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I woke up and my eyes were all red and puffy. I still couldn't believe what happened last night.
"Hey girl" Sadie says
"Hey" I said
"You okay?" She asks
"Been better I guess"
"I know it's hard for you, he's such an idiot for doing that" She says
"Today I don't want to go anywhere near him" I said
"So are you staying here all day?" She asks
"Nah I'll go explore the city by myself, maybe some alone time is best for me today" I say
"Are you sure?" She asks
"I'm sure" I say giving her a reassuring smile

"Morning Ayla" Millie says Sitting on my bed
"Morning" I said
She comes and hugs me.
"I'm always here for you babe, yesterday I shouted a Finn for what he did. It's just so out of order"
I got dressed and put makeup on. I tried covering my massive eye bags with concealer but it was hard as they were big from the crying. We went down for breakfast and I sat with Noah and Millie. I didn't look at Finn at all. I couldn't bare to look at him.

"You okay?" Noah asks
"I guess" I said quietly
"I'm going sightseeing by myself today. I don't want to be around Finn" I said
"Let me come with you" he said
"No I'll be fine by myself"
"No! I want to come with you, you can't walk around Paris by yourself. I just won't allow it. I'm going with you and that's Final" he said
"Ugh okay" I said smiling slightly

I turned around to see Finn.
"Finn walk away from Me" I said
"Please let me explain"
"There's nothing to explain! Just don't go near me" I said raising my voice.
"Dude, just go please" Noah said
He walks away.

"What happened with you 2?" Charlie asks standing with Joe and Natalia.
"Long story" I said sighing.
"Yeah boys are douches" Natalia says then hugged me from behind.
"Hey!" Charlie and Joe both say offended
"Oh shut up" she says laughing
"You can talk to me in private later if you want, maybe i can give you some advice"
"Thanks Natalia" I smiled at her

Me and Noah took the cab to go to the Versailles palace.
"Thanks for going with me Noah" I said giving him a small smile.
"It's fine, I'd rather be here with you. You're less boring than that bunch" we laughed

We arrived here and bought the tickets. First we got a tour round the whole palace. It was huge. Then we arrived at the fountain shows and musical gardens which were so cool. We took many pictures.
After we went round the whole palace and saw everything we went to this restaurant. It was already 6pm.

"Them musical gardens were pretty cool" I said
"Yeah, where are we going next?"
"Eiffel tower?l" I ask
"Ooo yeah definitely" he said
"It'll look so pretty at night" I said
"Oh I know" he said
I ordered myself lasagne and Noah got steak.

"So um, you gonna talk to Finn?" He asks
"I'm gonna have to at one point" I said
"Yeah I mean you're stuck on a tour bus with him for 3 months" he said
"Yeah" I sighed
"Anyway lets just forget it, for now we need to enjoy our day" he said
"Yeah you're right" I said

After finishing food we went to the Eiffel Tower. Many people recognised us and some paparazzi came taking pictures of us too.
We took a few pictures with fans and got into the queue.
"So are we taking the lift or walking up there?" Noah asks
"I always like a challenge" I said smirking.
"I guess were walking right to the top then" he says smiling.

We were in the line for the tickets for quite a long time which was boring. When we finally got the tickets we started walking up the stairs.
After about 20 minutes Noah started moaning because he was already tired.
"Come on Schnappy boy" I shout.

"Finally!" Noah shouts while he finally comes up to the top floor. I was obviously already there before him. He couldn't keep up with me. It took us 2 hours to get to the top. I was pretty tired.

I stood at the edge and just admired the view. The lights and the cars and the buildings. It was beautiful. I heard Noah walk up to me.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I say
"Very" he says
Our hands unexpectedly link and I put my head on his shoulder. I just wanted to stay like this forever.

I realised that my eyes were closing
"Ayla, I think it's time to go" Noah says
"Oh yeah sorry I nearly fell asleep" I giggled
"Your laugh is cute" he said kissing my cheek lightly.
"We getting the lift" I ask smirking
"Is that even a question? Of course we're getting the damn lift" Noah says causing me to laugh.

We finally got back to the hotel and it was already past 10.
"Wait here while I go get 2 bottles of water" Noah says
I started drifting off. And then my eyes closed.

Noah's POV

I came back with the waters seeing Ayla on the sofa asleep. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I left the waters and picked Ayla up bridal style. I carried her to her bedroom. Millie and Sadie were already asleep. I laid her on her bed and tucked her in.
"Wait Noah" she says opening her eyes
"Lay with me for a bit" she whispers

I get in bed with her and lay there with her for a bit. Me and Ayla have gotten so close. We're like best friends now. Because that's what best friends do isn't it?

My eyes started to close and I suddenly fell asleep.

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