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9 months later
Noah's POV

It's been 9 months since Mine and Ayla's date to the beach. Since then we got even stronger as a couple. Were both liking being a secret couple still and are planning on keeping it this way.

We just recently finished filming stranger things season 3 and it's being released in about 8 months which were all really excited about. It was so great working with Ayla on set. She's actually such a great actor. Oh I love her so much.

I was at the park riding on my skate board. All of a sudden I feel someone's hand grab my shoulder. At first I thought it was a fan who wanted a photo or something, but then I turned around to see the one and only Joey Birlem. I was a bit shocked to see him.

"Joey? What are you doing here?" I ask

"Came to talk to you. I know you and Ayla are dating" he said

"What how would you know that?"

"I just know okay. You need to know that she's mine and always will be" he said

"What? You treated her like absolute shit and that's not right. She deserves to be treated like a princess" I say

"And you think that you treat her like that?" He laughs

He gets his phone out and passes it to me. It shows pictures of Ayla naked. I was shocked.

"What the fuck is this dude" I shout clenching my jaw

"How did you take these?" I ask

"When she was drunk and passed out I took these. Now listen to me dick head. You will go to Ayla and tell her that your breaking up with her because she's an ugly Whore. You won't tell her about any of this that happened or the pictures. If you don't do as I say then I will leak the pictures. And don't even try me Schnapp because I won't hesitate to do it"

My heart sunk.

I can't do this to Ayla. I love her. I wanna be with her forever. But I don't want her photos to be leaked.

"Please don't make me do this" I say feeling helpless right now.

"You will break up with her today or else I will post naked photos of her everywhere, you understand?"

"Okay" I say slowly.

I had to do this for Ayla's good. I couldn't let them photos be out there for everyone to see. I just couldn't.

Later that day I go to Ayla's house. We were now in her bedroom and she put some music on.

"Ayla I need to talk to you" I say. I was so nervous.

"Yeah sure what's up?" She asks with a smile on her face.

That god damn smile. It's perfect. It breaks my heart that I have to do this.

"I don't feel like it's been working out with us"

"What?" She asks. The smile suddenly disappeared off her face.

"I'm breaking up with you. You're just an ugly whore and I want a better girlfriend than you" I say not being able to look her in the eyes.

I see tears appear in her eyes which completely made my heart break.

"Get out" She says with no emotion.

I look at her one last time and do as she says. As soon as I walk out of the house tears start appearing in my eyes. This is the worst thing I've ever done. I hate myself for it. And I hate Joey for it too.

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