Chapter 5: Hostage

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Tsu blinked her eyes open.  Her fuzzy vision slowly coming back into focus as she took in her surroundings.  She was in a very dark room, the only source of light was a small lightbulb above her head that created a small pocket of light in a void of darkness.  The only things in the room were the chair she was chained to and a small table with her purse and belongings.  Her head was pounding as she tried to make sense of what happened.

I was going to get some mochi with Tokoyami and now I'm- TOKOYAMI!

The thought of him instantly brought her back.  

Tokoyami.... I hope they didn't get to you too

Tsu was crying now, her thoughts only of her crush.  She had finally confessed her feelings to him and somehow by the grace of god he reciprocated them.  She thought back to the kiss they shared right before she was taken.  Right before the darkness swallowed her up and she watched the light that was Tokoyami fade.  She still smiled though.  The happiness Tokoyami gave her.  The way his love made her feel was enough to overpower the sadness of the current situation.  If anything, it gave her strength and hope.

I must get back to my love, but how?

Tsu was scanning the room looking for something, ANYTHIING, that could get her out of this mess, but what was there?  She could only see darkness in every direction.  

This is hopeless.  I don't even know where the door is, if there is one

She spoke to soon as the door suddenly flew open, revealing Tomura Shigaraki.  Asui expected him to be here,  as she could tell it was Kurogiri of the League of Villains who was responsible for her capture.  She remembered the last time she went through one of his portals and ended up being sent to the shipwreck zone of the USJ along with Midoriya and Minetta

"What do you want with me?"

Asui demanded to the villian

"I don't want anything to do with you Tsuyu Asui"

Shgaraki chuckled

"You're just the key to getting Fumigake Tokoyami"

He was now cackling like a stereotypical bad guy.

Tsu felt something come over her she never felt before


Tsu yelled at him crying now at the thought of her crush being taken from her by the league

"Oooooo such passion.  Young love at it's finest.  Don't worry.  Once we have Dark Shadow we will kill both you together so you can continue your love Romeo and Juliet style!"

Shigaraki was doubled over laughing so hard and it sounded like he was having trouble breathing.  

"Anyway, just wanted to let you think of your last words to say to your prince charming."

And with that, he left Tsu to wallow in her despair.

Except she wasn't in despair  She is a hero, she is Froppy, and when she can't keep going, she has to go beyond.


She got back to thinking of how she could get out of here and warn Tokoyami.  She grabbed her purse with her tongue and went through her stuff trying to find something that would help.  They almost certainly took her cell phone and her weapons, but it was worth a shot because she had dealt with some pretty lazy villains before.  Sure enough, all that she had left was a tube of chapstick, some coins, a bobby pin, a random receipt , and her leftover half sandwich from lunch. 

Dang nothing useful.  I  could maybe see if the coins are sharp enough- WAIT A BOBBY PIN!

Tsu had lots of practice picking locks with a hairpin.  You wouldn't believe how many times her younger siblings locked them out of the bathroom. But she had never used her tongue before.  

It took some practice but after a few attempts, Tsu finally managed to free herself from her chains.  She remembered where the door was and after stumbling in the dark, she found the handle, but it was locked.

Gotta get them to open this door for me. But how? Oh I got it!

Tsu bent over and screted her toxic mucus everywhere on the floor. She was super loud and over the top with it to attract as much attention as possible.  Then she covered her hands and feet with it to take out the guards.


Someone was banging on the door


Tsu heard one of the villains yelled through the door

"I just threw up everywhere and it's kind of gross.  You might want to come clean this up"

She shouted back, hiding in the corner ready to strike

"Ok but no funny business"

The villain said as Tsu heard him unlocking the door

"Allright now what did you say you d-"

Tsu jumped from the shadows into a flying side kick.  Her toxic mucus paralyzing his body as he crumbled to the floor. 

"How do I get out of here"

she yelled raising her fist in his face

"D-Down the hall and to the right"

The villain mumbled in pure shock 

Tsu took off down the hallway towards freedom.  Towards Tokoyami, the love of her life.  

I'm coming Tokoyami.  I love you

 There were no alarms going off yet so she decided to be as stealthily as possible, and climbed on the celling to avoid detection.  Eventually she came to a big door guarded by a bunch of thugs, maybe seven or eight.  

No way around them.  Gotta go through them

She used her tongue to pick up one of the guards and threw him, knocking down two more like bowling pins.  She did another flying side kick to close the distance and jumped off the guys face to avoid a punch.  Tsu was in her element, moving through the villains and avoiding punches while landing her own.  She picked up some new combat tricks after Uraraka gave her the same lessons she learned from her Gun Head internship.  After delivering a fierce spinning heel kick to finish of a guard, there was only one guy left.  He stared at his fallen comrades ether not moving or groaning in pain and decided he didn't want to join them.  He took off running but Tsu wasn't showing any mercy today.  They kidnapped her and threatened Tokoyami. She grabbed the villain around the waist and yanked him towards her.  She ducked under his haymaker and secured a rear bodylock, then arching her hips, she threw the villain straight into the ground in a perfect suplex.  

Wiping the dust off her clothes, she turned to the big door but it was smashed open by a giant hand made of shadow and a boy with the head of a crow stepped into the compound. Their eyes met and Tsu melted when she saw those eyes staring right at her with concern and worry but also extreme happiness.  She felt tears well up in her eyes.



They ran into each other's arms Tokoyami lifting her up and spinning her around before they shared a passionate kiss.  Tokoyami wanted to hold her forever and keep kissing him but Tsu quickly pushed him away.

"We have to get out of here Tokoyami, the League wants to take Dark Shadow from you"

Tsu shouted tugging at his arm trying to get him to leave.

"Well well well.  Everything turned out exactly as I predicted again" an eerie voice cut through the air.

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