Reynie gave Tam a small smile as he approached the seat next to her. Tam got out his alchemy book and turned to the page written on the board.
Page 6
As Tam was furiously trying to copy down some notes Lady Galvin had written while they were in the bathroom, He heard something he wished he didn't, distracting him from everything around him.
"At least you are here." Keefe started, turned towards Sophie. "Finally, someone I love."
A rush of emotions flew into Tam as he saw Sophie look away and blush.
All of which formed and extreme amount of,
Tam took a deep breath to calm himself down.
He didn't mean it in that type of way, Tam. And even if he did, you shouldn't feel this way. He literally splashed your perfectly good hair in paint! And he has the audacity to complain?
Tam rubbed his temples to make his brain shut up as he tried to bury his emotions. He continued to try and write down notes, but considering the 13 minutes of sleep he got, it was nearly impossible. And the whole Keefe situation wasn't making it any better. He decided to just give up and rest his eyes for just a couple of minutes...
"Alright!" Lady Galvin's cold voice startled Tam out of his sleep. " The bell will ring in 15 minutes! I will give you this time to work on your homework. Dawna, may you please pass out the home work while I collect the notes?"
"Of course!" Dawna, a dark skinned, and brunette curly hair girl exclaimed.
Tam rubbed his eyes and he straightened up. He silently cursed at himself for only writing down a couple of lousy sentences.
.Nogginease is the elixir to help kids focus on studying... Main ingredient = limbium.
. Limbium is a substance that can be found in certain Medici
It wasn't even two whole sentences because he got too lazy to finish the second one.
Stupid, Keefe. Stupid, school hallways. Why are there so many goddamn hallways in this place?!
Dawna skipped around the classroom joyfully as Lady Galvin walked around collecting notes. She walked around the classroom examining everyone's notes. She continued walking at a steady pace until she stopped at Keefe's. Lady Galvin had a look of anger on her face.
"Keefe! What is this!? Two lousy little sentences!? First, you come late to my class! Then, you give me attitude! And now, this!? " Lady Galvin yelled, while hovering over Keefe .
"Uhm, I can explain, Ma'am." Keefe started but Lady Galvin didn't let him finish.
"Keefe, I don't want to hear it right now. You can explain it tomorrow at detention." Lady Galvin said while giving Keefe a deadly smile.
"Hey, now, what? Why two days!?" Keefe whined.
"Oh, I meant today, tomorrow, AND Wednesday." Lady Galvin spoke in a innocent but evil matter.
Keefe just sat there, dumbfounded. He said something to Sophie Tam couldn't hear and and smacked his head on the desk. Sophie just rolled her eyes, shook her head and said something back.
Lady Galvin continued making her way around the classroom until she stopped at Tam's.
"Oh my, not you too! Not even two sentences! Come on, Mr. Song! You aren't making a very good impression on your first day back at Foxfire. You'll have tomorrow's detention as well. And don't think I didn't see your sleeping in my class. Don't let me see that happen again. Next time, we'll make it a week's worth."
Tam winced at the name once again and nodded as he sighed in shame. As Dawna reached his desk, he picked up the pencil that fell on the floor and started his homework. Tam looked down at the questions with confusion.
What does the elixir " Gurgle Gut" do?...
What does the elixir " Fade fuel" do?...
What is the main ingredient in "Macho-Macho"...
What!? He had never learned any of this before. This is what they had learned in FoxFire? Tam looked up from his paper and saw everyone flying through the questions. Even Keefe! Reynie must have saw the confusion in his face as he felt a pencil tap his shoulder. Reynie's eyes looked from him, to her paper, signaling if he wanted to copy.
Should he? Reynie seemed like a nice person. Her fluffy, strawberry blonde hair, and her soft, pale complexion. But, on the other hand, Alvar seemed like a nice person and he turned out to be with the Neverseen.
Don't. What if this is just a trick.
Tam sighed as he shook his head, declining the polite offer. Reynie sat there with a look of confusion and shrugged her shoulders as if to say " Your loss". She went up to Lady Galvin's desk to turn in her homework early. Lady Galvin gladly took it and said said a quiet " Thank you." As she put the homework in her desk. Reynie sat back down and took out a book to read for the remaining time. Soon, others started to follow Reynie's moves.
Tam stared at his homework. Scanning the questions to see if he knew any answers to them. Turns out, he didn't. Which wasn't very surprising. Tam sighed in frustration as he folded up his homework and stuffed it in his backpack, deciding he would ask one of his friends to help him with it after school. He spent the renaming class time fiddling with his fingers...
Bell rang.
Tam practically jumped out of his chair put and shoved on his backpack. He was about to leave a long with the rest of the class but he was interrupted with Lady Galvin's harsh tone of voice.
The whole class stopped.
"Take your seat. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."
Tam kept in a groan as he sat back down.
"Alright! Homework is due tomorrow morning as soon as you step into my classroom! I would also recommend you do extra work to make up for being late." Lady Galvin spoke as she glared at both Tam and Keefe. "You are dismissed."
The whole classroom turned into an earthquake as 32 kids stormed out of that room like a herd of elephants. As soon as Tam was out of that room he checked his schedule.
Tam wondered what that was as he scanned the classrooms for his. He was interrupted by Keefe's annoying voice.
"Tammy! Can you believe what MissGrouchyPants did to us!? Now I'm stuck with you! This is the worst first day ever!" Keefe whined as he started flailing his arms around in the air. Sophie next to him, giggling.
"We'll, you two were 30 minutes late." Sophie reasoned. "What happened?"
"Now, that. Is something only me and Tammy know. Right, Bangs Boy?"
"Whatever." Tam said, wanting to get out of this situation as he desperately looked for his next class. "By the way, Sophie, do you know where uhm, what is it called... oh elementalism is?"
"Oh yeah! That's on the 3rd floor! Me and Keefe have it next too so, you can stick around with us if you want ." Sophie offered
"Oh, uh, thanks." Tam thanked, trying to cover up the pain as he realized he would have to spend another period with Keefe.
"Wait. WHAT!? No, no, no! Not another period with you! I don't know how much longer I can take before I start to go insane!" Keefe complained.
"Sorry, Keefe. But you can't turn insane when you already are insane." Tam remarked, reusing the joke Keefe used earlier today.
"Hey, now that's not very nice." Keefe pouted as he crossed his arms.
Tam shrugged as he followed Sophie and Keefe upstairs towards their next class. When they arrived they had a couple of minutes left to spare so they talked for a while. Keefe, making a much of dumb jokes, while Tam and Sophie rolled their eyes about a bazillion times.
"Sophie! Does my hair look crazy?" Keefe asked randomly.
"Uhm, no. It looks fine to me." Sophie said confused.
"So, I still look like a hot blonde, right?" Keefe asked.
Sophie snorted. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."
Word count: 1322
Hiyaaaa! I honestly didn't expect this many views already but I just wanna say thank you for reading this book! I'm trying my best to upload everyday but I might miss a couple of days throughout the next 2 weeks because of testing! I will still try very hard to upload regularly though! But writing this chapter was pretty fun! Hope you enjoyed! <3
PS: i hate lady Galvin. 🙄
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