, I need to get ready too." He said.

"Oh." I said but opened the bathroom door.

"Hm." He said but looked at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. I thought your makeup looks pretty." Mark said and grabbed his toothbrush.

"Oh, thank you." I said alongside continuing to put eyeshadow on.

In two minutes he spat out the toothpaste and begun to wash his face.

"Ok, as soon as I get dressed we can go." He said.

"Oh, hold on let me put eyeliner on." I said and started to put eyeliner on my eyes and mascara.

Then I put red lipstick on and now I was ready.

"Alright. That was the final process of my morning routine." I said and looked at the mirror in the sink.

Mark looked and walked towards me.

"I like it." He said but walked back to his kitchen.

Then he went to his closet to change in his probably uniform and stepped out.

"Do you usually eat breakfast?" He asked.

"Yeah, I often eat a hard boiled egg." I said but sat down on a chair near the stove.

Mark was looking in his refrigerator.

"Ah ha, I found it." He said.

"Found what?"

"The hard boiled eggs that I refrigerated."

"Then, let's eat." I said and sat down on the high chair beside another high chair.

"So, how was last night?" Mark asked.

"It was like staying at a hotel to be honest." I said.

"Oh good. I thought my place was really dirty for a second." He said and laughed.

I smiled but shook my head.

When I was done, Mark handed the plates to me to go in his dishwasher.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and started to get my shoes on.

While I was tying my shoes, Mark opened the garage door and stepped out of his house.

I checked the time on my phone.

It was seven fifty.

Twenty minutes until we have to go.

"Let's go." He said now starting to walk to his dim garage.

Then Mark opened his garage door and light poured into it.

Then he started his engine and got GPS loaded to my college.

"Ok...We can go." Mark said and turned on his headlights.

I looked at the window in silence.

"Oh, do you wanna listen to music?" He asked when he glanced at me from the rear view mirror.

"Sure. What do you listen to?" I asked.

"Whatever you like."

"Well, uh. I like Kpop."

"Alright." He said but turned on some for me.

It was B1A4, 'Like a Movie.'

"Oh, I love this song." I smiled.

In twenty minutes, we arrived at my college campus.

"Thanks Mark." I said and got out of his car.

"When do you get out of class?" He asked.

"Three twenty."

"Alright. Well, have a good day."

Then he drove to the station, probably.

"Woah, who's that?" Asked my friend; Dammi.

I actually like her.

"Oh, he's the police officer that I was staying in for the past week." I said.

"Uh, ok," she said, "what did you do for that?"

I smiled sheepishly but shook my head.

"I'd rather not tell you. It's kinda personal. Oh, by the way, where's Ejune?" I asked.

"She's in the library. Why?" Dammi asked.

"Oh nothing. I was just gonna kick her ass." I said and crossed my arms.

She laughed.

"She's in the library right now I think." Dammi said.

"Alright." I said and walked to the library.

"Wait, you're really gonna do it?" She asked and walked quickly towards me.

I walked towards an enclosed door and looked at the library entrance.

I inhaled a long breath when I saw the door was ajar.

Then I opened the door with force and saw Ejune.

"Bro, what the hell is wrong with you??" I practically screamed at her.

She looked up and opened her mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Ejune asked slyly.

"Ah, don't play dumb anymore. You should've been the one who got caught." I said and crossed my arms.

"Oh right. Welp sorry." She smiled.

I inhaled a long breath.

She's not sorry at all, isn't she...

"You bitch." I said quietly.

"Woah, what did you call me?" Ejune asked but laughed.

"I said, you bitch! You should've been the one who got caught!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah? What're you gonna do? Call the police?" She asked and raised her voice.

"Actually, I know a police officer personally now." I said, with a steal face.

"Fine. Call them. I don't care." She said and continued to look at her phone.

I gritted my teeth and called Mark.

"Did you forget something?" He asked.

"No, sorry. But this bitch is bothering me to the extreme lengths." I said.

"Uh, I don't think I can do anything about that." Mark said.

"Ok. Sorry." I said but hung up.

"What did your sucky police officer say?" Ejune asked slyly.

"He's not sucky." I said quietly.

"What? I didn't hear you." She smirked.

I shook my head.

But then I felt something cold on my right neck.

"Spit it out or else I'll shoot you." Ejune said in my ear.


I knew she was holding a real gun in her hand.

I wish I didn't end the call with Mark yet.

Instead, I slowly polled up my phone and dialed Mark's number again.

"Uh, why did you call me again?" He asked.

"I'm being held at gunpoint at this student." I said softly on my phone.

"Ok. Which hallway are you in?" Mark asked.

"Lower two hundreds." I said.

"Ok. I'll be right here."

Then he hung up and I put my phone in my pocket and raised my arms in the sealing.

"Now, what did you call me?" Ejune asked, her voice menacing and threatening.

"A bitch, like you are." I said and quickly roundhouse kicked her on the stomach but quickly ran into the bathroom.

"Ah, what the hell??" She practically screamed and chased after me.

I called Mark again.

"Ok, now I'm in the bathroom in the lower level. But I think Ejune's trying to find me." I said but opened another stall but hid into it.

"Ok, keep me posted and keep yourself hidden." He said and I heard someone open the door of a stall.

Then I fell silent.

"I know you're here you little leach." Ejune said and looked at the empty bathroom doors except one of the occupied stalls which was mine.

Shit..she's gonna find me instantly.

Just then, I heard boots running towards the open bathroom.

"Stop! Drop the gun!" Mark's voice shouted.

There was a loud bang in one of the stalls.

I waited a minute until I opened the door.

Then I saw Mark, lying on the ground, opposite of me.

"Ah, Mark! Can you here me?" I asked and held him upright on the bathroom floor.

I decided to call the police.

"112, what's your situation?" Jackson picked up.

"A student just shot officer Mark Tuan and she has a gun in her hand!" I said and looked at him.

"Got it." He said and hung up.

In fife horrible minutes, I heard police sirens roll around the college campus.

"Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air!" Jackson shouted.

"Ah, fine. You win." Ejune sighed.

I cracked opened the door.

"Eh, psych." She said and smirked before attempting to shoot Jackson.

He dodged the bullet and kicked Ejune in the stomach.

"I don't play with little kids." Jackson said with a death glare at her.

"Then take me where you want." She wheezed.

"Gladly." Jackson said and put handcuffs in his pocket in her wrists.

"Uh, yeah. I think I might take two classes and leave." I said as I was watching her struggle to break free of her handcuffs.

By then, fifteen students came and peaked in to see the commotion.

Then Mark stud up and dusted his uniform off.

"Alright, where do you leave from class?" He asked.

"Um, I go through this door." I said and pointed at the door straight ahead with my right hand.

"Ok, and final question. What time do you get outta here?" He asked.

"Three forty." I said and dusted my shirt off.

"Alright, see you then." He said and put a warm hand on my right shoulder before walking out of the door.


A/N: Saebyuk (새벽) means bright and early or dawn.

if anybody was wondering

oh and there was this one time in high school where i saw a full on skateboard in the girls bathroom aNd there a gUy too so i said, "uh, there's a skateboard in the bathroom" so the two police officers nodded their head and went to the bathroom before the bell rang

i kinda felt proud but scared but i didn't know these kids

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