Chapter 3: Is This A Date?

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All Tsu could think about was that night Tokoyami played his guitar for her.  She would smile so wide and her cheeks would turn pink remembering how beautiful his playing was.  It was almost dinner time and Tsu was finishing up some homework.  Well maybe more like trying to finish.  She kept getting distracted, her thoughts only of the lonely bird boy in the corner.

Since when did I start thinking so much about Tokoyami?  He's just a friend.  I don't think of him in any other way..... Do I?

She also found herself stealing glances at him, even right now. He looked so calm and peaceful.  Standing in the corner alone like always, his eyes always reading the same blank stare he gave everyone.  You never knew what he was thinking.  She never realized how good looking he was.  His feathers glistened in the sun, his chiseled muscles popping out of a metal band T-shirt, his soft red eyes that never made her afraid.  If anything quite the opposite.  Tsu realized just how much she loved looking into his eyes.  So much in fact that she didn't notice those eyes were looking right back at her!

Quickly she blushed and turned away but it was too late.  Tokoyami was already heading towards her!


 1 Hour Earlier

Tokoyami lay sprawled out on his bed, his hands covering his face.  He was so angry and confused.  

Why am I still thinking about Tsu? I played a few songs for her a few nights ago and that was it.  We've hung out alone before, so why did this time feel so different?

He hated this feeling.  He absolutely hated it.  He knew relationships were pointless and stupid.  It's why he had no parents.  Come to think of it, he never really had a family.  Dark Shadow had been his only true companion throughout his entire life.  Especially in the hero world, having that kind of tether to someone could only be a weakness a villain could exploit.  He didn't need anyone.  He had Dark Shadow, and he will always be with him.  More importantly, the creature would never break his heart or abandon him like a girl most certainly would.  Tokoyami was used to being alone, and because of his bird face, he never thought a girl would ever find him attractive.  He never had a problem being alone and never thought of girls before, so when all he could think about was Tsu and her beautiful big eyes, it made him so angry.


"It's called having a crush stupid"

Dark Shadow teased as Tokoyami let out a sign

"I don't have a crush.  You know this better than anyone.  Plus, Tsu is just a friend"

Tokoyami replied

"You just said yourself you've never felt like this before.  You haven't been able to stop thinking about her since she came over to our room that one night"

Dark Shadow was now laughing as he flew around the room

"C'mon! you know you want to see her again.  And you want to do more than just talk"

Dark Shadow delivered that last line with a wink.

"What else could I possibly want to do with her" 

Grunted Tokoyami

"You know you want to hold her hand, and cuddle her close to you, maybe kiss her a lit-"

Dark Shadow couldn't finish as Tokoyami started throwing pillows and whatever he could at the beast.

"I've had enough of you I'm going to dinner"

Tokoyami snorted as he summoned Dark Shadow back.  As he headed towards the common room however he couldn't help but realize Dark Shadow was right about everything and why it caused him to push his buttons so much.  He really did want to hold Tsu's hand and ask her about her day was.  He wanted to hold her close and feel the warmth of her body.  And most importantly, he definitely wanted to kiss her.  He slapped himself and shook his head.

No. No feelings, no relationships, no nothing.  I'm gonna graduate and be a hero and-

He went his favorite spot in the corner of the room repeating the line to himself over and over trying to clear his head.  After a few minutes he felt a tap on his shoulder.  He turned around to see Mina Ashido standing way too close to him with a devilish grin on her face

"Don't look now, but Tsu has totally been staring at you for the past five minutes" 

Ashido whispered while poking him.  Tokoyami blushed and his gaze shifted to Tsu.  Sure enough, she was sitting on the couch and they locked eyes for a minute before she blushed and turned away.

Wait, is there a possibility she actually likes me back?

Tokoyami thought to himself as his face turned redder and redder.  


Ashido squealed as she clasped her hands together jumping up and down on her toes.

"Well don't be a wuss get over there Casanova" 

Tokoyami felt himself lurch foward as Ashido pushed him in the direction of Tsu. 

There's no way Asui likes me back.  And even if she did, it's not like he would do anything with her.  No feelings no relationships remember?  Ashido obviously wouldn't stop bothering him unless he went and talked to her so he decided he would go over there and just talk about heroes or their internships or class or literally anything just to get Ashido to shut up.  

As he approached Asui, she became very red and shifted in her seat.  

This is odd.  I've never gotten this reaction from any other girl before 

"Hello Asui"

Tokoyami said, his hand shaking as he rubbed the back of his feathered head.  

"Hi Tokoyami" 

Tsu muttered not even able to look him in the eyes.  Her cheeks were as red as beets.  

"So uh, how is your work study going?"

Tsu couldn't think of anything better to say.  She was too busy trying to contain her heart from exploding out of her chest.  

Why must Ashido focus her efforts on embarrassing people and forcing them into relationships.  As much as I would love one with Tsu.  Wait... Did I really just say that to myself?  Am I actually considering a relationship with Tsu? 

Tokoyami felt a hand on his shoulder


That snapped him back

"Y-Yeah sorry what did you say Tsu?"

"How is your work study going?"

Tsu said laughing at how lost the boy seemed to be

"Oh its going really good.  Hawks is pushing me really hard and it's very difficult to please him, but I am becoming a greater hero every day. How bout yourself?"

They talked for awhile about work studies and finals, and when they finished with one topic, they easily could transition to a new topic.  Tokoyami never realized how easy it was for him to talk to Tsu despite how nervous he was.  They talked all throughout dinner, Ashido constantly flashing him smirks and even pulled some strings to force Tsu and Tokoyami to sit next to each other at the table.  Tokoyami was drying dishes when Tsu came back up to him.

"Hey Tokoyami, would you want to maybe grab some desert?"

She was crossing her arms shyly and looked away for a sec.  Tokoyami thought she was so cute.

"Yeah sure, let me just grab my coat"

Tokoyami said as he headed for the door.  Soon, the frog and the raven were walking side by side under the moonlight.  Both too nervous to say anything to each other.  The darkness covered both of their blushes.

"Say Tokoyami"

Tsu finally said breaking the silence

"What's your opinion on relationships"

Tsu was always speaking her mind and she was rare to hide away from her emotions.  But she  couldn't confess her love to Tokoyami just yet.

That's easy, I have never loved before and I will never love ever

"I dunno, I guess I'm just waiting for the right person"

Tokoyami mumbled


"I want someone I can talk to and just be with.  Someone who won't judge me or abandon me like everyone else has.  Someone who makes me happy just being in their presence.  Someone just like you"


He turned away from her and put his face in his hands. Tsu was blushing mad now and her heart soared realizing the boy of her dreams had mutual feelings.  She pried his hands away from his face and turned his cheek so he was looking at her.  She wasn't normally one to make the first move but this felt right and she knew how strong her feelings were.

"Well it just so happens that I feel the same way ribbit" 

Tsu whispered as she got on her tiptoes and kissed him. 

Tokoyami felt something erupt in his chest as the biggest smile he ever made broke out across his face. He looked down at her and pulled her in for another kiss.  They broke apart and continued walking side by side.  Tokoyami felt Tsu grab his hand and any previous thoughts of not wanting a relationship were erased from his brain.  He stopped walking for a minute as an important question entered his mind.  

"Tsu..... is this a date?"

Tsu looked at him with a hint of worry

"I didn't plan on it when I first asked you ribbit.... but do you want it do be one?"

Tokoyami gave her another huge smile

Since when did he smile so much? Heck, since when did he even smile?

Tsu thought blushing to herself

"Yes, I'd like that very much" 

Tokoyami said as he closed his eyes and leaned in for another kiss


His eyes shot open in alarm as he saw a black and purple portal collapsing in on Tsu, her eyes wide with fear and her arm outstretched reaching for him.  He immediately recognized it as the warp quirk of the villain Kurogiri.


Tokoyami yelled reaching out for her as dark shadow shot ahead and tried to get to her before the portal closed, but it was too late.  Dark Shadow swiped at air as the portal disapeared and Tsu was gone.  Tokoyami collapsed on the sidewalk and cried.  His first love in his hands but she disappeared as quickly as he found her.  He was at a loss for what to do.  Should he go to the police? Should he tell the UA teachers now or wait till tomorrow morning?  He was pacing around back and forth when he accidentally kicked something in the grass. A hologram, similar to the one UA sent him with the message that he had been accepted, began to load.  He cold see a man wearing long black clothes with blue hair and hands covering his face and arms.  Tokoyami remembered the man from the USJ attack. Tomura Shgaraki, the current leader of the League of Villains now that All for One was imprisoned.

"Hello Fumigake Tokoyami" 

Shigaraki said while flashing him an evil grin.

"It's been awhile hasn't it"

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