#101: New Zealand Vacation

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Harry: "Look at you, you're shaking like a leaf" Harry laughed as you pulled up to Abel Tasman park. You were nervous, no questions asked. "Well, do you expect me to be cool as a cucumber when I'm jumping 16,500 feet out of an airplane?" you asked, giving him a dirty look. "That's true, if you were relaxed you'd probably be psychotic" he laughed, giving you a kiss on the cheek. The car stopped and you two suited up before getting into the little airplane that was going to take you up and past the clouds. "Have you ever skydived before?" the pilot asked. You shook your head. "Don't worry, you'll be fine" your instructor Kevin said. Harry's instructor Mike gave the thumbs up. You nodded, and Harry pulled you into a hug. "Alright, we're ready to go" the pilot called, and Kevin instructed you how to jump. "I don't want to" you said, clinging on to the side of the plane. You were terrified, you wanted to go back down with the plane. Harry took your hands and looked at you. "I would never let you do anything that I thought could hurt you. I will protect you, always. Trust me" he whispered, and you nodded. You both jumped and you felt the sensation of falling hit you. You grabbed Kevin's hand, and he took you over to where Harry was falling. You saw the excitement in his eyes and it got you excited. The whole fall lasted about five minutes, and you were having a blast. When you landed, Harry gave you a big kiss and told you he was proud of you for conquering your fear.

Zayn: "There should be more hot springs in England" you sighed, letting your body be consumed by the water. Zayn was standing in the water, and he smiled at you. "Don't get too comfortable, we need to leave in a few minutes for our spa treatments" he smiled. "Right right" you said, feeling like you were going to fall asleep. You were in Hanmer Springs, enjoying the hot spring before going to your couples massage. Zayn had booked you in the spa together all day long, and to say you were excited was a bit of an understatement. "Alright boo, we should go" he sighed, and you stood up. He brought you your towel, and you both headed for the spa across the deck. You walked into the spa and there were two women standing in the doorway. "Hi, I'm Karen and this is Sarah and we're going to be taking care of you today" they smiled. You smiled back as they handed you and Zayn robes. You went into the change rooms, got them on and then went back out. Zayn had planned the day, and it started off with a full body massage. For a full hour, you laid holding Zayn's hand as Sarah massaged your entire body. Next was an 'Alpine Aqua Body Experience', which you and Zayn also did together. This was too ex-foliate and moisturise. As if that wasn't enough, Zayn also booked you both in for facials. Finally, you had a manicure and pedicure while Zayn got you dinner. He practically carried you back to your room and brought you your dinner in bed. "Best. Day. Ever." you sighed, and Zayn kissed your forehead before you fell asleep.

Liam: "How's your lunch, love?" Liam asked you across the table. You looked up from you dinner and smiled. "Delicious" you replied. You were enjoying a late lunch with Liam before you went on a Pakiri Beach sunset horse back ride. You were excited to get up on the horse, and Liam was excited too. You finished up your meal and you both went for your car. It was a twenty minute drive to the beach, and you were just getting more and more excited. Liam pulled up and there were three horses on the beach alongside a blonde lady. You both got out of the car and waved, and she smiled to you. "Hi my name is Kathy, I will be taking you out today" she said sweetly. "Hi, I'm Y/N and this is Liam" you said, pointing to him. "Lovely to meet you both. This is Peanut and this is Des" she said, pointing to the horses you two were riding. You smiled and Liam waved. "So, which one would you prefer?" Kathy asked, and you looked at Liam. "Well, I'll take the riskier one I suppose" he laughed, and you hugged his arm. "You should ride Des, though there won't be an issue with either of them" she laughed. "What's your horses name?" you asked, as she went to help you get on Peanut. "Mohawk" she laughed, as you hopped up on the saddle. Liam got up with ease, and you were off. You rode alongside each other, looking out as the sun set over the beach. "This is beautiful" you smiled. "I know" he whispered in agreement, and you turned to him. You two shared a kiss and held hands for the rest of the ride.

Louis: "Work that wet suit" you called, as Louis walked out of the change room. "Think they'd let me wear this thing on stage?" he called back, striking a pose. "Wouldn't want to show up the other boys" you smiled as he sat next to you. You were getting ready to swim with dolphins off the coast of New Zealand. The captain came out and smiled at you two, cuddling in wet suits and goggles. "Okay, you two ready?" he asked. "Absolutely" you smiled, and he gave you the thumbs up. You looked over the side of the boat and couldn't believe what you saw. At least two dozen dolphins were swimming beside the boat. "Oh my god Lou look" you smiled, and he looked over the side. You both stuck your hands out and a dolphin swam up and let you pet him. "Wow, amazing" Louis sighed. You grabbed your underwater camera as you both jumped in. The dolphins were playing and having fun with you guys. They swam around you and did little dives. You got really up close and personal with one. It came over for a pet and you ended up giving it a kiss on the nose. Louis snuck a picture before flinging his arms up in the air. "You're cheating on me with a dolphin!?" he cried out. You burst out laughing and swam over to give him a kiss. You spent an hour out there, swimming with them, until you both headed back for the boat. You spent the ride home looking through all the pretty pictures of you and the dolphins and laughing at the funny and cool tricks they did.

Niall: You and Niall walked hand in hand in the tunnel underneath the aquarium at Kelly Tarlton's Underwater Adventure. You were looking up at tons of tropical fish and even some sharks. "That is so cool" you smiled, and Niall nodded. You continued your walk, touring the whole place. You saw stingrays and penguins and even some really cool sea horses. "Wow, that was so much fun" you smiled. You had seen everything, so you were ready to go. "Um, I have a surprise for you" he smiled. You looked at him, confused, as an employee came up to you two. "Hi Mr. Horan, are you ready for your shark cage dive?" he asked. You went white as snow and Niall looked at you, smiling sympathetically. "Surprise?" "Niall James Horan, you booked me to go in a cage with sharks!?" you said, in a quiet but stern whisper. He nodded, "I'll be in there too." "Too?! There's no too here. Go alone" you bit back. The employee was just standing there, watching you two bicker. "Look, Y/N, how often do you get the chance to swim with sharks? Never. Take a risk. It will be fun and it totally safe. Right, Toby?" Niall asked, turning to the employee. He nodded, still a little shocked. You rubbed your temples. "Sure" you whispered, and Niall jumped up in the air. He raced to get you in your wetsuit before you could change your mind. You went in the cage and it dunked you under. Almost immediately, a shark swam up to you. You clenched Niall for dear life as the shark rubbed on the cage before swimming away. You felt much better, and really enjoyed the rest of the experience. When you got out, Niall offered to treat you to ice cream to celebrate.

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