Ch.7 The White Knight

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"So who's Courtly Jester?" Elena asked as the girls sat in the 'Wonder diner' "She sounds familiar".

"She was this joker girl who tried to steal my destiny when we last went to Wonderland" Ilene said.

"Oh that chic" Elena said remembering "Yeah she was a bitch".

"I know" Amanda agreed with disgust "I hated that joker, she thinks she's so special cause she's a wild card and that she can do anything she wants".

"So now we've confirmed that the girl's Courtly" Christina said "Where did she and Alistair go?"

"I have a feeling they went to Wonderland" Brooke said.

"Wonderland?" the girls said.

"Yeah, Courtly wasn't at Ever After when the curse happened, so she must of founded a way here and she could of taken Alistair to Wonderland, I mean, where else would they go?"

"I think she did take Alistair to Wonderland" Lauren said.

"But if she did take him to Wonderland" Christina said "Why?"

"Now that I don't know" Brooke said.

"Well we have to find him" Christina said "He's with Courtly for crying out loud, he could be in danger!"

"Well how are we gonna find him?" Ilene asked "We don't even know how to get to Wonderland".

"Actually" Lauren said as he face lit up "Now that I remember, my dad has this hat that can open a portal to Wonderland!"

"Really?" the girls gasped.

"Well where is it?" Christina asked.

"Let me call him" Lauren said as she started to call her dad on her phone.

While she was on the phone, the girls started to worry about Alistair.

"I wonder what Alistair's doing right now?" Amanda wondered.

"I just hope he's ok" Christina said with a nervous look.

Alistair walked down the trail as he listened to the sound of crickets chirping. Soon the trail got foggy and darker as he started to get an uneasy feeling.

"Maybe this was a bad idea" he thought with a scared look.

But just when he was going to turn around, he heard a twig snap, he looked around but saw nothing. But as he continued to walk he heard a twig snap again, and when he looked into the fog, he saw a pair of yellow eyes starring at him. He froze in fear as a large monster like creature appeared and growled at him with it's sharp teeth. Alistair knew what the beast was, a bandersnatch, the bears of Wonderland. The bandersnatch then charged at him as he ran from the beast. He ran as fast as he could as the bandersnatch went after him, until he then tripped over a log and toppled down a hill until he came to a stop. When he looked up he saw the bandersnatch in front of him. He backed away from the beast as it went towards him growling with his row of razor teeth showing. Alistair backed away until he bumped into a tree, he was now stuck between the tree and the bandersnatch. He was paralyzed with fear as it went closer to him. He closed his eyes and waited for the beast to attack. But before it could attack, the sound of a horse screeching was heard, and then a white horse with a white knight appeared from the trees. Alistair watched as the bandersnatch headed towards the knight getting ready to attack, but the knight threw a small cake into the beast's mouth. The bandersnatch swallowed the cake and then it started to shrink until it was the size of a small dog. The knight then shooed the little bandersnatch away as Alistair gave a sigh in relief.

"Thank you" he said as he got up.

"Alistair?" the knight said.

"Huh?" Alistair said.

"Alistair it's me" the knight said as she took off her helmet revealing her identity "Darling Charming".

"Darling?" he gasped, remembering who she was.

"Oh my gosh how did you get back to Wonderland?" she asked surprised.

"This girl name Kate brought me here, but he got separated when we went down the rabbit hole. She told me that my mother was here in Wonderland".

"Really?" Darling gasped.

"Yeah, do you know where she is?"

"Sorry, but I didn't know Alice was still in Wonderland".

"Do you at least know Kate, the girl that brought me here?"

"I don't know a Kate here".

"Well then, do you know where the Hatter is, cause I was thinking he could help me".

"Alistair" Darling said sadly "Don't you remember? The Hatter and your friend were at Ever After High when the Evil Queen's curse happened and everyone disappeared, including you".

"Oh" Alistair said, remembering what happened "I guess I forgot about that. Cause when the curse happened, I was put in an asylum and I never got to see what was outside. But I do know that we were in a town called Storybrooke".

"Storybrooke?" Darling then, but then she gave a gasp "Is that where my brothers are?"

"Your brothers?"

"Yeah, Daring and Dexter, they were at Ever After when the curse happened".

"Well then they must be there".

"Well how do we get to Storybrooke?"

"I actually don't know how to get back, sorry".

"Oh" Darling said sadly.

Just then the sounds of growling was heard.

"Oh no" Alistair groaned.

"Well you do realize you're in Bandersnatch Blvd right?" Darling asked.

"Wait what?" he asked surprised.

"Didn't you read the sign?"

"What sign?"

"Well there was a sign- oh never mind. But we should get out here, get on".

Alistair took Darling's offered hand and climbed on the horse.

"I know a place you can stay" she said as they rode off.

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