°°° In love with your BFF.°°°

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In love with your BFF


You knock on the door, waiting patiently for Niall to open it. "Niall!" You say, hugging him. "(Y/N)!" He says. "It's so good to see you! I got some movies to watch." You walk inside and plop down on the couch as Niall pulls out the popcorn and puts in the movie. He plops down next to you. You watch a horror movie, as usual. This one was scarier than normal, so you watched intently, jumping every now and then. When it got to an abnormaly scary part, you started whimpering. "Aww, are you scared?" Niall asks. "No!" You protest. "C'mere." He says, holding out his arms for you. You accept his offer, hiding your face in his shoulder. You smell his sharp cologne and hear him munching away at the popcorn and your heart melts. You jump up. "Niall, I... I have to go! Um... see you soon!" You say, rushing out the door. What were you thinking. You couldn't spend time with him... you just fell so much more in love. You got a message from Niall: "Where'd you run off to?!", but you ignored it. For the next two weeks you ignored his texs (22 total, but who's counting) and his messages (10). You always thought of him. Through school, through your chores, through everything. You were crying about it again when suddenly there was a knock o your door. "I got it!" You yell, tears still rolling down your face. You open the door to see a tall-ish blonde Irshman, with stunning blue eyes. "(Y/n)!" He shouts. You step outside, shutting the door behind you. You felt so fragile right now. Like if you talked, you would break. "I was so worried! You wouldn't an- You've been crying!" He exclaims, wiping away a tear. "What happened?" You stay silent. "Say something!" He pleads. "I- I love you." You say, studying your shoes. You look him right in his ocean-blue eyes. You couldn't read his expression, but you were sure you didn't want to. "I'm in love with you. I have been for the longest time. Everyone knows." You feel the tears start again. "I love the way you laugh when I have a blonde moment. I love the way your eyes twinkle when you play guitar. I love it when you sing songs to me. I love it when you watch movies with me. But I can't go through with this because you don't feel the same way. I... I'm just your best friend. I always will be. I'm sorry I get jealous sometimes... it's just... sometimes... I get worried that someone will be able to make you happier than I can... And... I just can't go through will this Niall." He just looks at you, still an unreadable expression. You bite your lip, tears streaming down your face. You turn around and turn the door handle. He grabs you wrist. "Wait..." He says softly. "I... had no idea..." "That was the point, Niall. This is what I was trying to avoid. Rejection. Because I kn-" He grabs your face and pulls you in, kissing you sweetly. "I... I don't know what to say..." You say, looking at him. "Then listen." He says. "I'M in love with YOU. I have been since day one. When I saw your beautiful face at the CD signing, when you tripped over the chair..." he laughs at the memory. "The point is, I love it when you get scared. I love it when I get to hold you. I love it when you laugh at my jokes. I love it when you help me with my music. I love it when you listen to me. I love it when you talk. I love it when you eat with me. I love it when you obsess over something, I love it when you're being you. I'm so in love with you, (y/n)." He says. "N..niall...." You say, pecking his lips, a smile spreading across your face. "I've wanted this for so long."


"(Y/n), slow down!" Harry yells after you. "No can do Harold." You shrug, laughing as he tries to keep up with you. You were having a swimming race in the pool, and you were beating him by a full lap. You wait for him at the end of the pool as he groans in defeat. "I win!" You squeal. Harry shoots you a nasty look. You splash him with water. "Hey, lighten up!" you say. "You're right." He says, pushing your shoulders down, dunking you completely underwater. He's laughing when you get up. When you get out, you can't help but admire his tanned abs and perfectly formed V-line. Even if he was wearing those ugly swim trunks, he made them work. He looks up and catches you staring. "What?" You ask. "You want some of this?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. You laugh, throwing your towel at him. "I didn't hear a no..." He points out. You roll your eyes. "Let's go, Styles." You say, walking to his car. He runs to catch up to you. "Wait, don't get my seats wet!" He says. When you get to his flat, you tell him you're going to change. "Aww, do you have to?" He asks. You look down at your purple two piece. "Yeah, I do." You say, happy that Harry thinks you look good enough in it. You've always liked Harry, even before you knew him. From your "obsessive fangirl days", even though you still had those moments every now and then. It was just, to you, Harry wasn't the great "Harry Styles". He was just Hazza. Styles. Harold. Harry. "Fine." He says grumpily. "I gotta change, too." He says, putting an arm around your waist. He shoots you a cheeky grin, but you make not attempt to remove his arm. When you walk into the bathroom with Harry's Ramones shirt and a pair of your sweat pants, Harry walks in with you. "Out." You say, smirking at the cheeky boy. "Whhhhyyy?" He whines. "Go on, Hazz!" You say, shooing him out. When you walk out, he's pouting. "What?" you ask, hugging him. "Why didn't you let me in?" He asks. "You can't see me naked!" You protest. "And don't ask 'Why not?'. Look Harry, I might be in love with you, but-" You hand goes to your mouth, realizing what you just said. "What?" He asks. "N...nothing...." You say. "You're in love with me?" He asks. "Yes! Okay, in love with you. Now will you shut the heck up about it?" "I can't! My best friend tells me their in love with me, when I've been waiting for years to hear that, and she tells me to shut up!" "You've been waiting for me to say that?" "Of course! I think about you all the time, (y/n). You're all I've ever wanted. You're pretty sure your mouth is on the floor. "Harry..." You say. He grabs you waist, pulling you closer. "I am so truly, madly, deeply in love with you..." He's close enough, now, that you can feel his warm breath. He pecks your lips. "(Y/n), will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks. You nod, kissing him again.


You were sitting on your couch, blanket wrapped around you as you watched 'The Hunger Games'. It was just getting to the part where the tributes are riding in the chariots when someone knocked on the door. Your eyebrows furrowed as you checked the time. It was almsot ten, who would be knocking on your door at ten? You paused the dvd and stood up, dropping the blanket on the couch as you walked over, unlocking your door and opening it a crack before opening it properly. "What's wrong?" You asked Louis, your best friend. "Nothing." He said. You let him into your flat, shutting the door and locking it again before following him to your living room. Shifting the blanket so you could both sit down. "Are you sure nothings wrong?" You asked. He nodded, plastering a fake smile on his face. You could tell when he was lying, when he was faking a smile, but you left it, throwing the blanket back over you and making sure it covered Louis this time. "I'm watching the hunger games. You staying to watch it with me?" You asked. "Yeah." He smiled, pulling you closer to him as you pressed play on the remote. You both sat, watching it until it was almost at the end. You felt like Louis was watching you so you looked up, seeing Louis staring back down at you. He leant in, his lips pressing against yours, and without thinking you kissed him back. "No." You shook your head after pulling away. "Louis what're you doing? You've got Eleanor." You sighed, not looking at him. "We broke up." He answered as if it was normal and he pulled your face back to his, attaching his lips to yours again. As much as you wanted to kiss back, you didn't, you pulled away. "Louis stop it. You can't just kiss me because you two broke up. If you really miss her y-" "No, Y/N i broke up with her. I broke up with her because i love you." He said. "I love you, Y/N." He whispered. You bit your lip, looking up into his eyes. "I love you to." You murmured, Louis leaning down and capturing your lips with his. "I'm glad." He mumbled, smiling against your lips.


Today was a surprisingly sunny day in London. So you were in shorts and a tank top and were out with Liam getting ice cream. "What kind?" Liam asks, looking at the different kinds of ice cream. "I'll stick with vanilla." You said, pointing to the vanilla ice cream. "I'll get strawberry." Liam smiled, looking at the man behind the till and telling him what you wanted. After Liam insisted on paying, he handed the man his money and took the two tubs of ice cream, handing you yours. "Thanks." You smiled, taking the small tub of ice cream from his hand. As you were walking out of the shop, you heard whistling from behind you. "Ignore it." Liam whispered. So you did, but the whistling continued, so you spun around, Liam turning around and eyeing the boys. The three boys smirked, walking towards you and Liam. "Hey babe." The blond one said and you rolled your eyes. They continued to flirt with you, you not really listening, just rolling your eyes. When the blond one called you sexy and commented on you having nice legs, Liam shot him daggers. "Let's go." He said, about to lead you away. "And who are you?" The blond's friend asked. "Her boyfriend." Liam spat, you were shocked, but managed to hide it as not to let the boys see he was lying. His hand fell on the small of your back as he lead you away from the three boys. You both walked, no one saying anything. You threw your tub in the bin after finishing your ice cream, Liam doing the same and you both stayed silent as you continued to walk to a park. "Liam, why'd you say that?" You asked, stopping. "What?" He asked, "C'mon, to the park." Liam said, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the park. "No, Liam tell me why you said that." You said, pulling your arm free of Liam's grip and stopping on the grass. "What?" He asked again. "Why did you tell them you were my boyfriend?" You asked. "Oh. Right. Because i want to be your boyfriend." He muttered, but you didn't hear him. "What?" You were the one to ask this time. "I want to be your boyfriend." He said louder, looking at the ground. "Liam." You said softly. He didn't answer, instead continue staring at the ground. You sighed, a smile forming on your lips, "Liam. You should have said something sooner." His head snapped up, and you laughed. "Wha-" Rolling your eyes, you flung your arms around his neck, crashing your lips onto his. He smiled, kissing you back. "Is that a yes? I'm your boyfriend?" He asked, resting his forehead on yours. "Yes. You're my boyfriend. And i'm your girlfriend." You smiled, pecking his lips.


You're sitting in your flat with your best friends. You were celebrating your birthday, but instead of going out you decided it would be nice to just stay in, considering if you went out you would all get mobbed. So quiet was good. You's were all talking, music playing from the t.v and you saw Danielle and Liam whispering. Ignoring it, you turned to face Harry, continuing your conversation. "Guys, let's give Y/N her presents now." Danielle said. "Yeah, present time!" Harry declared. You smiled, looking at everyone scrambling to get their presents. You knew what Harry and Niall had got you because you had been with them when they bought your present and you could guess what Danielle and Liam had got you, and what Louis and Eleanor had got you. After getting your presents which were jewellery or clothes or perfume, the boys all looked at Zayn and smirked, while the girls were looking at him with a huge smile on their faces. "Where's your present?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrow. "Yeah?" Harry raised his eyebrows. Zayn just shrugged, "It's a surprise. I'm gonna give it to her when you all leave." "But we're going to dinner later, so why not now?" Niall asked. "Leave him alone." Eleanor said, giving Zayn's shoulder a pat. "Yeah, i don't like surprises." You whined, pouting at Zayn. "Please?" You gave him your puppy dog face. "Fine, but don't laugh." He mumbled. "Why would i laugh?" You furrowed your eyebrows watching as Zayn moved to get the present. He only shrugged, sitting beside you with his sketchpad. You watched as he flipped through it, pictures of random things, a few of him and the boys and he stopped on a page somewhere in the middle of the book. Turning it so you could see, it was a picture of you, a really good one. "You drew this." You said, taking the sketchpad from his hands. "Yeah." He said. "This is amazing." You commented. "It's not all i got you, but i forgot to lift your other present." He mumbled. You shook your head, "Can i keep it?" "Of course, i drew it for you." You carefully ripped the page from the sketchpad, handing the book back to Zayn as you walked into the kitchen. "For now it goes here." You said to yourself, putting it on the fridge. You'd frame it, but you couldn't right now. Turning around, you walked into Zayn. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Like it? I love it. I'm gonna frame it." You told him and he smiled, "How'd you do it but. I mean, you got every detail." "It was easy-" "You got every detail." "Like i said. It's easy when your in love-" He quickly cut himself off, his hand clamping over his mouth. "Wait. Did you just say your in love, with me?" You asked. He blushed and nodded, "I'm sorry if that just made everything awkward." "It just made what i'm about to do easier." You said before tip toeing and smashing your lips against his. "What're you guys doing in he- Oh, never mind." You heard Niall. You both pulled back, laughing and following your Irish friend into the living room. "They were kissing!" Niall yelled, pointing to you and Zayn.

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