All chapters will be in 3rd person POV unless I get a request to write ONE chapter in someone's POV.
Tam couldn't sleep. His mind was too busy thinking about something... Or a specific someone. His mind wouldn't shut up! Maybe he was just overthinking! Yeah... that could be the case. Just because he found himself blushing every time Keefe said something flirty didn't mean he liked him! Sophie blushed at Keefe, and She's dating Fitz!
Just go to sleep. It's fine. His mind said. But he found himself up for 2 more hours before he decided to get up and find something to do to occupy his brain.
Stupid, Stupid, Keefe.
Tam got up from out of his bed, careful not to make much noise. He wandered around his room for a couple of minutes before he found his sketchbook. He hadn't drawn in a while. Tam picked up the sketchbook that was lying in a basket on his shelf and flipped through the pages.
Linh, Linh, another Linh, Sophie, Dex, Wylie, Fitz, Biana, ANOTHER Linh, himself, Amy, ANOTHER LINH.
He hadn't drawn Keefe yet... No! SHUT UP! He hadn't drawn Marella yet, or Stina, or Maruca!
Tam sighed as he sat down and rubbed his temples. He flipped his sketchbook to an empty page and decided to draw Marella. He wasn't nearly as good as Keefe but, you could tell who he had tried to draw. Tam spent hours of putting as much detail as he could into the drawing. By the time he was finished it was... bright outside? He hadn't spent that long drawing, had he? Tam check his clock and it was 6:17?!?! His alarm went of it 13 minutes! Tam groaned as he bellyflopped onto his bed, deciding to get as much sleep as he could...
Tam practically punched his alarm.
"Shut up..." He grumbled. Tam laid in his bed for a few minutes before he got up, made his bed, brushed his teeth, and took a shower. Time moved on to the most important part of the day.
Styling his hair.
Tam first brushed out his hair, then he curled his bangs a bit, after that he added the signature Christophe Robin Hydrating Leave-in mist with aloe vera, to make sure his hair was nice and soft throughout the day, then to top off the style, he added the Holy Ghost mens gel, to make sure his hair stayed perfectly in place. BOOM! Hair was done. And it looked good.
Tam walked out of his bathroom and into his room. He found his backpack and started to pack up all his books he needed for his new year at Foxfire. He was nervous. He hadn't been in years. What if he got lost? What if people judged him, because he was a shade? Or a twin? Or maybe it was the fact that he got banished? But his friends would be there. They would be there for him...Right?
Tam pushed all thoughts away and continued packing his bag. While he was packing he found some hand moisturizer and decided to put it on. It smelled good. Kinda like, apple cinnamon or something like that. After Tam finished packing his bag, he walked Downstairs to greet Tiergan and Linh.
"Good Morning, Tam," Tiergan started. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good." Tam said. Which wasn't a complete lie. The 13 minutes of sleep he got was the best sleep he had ever gotten in his life. "How about you?"
"Good, Good. I made some breakfast! Feel free to dig in! There will be a lot of leftovers!"
"Thanks." Tam said as he plopped down next to Linh. He scooped up some yellow goop and put it in his plate. That's the cool thing about elvin food. It's always a surprise. The yellow goop tasted quite salty but it had a kick of spice which was pretty good. While he was eating he kept thinking about Foxfire. Why was he this nervous? He had been there before! And he usually could give a rat's 🍑 about what other people thought of him. It just had been so long...
Tam jumped as he turned towards Linh.
"Uh, well kind of. I just don't know how people will react. Like, we were banished."
"Okay.. now THAT is not the twin brother I know. Since when do care you about what other people think?!" Linh questioned.
Since Keefe.
"I don't know.. it's just been awhile."
Linh had a face of confusion on her face as it soon turned into a smirk. She got up from her seat and ran up to her room.
"Be right back!" She called down.
Linh came back downstairs with a radio and a CD in her hand.
"Remember when Sophie gave this to us because she found a song that reminded her of our story?" Linh asked.
"Uh, yeah, why?" Tam questioned.
"Just wait and see," Linh said as she plopped the radio onto the counter and she put in the CD. Soon the radio was blasting I don't care what they say by some weird human named Smokey. Linh took a pillow from the sofa and pretended to be slow dancing with it.
"Oh my god Linh." Tam said as he covered his face from embarrassment.
Linh did a couple of twirls and dips as she slow danced with the pillow.
Tiergan chuckled. "Now this is quite the scene."
Tam snorted as he rolled his eyes and tugged his bangs. "OKAY you can stop now Linh! Seriously!"
Linh chuckled as she turned off the radio and put the pillow back on the couch. She sat down next to Tam again.
"Now. What do you say?" Linh egged Tam on.
"Linh, I'm not a baby-"
"We'll you're acting like one! Now what do you say?"
"Oh my god. Fine. I don't care what they say." Tam said quietly.
"I don't care what they say!" Tam said. This time a bit louder.
"Even Louder!!"
"!" Tam said quite loudly as he rolled his eyes.
"That's my brother!" Linh exclaimed, Laughing as she finished the rest of her food. Tam joined in as well. Linh knows how to cheer him up and that's what he loves about her.
"Alrighty. Finish up your breakfast! You're gonna be late!" Tiergan warned.
Tam and Linh swallowed the last of their food and gulped down some orange juice. They grabbed their bags and doubled checked they had everything packed.
Ability Detecting, Check. Agriculture, Check. Alchemy, Check. Check, Check , Check.
Once both of them finished double checking they said goodbye to Tiergan.
"Bye Tiergan! Have a great day!" Linh said joyfully has she walked out the front door of Solreef. Tam just waved goodbye.
"Bye! Have a good day! Make smart choices!" Tiergan called out as the front door closed.
Tam got out his light leaping crystal as he held his sisters hand...
They were there. At Foxfire. Walking through the halls.
"Sooo, where do we start?" Linh asked.
"We should probably get our schedules first. We still have time so we can hang around after that."
"Okay! Lets go!" Linh said joyfully as she skipped towards the principles office. There was a huge Line of people waiting but after about 20 minutes, it cleared up and they were able to get their schedules on time.
"Names?" The vice principle asked.
"Tam and Linh Song." Tam answered.
The vice principle gave a "hm" sound as she dug through the papers.
" Parents are Mai and Quan Song? Past residents of Choralmere, and residents of Solreef?
"Yes." Tam answered.
The vice principle gave them their schedules as she called the next person.
"What do you have first, Tam?" Linh asked.
"Uh, let me check." Tam said as he fiddled around with the paper. "I have Alchemy first."
"Aw man. I have Elvin history... Anyways the bell is about to ring! We don't want to be late on our first day!" Linh said as she chuckled nervously.
"Okay. Meet me here at lunch just so I know where you are, okay?" Tam said. He wanted to make sure Linh was okay.
"Sheesh! Love me that much, Tam? How sweet!"
Yes, I love you that much.
Tam rolled his eyes. "Just be here."
"Okay, okay! See ya!" Linh said as she skipped towards her first class.
Tam wandered around Foxfire for a good 5 minutes. Cursing at himself for not bringing a map.
Real smart Tam! You go to the office to get your schedule and you could've gotten a map! Now you are going to be late on your first day! What a good impression!
Even though he could've easily asked someone where Alchemy was, he didn't. He didn't trust anyone here yet. After a couple more minutes, the bell rang as everyone rushed to their classes. And there he was. Walking around like an idiot.
At least no one gave him any sort of stares. It was just like he was a normal elf. He didn't have a twin. He didn't get banished. He wasn't a shade. It was like he blended right in. Or so he thought.
"BANGS BOY? IS THAT YOU?" Said an extremely familiar, annoying voice.
Tam slowly turned around to be face to face with the one and only Keefe Sencen.
Word Count: 1489
Hiii! I know this may be a bit bad but now that Keefe is here it'll be more exciting! I had a fun time writing this and I hope you had a fun time reading this! I'm open for suggestions and criticism! Thanks for reading! <3
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