Chapter 7

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"Hello there, princess." A familiar voice spoke. Princess!? Don't tell me... Lucy began to see who it is... Sting!? He began to speak again, "Long time no see," He bowed down, acting like he's Lucy's butler or bodyguard or whatever it is. Lucy still had her shocked expression across her face. "May I help?" Sting offered his hand. "Now I don't need your help anymore!" Lucy removed his hand rudely and ran away. What was he trying to do!? He had no business with me anymore!


"Hey Lucy! I made this flower crown for ya!" Sting shouted at Lucy and waved his hand. Lucy ran over the meadow full of flowers and replied, "You've done it? Let me see!" Sting landed the flower crown to Lucy. "Wow, it's so beautiful!" Sting put the flower crown on her head. "You look more beautiful, Lucy." He took out his camera and took a shot of Lucy running around the meadow chasing a butterfly. He looked at the picture for a moment, and showed it to Lucy, "When I look at you, I'll never forget you..."

Days have passed, weeks have passed, months have passed, and finally they reached the climax. "No, uncle! I don't wanna live like this anymore!" "But Sting... We have to go..." "NO!!!" Sting screamed and ran to Lucy's house. He rang the bell, and Lucy opened the door. "What happened, Sting?" "I need to talk to you now." Sting told the whole story that his uncle, aunt and he were going to move to the next town since they don't have enough money to pay the house's taxes and they need to find a new job. "I'm so sorry, Lucy..." Lucy began to sob. "Tomorrow meet me in front of my house at 8.00 AM," Sting patted her back, and left her house.

The next morning, as Sting's uncle and aunt were moving their interiors to the truck, Lucy finally appeared. She ran to his house, crying. "Sting, why do you have to..." "Don't cry, Lucy. I'll always be there for you." "How can you always be there for me if you're far away from me!?" Lucy whined. "Sting, we're leaving!" His aunt started to call him. "Wait, auntie!" Sting responded. He ran to the truck, but Lucy grabbed his clothes. "Don't leave me like this, Sting!!!" He continued running to the truck and went in. "Nooo!!! Sting!!!" As the machine turned on and they started to leave, Sting's head popped out of the window and looked at Lucy. "I'll never forget you! One day I'll come back and find you, princess!!!"


Lucy have been trying so hard to forget that 3rd grade memory. Sadly when Sting came back, Lucy has found her new crush. I just can't move on to him anymore! Lucy ran to her dorm as it's dismissal time already. So this is the first time for a smart girl like Lucy to not attend a lesson. But Lucy missed 2 lessons! Lucy reached her room, went to her bed directly, put her face on the pillow again but this time she felt mad.

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