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"Ayla!" I heard a shout from downstairs.
I get up from my bed and walk downstairs in my unicorn onesie which I absolutely adored.

"What's up?" I ask
"Father and I need to talk to you, it's important so sit down" my mom says

We were all sat down now, I was opposite my parents.
"So... tell me" I said
"Ayla, you know how we're going to be directing this new movie 'a thousand stars' in Australia, we will be extremely busy with this movie and we don't want to leave you alone, so we've decided that it's best if you go on tour with the stranger things cast" my dad says.

I look at him laughing
"You can't be serious, right? This has got to be some sort of prank" I said
"Nope, sorry Ayla, it's only for a few months"
"You'll be travelling around the world, seeing new places with people your age, it'll be fun" My dad says
"I don't even know them" I said crossing my arms sort of acting quite childish.
"You'll get to know them, they are such great kids, trust me Ayla" he said

"Ayla please don't be angry at us, you know we love you" my mom says
"Yeah... I know, I just really don't want to go" I said calming down a little now
"Just give it a go, if after a month you'll hate it so much then you can come to Australia with us" My dad said.

"When is this 'tour' starting anyway?" I ask
"In 4 days so you better start packing"
"Ugh Okay" I said heading upstairs

I bring out my suitcase from my closet and open it.
I am dreading these 3 months.

(Short chapter I know, I apologise x)

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