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                                                          -After 1 week of rest for Lucy-

                                                               -Lucy's pov-

Im home since yesterday during this week Natsu made sure that I wouldnt do anything except rest and I got to admit it was really funny...and sweet and cute of him to do all he did during this week. He was kinda my prince charming this week *mentally giggles*

But uhm....*mentally blushes* going to important matters Wendy's birthday is coming up and since her previous birthdays were not that good I thought that this year me and Natsu could surprise her and plan a surprise birthday party in the garden so they have a lot of space to run and have fun and with all her friends, amazing food and just amazing memories....one like I always dreamed of as a kid... But anyways I better go to Natsu's office here at home and tell him my plan to see if he agrees

*goes to natsu's home office and knocks on the door*

Natsu - Yes come in


Lucy - Hey Natsu

Natsu - Hey Lucy do you need anything?

Lucy - Why can't I just come to say hello? *joking*

Natsu - Of course you can *laugh* But I know you so what is it

Lucy - Ok ok *laughs* so Wendy's birthday is coming up and I wanted to prepare a surprise party

Natsu - A surprise party?

Lucy - Yes we arrange everything in the garden and then we call Wendy out with all ready and all her friends there

Natsu - Wait friends? as in plural? Did she make new friends *excited*

Lucy - Yes Sherria introduced her to her other friends and now shes part of their small group of friends I say small but they are like 6/7 kids so yah what do you think of my plan?

Natsu - For me its okay but where would Wendy be while we are arranging the party?

Lucy - The place she is gonna be today

Natsu - Today?

Lucy - Yup I arranged with Sherria that she would stay at her house and sleep there so we can go get everything we need for tomorrow and then around the evening when Sherria's mom comes to suposedly get Wendy home we surprise her with a party what do you think? Im sorry about arranging everything without asking but-

Natsu - You dont have to be sorry its an amazing idea and it makes me really happy that Wendy has friends and also a friend like you that is always thinking about her happiness

Lucy - *blushes lightly* Ok then we better go get everything at the mall

Natsu - Is Wendy already at Sherria's house?

Lucy - Yes she went like 10min. ago and I rushed her so that we can already go so lets go?

Natsu - Lead the way captain

Lucy - *giggles* To the mall

                                               -Time Skip, at the mall after all the decoration and food shopping-

                                                                   -Lucy's pov-

So I was having a really good time with Natsu even though he is my boss we get along really well and its been really fun this afternoon. We are all done with shopping so we are probably going home now.

Lucy - So I think we got everything lets go home?

Natsu - Actually there's something missing

Lucy - Really? But we got the decorations, ballons, the food, the ingridients for the cake and the things to decorate the cake oh WAIT I know we completly forgot the present

Natsu - OKAY....That too but it wasnt exactly what I was talking about

Lucy - Then?

Natsu - I wanted to find a way to say thank you for all the amazing help you gave me what do you think about me buying you a dress for tomorrow's party you cant just go with normal clothings

Lucy - Natsu it really is not needed I wanted to help you dont need to give me anything

Natsu - But I want to and its the end of conversation now lets go to that store over there it looks like it may have good clothes

Lucy - ......okay

*They go into the store and Lucy goes try a dress she found*

                                                                   -Natsu's pov-

Lucy has been there for 5 mins is something wrong I dont thinks that anyone would take that long just to put on a dress

Natsu - Lucy is everything okay?
Lucy - AH Yes yes I was just having a little problem with the zipper but I got it

Natsu - Then come out to see how you look

Lucy - A-Are you sure?

Natsu - Of course now come out

Lucy - ....okay

*She comes out of the dressing room*

The moment she came out it was like time just stopped It had never happened to me something like this I have seen it in movies but I never believed something like it could happen in reality even more because the whole time while dating Lisanna it never happened but now it did....And now I know that this only happens when you love the person infront of you...

Lucy looked like a princess, a godess and just absolutely perfect the dress was not anything much fancy but it was red, my favourite color, and it went until the mid of her thighs and it look just made for her it made her body look even more beautiful and make her perfect face just look too adorable but I dont know how it also made her look sexy and as if she was a business woman

Lucy - uhm so....how do I look? Do I look that horrible you have been staring for a few minutes but you havent said anything....

Natsu - H-How can y-you say that! You look absouletly perfect in that dress *deep blush*

Lucy - *deep blush*R-R-Really?

Natsu - Yes Im 1000000% sure that thats the dress for you

Lucy - *gets shy* Thank you so much

Natsu - Now let's pay and go buy Wendy's present then we can go home and tomorrow get everything ready.

Lucy - Okay

to be continued......

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