Zayn Imagine *requeted*

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Zayn Imagine for @salms_g_1d

"Are you ready for tonight babe?" Zayn asked from the bathroom, "Of course, I mean what's better than music and drinking?" Zayn and I were invited to a party that Harry was throwing, and his parties were always over the top. Someone was always hooking up or getting overly drunk, you never knew what to expect really, but that's what made it so much fun. "Haha, right. Well, I think we should get ready. You can change in the guest bedroom." Zayn said smiling, and you left his room.

You had a little crush on Zayn but you didn't pay much attention to it, he had a girlfriend, plus you were friends. Even though he had a girlfriend, you wanted to impress him immensely. Zayn called you a tease a few times and that's just what you were planning on doing tonight. You knew exactly what he liked and what he didn't, so you planned your Outfit. accordingly

"Salms, are you ready? We're gonna be late!" Zayn called from the living room, "I'm coming, relax!" You walked out the bedroom and Zayn's mouth dropped. "You" You smirked knowing this is what you wanted from him, it was only a matter of time until he was all over you. "Thanks love, you don't look so bad yourself" you said biting your lip and walked out the door. You were in the car driving to Harry's flat, you could see from the corner of your eye that Zayn was staring at you. "May I help you Mr. Malik?" "Uh.. I- I don't know what you're talking about." He said knowing he was caught. "I think you should take a picture, it will last longer babe" you laughed and he reached over to touch your knee, "You really do look beautiful Salma" "Stop with the sweet talk, just drive" You knew what you were doing to him and it felt pretty good. You arrive at Harry's house and he was already making you take shots with him. Harry gave you a cheeky smile, "You look so sexy. Dance with me" before you could give an answer he had you by your waist, grinding on you, leaving light kisses on your neck. Between the all the shots you took and Harry grinding on you, you forgot about Zayn. You concentrated on Harry and the movement of your hips. While you were dancing you had your eyes closed, enjoying what he was doing to you. You opened your eyes and saw Zayn and his girlfriend dancing together. Zayn wasn't even paying attention to her; he was just staring at you, like he wanted to kill Harry. This is what you wanted, so you decided to make it more interesting. You turned around so you were facing Harry. You made it so there was no space between you; you were chest to chest. Harry looked down at you and lifted your chin; he kissed you hard, grabbing your waist to deepen the kiss. You raised your hands to put them around his neck, but before you could do that, Zayn was pulling you away from Harry. He opened the front door and slammed it when you both were outside. He was fuming, and you found it hot and funny. He took a step closer to you and grabbed your face, "What the fuck was that Lorena! You and Harry were practically having s*x in there! Are you dumb?!" you pushed away his hands and took a step back, "Why do you even care? You have a girlfriend! So please stop worrying about what I do, just go back inside with your little girlfriend. I'm sure she's wondering what you're doing out here." At first this was a joke to you, you just wanted to live up to the "tease" Zayn thought you were, but now it was more than that. It hurt because you had these feelings for him and he had a girlfriend. Your feelings for him didn't hit you hard until now, thanks to the alcohol. Why did he even care what I did if he was with someone else? Zayn interrupted your thoughts and grabbed your waist pulling you to him, "What are you doing?" you asked confused, "What I should done a long time ago..." and with that he kissed you passionately. You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, deepening the soft kiss. "Why did you do that?" you pulled away from the kiss, "I needed to. When I saw Harry all over you, I don't know, I guess I got jealous. I knew I had feelings for you, and seeing that happen brought them out. When you walked out the room earlier, my god, I just wanted to push you back in the room and attack you." You were blushing and laughing, "Salma, I want to be with you. You make me extremely happy and I love being with you. I know she's in there right now, but I will end it as soon as I go in the house if it means, you'll be mine." You couldn't stop smiling, "Get in there then Malik!" you both laughed, he grabbed your hand, gave you a kiss and went back into the house. Zayn took his (ex) girlfriend outside and told her the news. You waited for him and Harry came from behind, "You ready to finish what we started love?" You turned around and Zayn walked over to you and kissed your cheek, "Sorry mate, she's taken!" By the end of the night, you and Zayn were having an amazing time, dancing, drinking, and laughing. Harry was dancing with one of your close friends, and soon enough they were snogging.


hey! this is a new update for Salma hope you like it... It was awkward to write.

And Oh my god I have +30k. reads!! That's so cool :D thank you all so much!

170 VOTES!•

Story Time:

This is where I write about what's going on in my life and things you might want to know. Or not. So if you don't care just scroll to the bottom and hit the 'Vote' button!

The reason why I didn't update sooner was because our wifi kinda broke so we had to get a new one and here I am again annoying the hell out of ya ;)

Tomorrow in sports, me and my class are going to the pool and let me tell you this I hate swimming!
Don't get me wrong I do go to the pool in Summer but most of the time i just fool around in the water. 3 reasons I don't wanna go:

1. It's freaking NOVEMBER who the hell goes swimming in November?!!!??? It's soooooo cold outside like 3 degrease Celsius!!!!! Who wants to go swimming??

2. The embarrassment. My whole damn class is there! What if I fall over? what if I drown? What if I DIE????

3. We have to wear those swimming hat thingies, those things in plastic so your hair doesn't get wet. Yeah, we have to wear that!

Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. thanks for reading. I'm sure maybe 1 or 2 read the whole thing and the others were like 'What is she talking about?' and switched pages...

Yeah... I'll tell you more stories next time! if you want!


~Question of the day~

Your thoughts about the SOML music video?

have a great night!
Love you all,
Z. 🌼

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