Chapter 28 || Locked ||

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Keefe's eyes fluttered open as he felt a head lying on his shoulder.

 Tams head. 

Keefe smiled and stayed in his bed for a couple more minutes, embracing the warmth of the blanket and Tam. Keefe's mind wandered for a couple minutes until an amazing idea popped into his head.  He decide he would abruptly awaken Tam. Keefe plastered a devilish smirk on his face and carefully got out of his bed, trying not create much hustle as he was trying to keep Tam asleep. Keefe watched Tam's sleepy face. 

Tam looked so peaceful, and beautiful. Tams hair was all over his face which somehow made Keefe think he was even cuter. Which he didn't know was even possible. 

Did he really want to wake up Tam? Did he really want to slap a pillow in Tam's face? 

Keefe sat there for a good 5 minutes watching Tam sleep which totally... wasn't creepy at all, debating if whether or not he should wake his boyfriend up.

He looks so peaceful... Do I really want to wake him up? Hmm- You know what- Yeah I do. Screw this.

Before Tam's beauty convinced Keefe otherwise, Keefe grabbed a pillow from his bed and slapped Tam right in the face with it.

Boo yah!

Keefe saw Tams eyes shot open with a confused expression which soon turned into anger. Tam groaned and covered his head in Keefes blankets. This, made Keefe smirk in satisfaction.

"Good Morninggggg!" Keefe singsonged as Tam stayed quite, making it perfectly clear he was pretty pissed.

Keefe heard Tam groan again as Tam angrily revealed himself from under the covers.

"You know there is a such thing as tapping someone on the shoulder and saying 'wake up'. You don't always have to shove a pillow into their face." Tam stated; clearly annoyed.

"I know. But where would the fun in that be?" Keefe asked as he plaster his famously annoying smirk onto his face.

"The fun part is you wouldn't have a boyfriend who wants to kill you for half the day!" Tam exclaimed as he rolled his eyes and sat up with an angry expression on his face.

"But that IS the fun part. Don't you get it?" Keefe said.

"Nope. I guess I don't." Tam sighed. "What time is it?" He asked, changing the subject.

Keefe looked at his clock on the wall.

7: 12

"7:12" Keefe answered casually.

"What?! 7:12?! Are you kidding me?! I'm supposed to be down at breakfast by 7! Oh my god.. why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" Tam yelled.

"Hey hey- don't get mad at me now. You were the one complaining I woke you up at all!" Keefe reasoned as Tam looked like he was about to explode. Keefe heard Tam let out an exaggerated groan. Keefe tried to not laugh as he watched Tam leap out of his bed and rushed to get his shoes on. Keefe saw Tam struggle to slip his right shoe on which again, made him laugh. After Tam finally got his shoes on, he rushed to get his backpack. Then, Tam swooshed by Keefe, which made Keefe bounce back a little. Then Tam and started opening Keefes window, struggling to do so as it seemed as if the window was jammed.

"Need some help there, weakling?" Keefe smirked.

"No." Tam simply replied as he continued to try and nudge the window open. Keefe laughed to himself as he waited another minute. The window door was still shut. And Tam was still struggling.

"You 100 percent sure you don't need any he-" Keefe tried to suggest once again but Tam cut him off.

"Yes, Keefe! 100 percent sure." Tam stated firmly as he tried, once again, to open Keefe window. And again, failed to do so.

"Alrighty then... Just let me know if you need any help." Keefe said as he smirked in satisfaction, clearly knowing something Tam didn't. As Keefe saw Tam struggle as the minutes went on, Tam finally decided to let Keefe help.

"Your- window- is so- erg- STUPID!"  Tam shouted as his hands gave up on holding on the the window. 

"So, you want me to help you?" Keefe said as he smirked mysteriously.

"Well how the hell else would I get out of here?" Tam asked, clearly annoyed.

Keefe just laughed and walked over towards the window where Tam was struggling. He scooted next to Tam and reached for the lock on the window. He then slid the lock to the left, making a clicking sound in the process.  Keefe turned to Tam and smirked his stupidly, famously, annoying smirk.

"It was locked." Keefe stated as he smiled an unapologetic smile towards Tam. Keefe chuckled as he saw Tam's angry expression go to disappointment.

"Seriously?" Tam asked as he tugged his bangs in embarrassment.

"You said you didn't need my help." Keefe smirked as he shrugged. Tam just rolled his eyes and opened Keefes window.

"You're stupid." Tam scoffed as he rolled his eyes and tugged on his bangs once again.

"Really? You're the one who couldn't open a window." Keefe said as he shrugged.

"Shut up." Tam hissed which made Keefe laugh in satisfaction. Making Tam mad was always fun to Keefe. He was pretty sure it would be fun to anyone if they saw Tams angry face.

Keefe saw Tam grab his light leaping crystal and hold it up to the light. But before Tam left, Keefe decided to say something that would annoy Tam even more.

"I love youuuu!" Keefe singsonged just as Tam faded into the light. But not before Keefe saw him roll his eyes once more.


30 minutes later...

After Keefe perfectly styled each and every one of his luscious, blonde, curls he rushed to his room to get his backpack and started heading downstairs. As he was heading downstairs, he ran into a tall, slender, familiar, man. And this time, he was quite angry.

Dad... why is he so angry this time?!

Keefe tried to scoot passed him but Cassius placed his hand on Keefes shoulder. Keefe nervously looked up at him, knowing he was in big trouble. Could it have been about the plant? Or maybe about sneaking food into his room? Or maybe he noticed his light was still on late last night. Whatever it was, Keefe knew he was in trouble.

"So, Keefe." Lord Cassius started, making Keefe gulp from the tone within his voice. "Do you expect me to act like I didn't hear talking between two voices. Or maybe the fact that I heard random banging on your bedroom wall? Or perhaps the fact that I heard footsteps walking down the stairs in the middle of the night? Or no, the fact that early in the morning you two were bickering at eachother?! Listen Keefe, I don't know what's going on but you better let me know soon. Or else I'll have to find out myself. And trust me, if it is what I think it is, your punishment won't be pretty."

And without another word Cassius angrily shoved past Keefe and started walking to his room, leaving Keefe stunned and scared. 

He knew. His dad knew. Did he know Keefe was dating a boy? Keefe didn't know. But he sure would find out soon if Keefe didn't tell him. Shakily, he made his was downstairs and to the kitchen. But as he approached the kitchen, he found his appetite seemed to have disappeared and he wasn't hungry anymore. So instead of grabbing something to eat, he just walked towards the front door and opened it. Keefe got out his light leaping crystal and held it up to the light.. As he faded into the light,, he debated if whether  or not he should tell Tam the dreadful news that had hit them...

Word count: 1267


I am here. Not dead. Shocking, I know. But imagine being grounded.... Ah.... Totally couldn't be me. Ok basically my dad took away the device I usually write on so like yeah. That made me pretty unmotivated. But uhm it's here! And there's like 2 more chapter left of this book! So it's coming to an end! I just wanna say thank you for all the reads this book has gotten! It's honestly crazy how you guys just keep spawning. Like where are y'all coming from??? But anywayyy! Sorry for the absence, Ty for reading, and stay positive!!

And Cassius.. 😡🖕ur son is gay accept it bitch 🥱

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