°°°A song on the New Album reminds him of you.°°°

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A Song on the New Album reminds him of You.

Harry: Half a Heart.

You because you truly are his other half. You understand him better than anyone and when you're not around, he doesn't feel whole. The two of you often say things that you don't mean in the heat of an argument, but you always manage to make up. When he's away, you sleep with his sweater and he's always whining to the boys about how much he misses you. You simply can't be without one another, and you're far too much in love to let him go.

Liam: Through The Dark.

Liam is quite possibly the most selfless person you've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He puts all of your needs before his own, even when you insist that it's not necessary. Your happiness is all that matters to him and when you're upset, he won't rest until there's a smile lighting up your face. He is always there for you, and will do anything to make you feel special and loved.

Louis: Happily.

It's not a surprise that Louis doesn't care about what anybody thinks, especially when it comes to you. You're his girl, the light of his life and he doesn't understand why people try and take that away from him. All he wants is to be with you for the rest of his life, happily, with no breakup rumors or people shoving cameras in both of your faces. He's grateful for the fame, but sometimes he just wants to leave it all behind and go somewhere with you.

Niall: Better Than Words.

It's fun, carefree and silly, just like your relationship. This reminds Niall of you because it basically just goes on and on about how wonderful his girl is, how much they're crazy about each other. Your love is just that: better than words. There's no way to describe the way he feels about you, except through this song.

Zayn: You & I.

Sometimes it feels like the world is against you and Zayn, what with people doubting your relationship and saying that you're ruining his career by tying him down. The distance makes it even worse, and it definitely puts a strain on both of you, but at the end of the day, it's nothing. Nobody fights harder than Zayn, and he will do anything to make you stay until the very end.

(A/N); Hello (:

Tell me what is/are your favorite song(s) on the new album?

Mine are Half a heart, You & I, Strong, Little white lies and Midnight Memories, Through the Dark and Alive...

Actually I love all the song they are so perfect. hihihi!💕🎶

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-Z ❤

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