It's all coming back

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Look at me, rambling like an old man...heh, I guess I am one; I have aged within these last few hundred years, I have some wrinkles by my eyes, some silver in my hair, and a crease in my smile. I wish I could see the same on you; death would not be as fearful with you by my side.
As we always said, to live; would be a great adventure...but now, I fear death more than anything...well, almost more than anything.
I'm rambling. I apologize my love. Though you always did say you loved hearing me talk...gods I miss you so much.

I suppose it's time to get to the importance of this letter.

I'm leaving this life behind...I'm leaving Harrison behind...he wouldn't fit this deal, he holds too much of you, too much of your kindness, your love. I will always carry you with me, in the chance that...somehow, you return to me. But-Harrison, will die once more, within these walls we called home.
I'm sorry, I love you so much (y/n). I wish I could travel back in time to marry you once more, to meet you once more, to fall in love with you again. Maybe I could do you right this time, maybe I could save you from myself even.

I will always love you, and...who knows, we may still meet again, when the sun burns out and the stars fall; we will meet again, and I will ask for your forgiveness, for I have become a man you would be ashamed of. I've become a monster....feeding on the innocent, and the poor.

You would hate would I've almost makes me wish for you to never return, if only for you to never see me like this; I've lost my way...but you were my way, my world, my heart.

I'm rambling again, I love you (y/n), with all my being. Goodbye.

Your beloved, Harrison Deville.'

The last letter fluttered to the ground with the rest of its brothers, tears straining the stone floor and your cheeks, your hands covering your mouth, hoping to stifle your sobs. "Oh, Harrison" you whispered, taking the last letter and tracing your finger along the wax seal of the Deville family crest "I could never hate you, never. For I have done worse than you"

You remembered it all too clearly now

The day you turned Harrison into a vampire.

-end of part 8-


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