A rumor in St. Petersburg

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A/n; extending the timeline-for funsies ;3


It's a rumor, a legend, a mystery! Although the Czar did not survive, One daughter may be still alive! The Princess Anastasia!

But please do not repeat!


"I'm sorry, did-did you say, Deville?" Evie asked, stopping her cousin in his tracks as he showed her the photo of their cousin and his fiancée. Oliver blinked, twice, three times; then slowly nodded, furrowing his brows a bit. "im sorry it's just-um, my friend, my roommate actually-she lost her memories ten years ago, and"

Evie made a gesture that clearly meant it was a long story, pointing at Oliver's phone "she has this-necklace thing, and on that necklace, has the words 'H.Deville' on it, and-we've found zero Deville's on the internet or even in any like-phone books so im just-curious-is that the only Deville family?"

Oliver just stared at Evie, clearly shocked by her words before he nodded his head "yes, the Deville family, is the one and only Deville family...but I'm not sure there are any H. Deville's, only one I can recall is Haley Deville but she's seven?" Evie sighed, blowing out her cheeks a bit.

Oliver stared at her for a moment, then glanced away, looking down at his phone "if-if you wish, I can ask the lord of the family about this, H. Deville, what is your friend's name?"

"(y/n), her name is (y/n)"


"You what?"

You asked, very surprised as Evie handed you the invitation, biting her lip as you read it. "...Are you for real?" you whispered, looking up at Evie with wide eyes, the gem hanging from your neck feeling much heavier than it did a second ago "You-you actually-found-Deville?"

Evie grinned and nodded, tapping the invitation rapidly as she stood "Yes! Who knows, this Deville family might be the same Deville as that!" she pointed to your necklace, and you took a shuddering breath "-So I asked, and they said you could come along as my plus one!" she sat down beside you as you stared numbly at the wedding invitation. "C'mon, this is a chance for both of us, to find our families! Hell-maybe we can find this-H. Deville eh?"

You pressed your lips together, running your thumb over the printed names of the bride and groom-to-be. "Maybe" you muttered, flopping back in your chair, turning your head dramatically to look at Evie "But what if this-whole thing-doesn't work? What if this H. Deville doesn't exist anymore? What if the same thing that made me lose my memories, made them lose their life?" Evie shrugged, curling her arm around your shoulder.

"Look, worst case scenario? We spend a week in London at a fancy ass mansion and drink to our heart's content, and then we come home and continue the search for H. Deville, eh?" Evie seemed so genuine, so sure that her finding her family would lead to yours, or at least somehow get you closer to finding H. Deville.

You sighed, rubbing your face before you nodded "Fine. Fine! Let's go to London and party it up" you muttered, laughing as Evie squealed and hugged you tight "Thank you thank you!!! Honestly I was super nervous about going alone so-thank you" you nodded at Evie's words, watching her amused as she stood to grab a celebratory bottle of wine. "So let us drink and be merry~" Evie said in a fake posh accent, giggling as you rolled your eyes and bowed to her, taking the wine glasses and helping her open the new bottle.


"Remind me to never get on a plane again" you muttered to Evie as you stepped off the flying death machine. She laughed, pulling her phone off of airplane mode and texting Grace you had landed. "Didn't you come to New York by plane?" Evie teased, shoving you lightly as you rolled your eyes at her, flicking her chin as she laughed.


As Evie called up and talked with Grace, you took in your surroundings, noting they looked mostly the same as any other airport, except maybe fancier thanks to the particular class Oliver had paid for. You had ridden coach only once before but-if you ever did fly again, first class was it. "...and don't trust men with goatees" Evie's voice came back into focus and you looked at her oddly, wondering why those particular words had come out of her mouth before remembering she was talking with grace.

Ah yes, the third rule of going off somewhere alone, license plate, texting when going to sleep; and never trusting men with goatees. "We're at arrivals, I'll talk to you later, (y/n) says hi and bye" you leaned closer to her ear where her earbud mic was and blew a raspberry, laughing as Evie leaned away dramatically and Grace laughed loudly from her end of the call.

"Okay okay, have fun. Oh! if you see Idris Elba, say hi to him for Me!" Evie gave a sarcastic laugh and told her she would, ending the call as you rounded the corner and saw her cousin at the gate, looking very wide-eyed and excited. Though there was something about him that just-threw you off.

"Evie! You made it!" Oliver surprised Evie with a hug, and she gasped a little, awkwardly patting his back until he pulled away "how was the flight?" Evie shared a look with you then glanced back at Oliver "you-you've ruined coach, forever"

Oliver just looked pleased with himself "my pleasure, and this must be (y/n)?" he turned to you, ever so polite, holding his hand out "I'm Oliver, Oliver Alexander" you smiled and nodded, taking his hand and shaking it.

"(y/n), I don't know my last name" Oliver nodded a bit awkwardly at that while Evie snorted, threading her arm through yours as Oliver's driver took your bags "you both ready for an adventure?" you and Evie shared another look, then Evie nodded, taking out her earbuds. "I guess?" Evie said, shrugging slightly as Oliver smiled and nodded.
"Great, let's go"


"Soooo tell me again who lives here?" Evie asked as you drove down the long and winding road towards the mansion you would be staying at for the next week. "The Deville family, but our family will be staying here for the week for the festivities"

Evie rolled down her window as you got closer to the mansion, and she gasped as it came into view. You hummed along, it was a very pretty mansion, with white stone walls and blue roofing; it looked like it belonged in Disneyland. "Holy shit!" Evie muttered, grasping your hand as you leaned over her shoulder to get a good look at the mansion. "Are they royalty or something?"

Oliver laughed, shaking his head, watching amused as you and Evie gaped at the gigantic mansion "No, it's just old money. England's full of it" as the limo came to a stop in the roundabout driveway, you saw a van unloading with five maids but you ignored them in favor of getting out of the car to look around at the beautiful grounds.

You felt a whisper of wind at your back, something calling your name, causing you to turn, eyes catching onto a path that seemed to be abandoned, still well-kept but...unknown; as if it had been forgotten to be a path. You tilted your head at it, your heart pulling you towards that path before Evie grabbed your arm and pulled you back into the real world.

"This place is insane, it looks like it was ripped straight out of a fairy tale" Evie whispered, curling her fingers around your elbow and holding you close, the two of you looking up at the elegant mansion. "or a horror movie" you muttered, nodding at the license plate to remind Evie to take a picture for Grace's sake.

"Right" Evie muttered, releasing your arm and backing up to take a picture, accidentally bumping into one of the maids who was carrying a box of wine glasses. "Oh shit! I am so sorry, I'm so sorry i-I wasn't looking!" you and Evie quickly ducked down to help the two maids clean the mess, being extra careful with the shattered glass.

"Oh please, miss' we'll clean this up," one of the maids said, thankful for the help but not wanting to get in trouble. Evie shook her head, stubborn as always as you carefully picked up the smaller pieces of glass, collecting them into your palm and carefully pouring them into an empty wine glass slot. "it's okay, if we don't help each other out, who will right?" Evie said, hoping to convey you and Evie could understand their struggles due to you both being in the servant class as they were.

The two smiled at each other and then thanked you both. "No biggie, just some glass, easily replaceable" you muttered, twisting halfway around to grab a shard that had gotten away from you. Evie nodded, fully agreeing with you "I'm Evie, by the way, and this is (y/n)"

The two maids smiled, nodding at you both "I'm, Diya" the maid on the left nearly hesitated to say her name, as if afraid to humanize herself but she said it anyway, glancing down as she said her name "or Dee is fine too" Evie nodded, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear as you helped the other maid collect the last of the glass. "I'm Imogen," the other girl said before the lovely conversation was died out by a grating older man's voice.

"And what has happened here?" Evie stood, facing the butler as he stared down at Dee and Imogen, not a shroud of kindness in his eyes or voice. You ignored him, not liking his vibe, and helped Imogen pick up the last few bits of glass, smiling as she quietly thanked you. "ow" you muttered, waving your hand about as one of the shards sliced into your finger, bright red blood flowing out and down your skin "fuck" you muttered, sticking your finger in your mouth as you quickly stood up, your back facing Evie and the butler.

"At ease Mr. Field" you felt your breath stop, that voice-you had heard that voice a thousand times over the last 10 years in your dreams, but-it couldn't be-it couldn't be that easy...could it? "I believe this is one of our important guests." You could feel the 'alright fuck you then' from Evie as she squared her shoulders and tilted her head up, trying to make herself seem bigger. "And that makes a difference?" Evie asked, frowning a bit as Mr. Field straightened up and bowed his head slightly.

"My sincerest apologies ma'am"

Mr. Field went silent and you guessed this new, handsome, voice gave him a look and the butler walked off, leaving you, Evie, and the new voice alone; while you made sure your finger wouldn't need stitches on your first day in England. "thank you ladies" the maids nodded and walked off, Dee giving you a concerned look as you nursed your still bleeding finger but you waved her off with a smile "Uh, sorry about that, he can be quite demanding" you turned slightly to glance at this new voice, but were distracted by a pulse of pain "g'dammit" you muttered, waving your hand about and sticking your finger in your mouth again.

It was just your finger; it really shouldn't be bleeding this much.

"More like an asshole" Evie muttered, not happy with how the butler treated her and the maids. You could feel the interest radiating from the new voice and you could easily imagine his head tilting as he spoke. "Oh, so you must be Evelyn?"

Evie hummed, she didn't like to be called by her full name, felt too formal. "Evie. And you are?" Oliver suddenly came back into the conversation, resting his hand on your shoulder as he walked up beside Evie. "Walter!"

Ah, W name, couldn't be the voice from your dreams then, couldn't be H. Deville.

"You beat me to the punch, you've been introduced?" Oliver asked, shaking Walter's hand as he looked at Evie; who just stared boredly at Walter. "Yeah" Evie said at the same time Walter said "No"

You turned slightly, seeing Walter giving Evie a very...interesting look "Well, not formally" Evie clicked her jaw slightly, stepping back towards you. To which Walter's eyes drifted over to you finally and they widened; his breath caught and if you were looking closely, his hands shook. Oliver didn't seem to notice, and neither did Evie.

But you did.

You saw a spark of familiarity in his eyes, disbelief, awe, and desperation, then it disappeared. Walter forced his eyes to go back to Evie, yet you could see the way they begged to look back at you. Why? You wondered, tilting your head at Walter and narrowing your eyes, your finger still in your mouth.

"This is my cousin who I was telling you about, Evie Alexander" Oliver explained, gesturing to Evie as she gripped your arm and her vase protectively "It's Jackson, really" Evie muttered, not really liking how just a simple change of last name got her all the privilege in the world simply because who it connected to. "And this is her plus one, (y/n)"

Walter's breath caught again as he looked back at you, his hands shaking again in his pockets. "Pleasure" he said, voice almost even and calm, yet there was a tone to it that made it sound like he was...scared? No-nonono, in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, as if it was a dream.

"Evie, (y/n); this is the lord of the manor; Walter Deville." You perked up, Deville, Deville! And the lord for that matter, maybe he knew who gave you this necklace? maybe he knew who H. Deville was.

"You can just call me Walt" Walter said, a slightly smug tone to his voice, his eyes keeping on Evie, as if looking at you would destroy him. You licked your lips as you pulled your finger out of your mouth, nodding to yourself as you saw it had finally stopped bleeding. Evie gasped as she saw the cut on your finger, ignoring Walt in favor of you.

"(y/n)! when did that happen?" Walter took a heavy step forward, taking your hand from Evie's to examine your cut, his touch sending lightning down your spine. "i-um" you stuttered, cheeks flaring to life as Walter pulled your hand closer to his face to get a better look "glass-shard-cut"

Walter hummed, taking your hand in his and beginning to pull you into the manor "I-what?" he stopped as you pulled at him, wondering what he was doing "I'm going to put a bandage on it, it's not deep but leaving it open could get infected. C'mon, c'mon" Walter said, gently pulling you along and into the manor.

You gasped as you stepped through the large double doors, taking in the gorgeous interior, decorated with what seemed to be original pieces of art and statues; weapons and armor lining the walls between the paintings. Evie and the butler soon followed in, watching as Walter led you into the kitchen and found a first-aid kit, moving you to rest against the counter as he rummaged through it.

"There we go" he muttered, pressing the Band-Aid to the Neosporined cut "All better" you pressed your lips together, holding your hand close to your chest, your fingers fiddling with the leather cord of your necklace "Thank you " you muttered, bowing your head slightly to the lord of the manor "You didn't have to do that"

Walter just shook his head, his eyes alight with something that hadn't seemed to be there for years. "No worries" his gaze drew to your necklace and he licked his lips "So how do you know Evie?" you hummed, tilting your head slightly as you fiddled with your now bandaged finger.

"Well-she uh-let me into her apartment for a bit cause I was homeless for a good-six years" Walter's eye twitched but he didn't say anything so you continued "and then we just-ended up living together? We've been roommates for the last four years basically and-I dunno that's kinda it" you ended with a mutter, tucking your chin into your chest as you felt Walters burning gaze on you.

"Why were you homeless, if-if that's not an invasive question?" Walter asked, coughing a bit as he realized he might've been a bit insensitive, but he needed to know what happened.

"oh, uh, this is-going to sound strange" you laughed slightly, moving to fiddle with your necklace which had become a strong sense of comfort in your life "but uh-I woke up about ten years ago, with no memories" the light in Walter's eyes seemed to die out at that "I barely knew my name, I really only know it thanks to-this-voice I remember calling for me but uh-yeah, I was just-wandering around by a town and this-old couple brought me in and gave me a place to recuperate for a week, and then...I was in New York"

You shrugged, not really knowing how to explain your situation, you really had just-woken up on the side of a road in the snow, cold and in pain; wondering what had happened and what your own name was. "but" Walter perked up a bit, his eyes widening as you brought out your necklace "I do have one clue, and that's H. Deville...i-I was wondering if you knew him? or her?...them?"

Walter was just staring at you, as if you were a dream come true that he couldn't believe "You really are her" He whispered, running his hands through his hair, several locks falling into his face as he dropped his hand "Holy shit, I thought you died"

Your jaw dropped and you walked up into Walter's face, and he didn't move, just staring at you. "You know me?! You actually know me?!" Walter slowly nodded, pointing at your necklace "Yes, H. Deville, Harrison Deville. He uh, was a close family member, my uh...brother in fact" he muttered, a pained smile on his lips as you gasped again, taking a big step back and covering your mouth.

"Harrison" you whispered, the name felt like a warm blanket, strong hands, and kind words. Seeing your face, Walter felt his heart ache; knowing he was lying to you at that very moment, when long ago he had sworn never to lie to you. But-he couldn't bear to break his heart again, or yours, not knowing if you would ever properly remember him or...Harrison...ever again. "is-is he here, can I see him?

Walter closed his eyes, shaking his head "why not?" you asked, frowning as Walter licked his lips, his chest spiking with pain. "he's uh....he died a long time ago...just-just after you disappeared" your face and shoulders dropped, the necklace hitting your chest with a soft 'thud'

"oh," you whispered, feeling a pit in your throat and a strike of pain in your chest. You didn't even get to meet him, didn't even get to know why he gave you the necklace, never got to know what truly happened. "Who was I to him?" you asked quietly, and Walter closed his eyes again, sighing as he spoke as if in pain.

"you were his beloved, his first and last true love"

-end of part 2-

im having too much fun with this~ also sorry for the cliffhanger....not lololololol

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