Emilia grabbed my arm and pulled me down under a bush next to Legolas. Legolas was pulling Emilia close to him. The birds flew over our heads then vanished. Gandalf was the first to get up.
"We are heading for the mountains." I nodded and went to my pack. I went behind some rocks. I quickly took off my clothes and got into a dress. It was short sleeves but it was far warmer than the other clothes. I shoved them into my bag. When I returned, Emilia was wearing her cloak. She handed me a small blanket.
"For Drogo." I smiled and kissed her cheek.
Snow froze my feet. Drogo was curly into my chest, covered with the blanket. Emilia and Legolas were walking up on top of snow ahead. Legolas shouted
"There's a fell voice in the air!" Gimli shouted back
"It's the wind!" Emilia shook her head and shouted back
"Look out!" A pile of snow fell of, but just missed us. Legolas has shoved Emilia into the cliff. Gandalf was shouting spells but they were not working. Then it went white.
I was gasping for air. All I got was snow. The I felt strong arms pulling me up. Emilia and Legolas sat in the snow.
"Dany, you okay?" I nodded and gently wrapped the blanket around Drogo. He was dying. It was too cold. My tears froze on my cheeks. Emilia gently drew out her dagger and cut off a huge piece of her cloak. Then she took Drogo and wrapped the cloth tightly around his small body. Legolas helped us to our feet. Boromir shouted
"We can not go on!" Gimli said
"There are the mines!"
"Let the Ringbearer decided." Gandalf said. Frodo looked confused and Boromir said
"This will be the death of the halflings!" And Drogo. Frodo said
"I chose the mines." Gandalf's face went troubled. So did Emilia's. I frowned and we walked back down the mountain.
2 Hours Later
I had changed my clothes again back into what I was originally wearing. We arrived at the doors of Moria. Gandalf said
"Dwarf doors are invisible when shut. Then their own maker can not remember where they are."
"Why does that not surprise me?" Legolas said. Emilia touched his arm and shook my head. What was this? Emilia and Legolas really liked each other. Gandalf said something and the doors lit up.
"Speak friend and enter." Was all I got. Gandalf started muttering spells. And none were working. Drogo sat up on my shoulder and screamed.
"Shhh Drogo!" He bit at my ear but he curled up on my shoulder. Pippin and Merry were throwing stones in th Leake until Aragorn stopped them. Gandalf sat down next to Frodo. Then Frodo jumped to his feet.
"Its a riddle. What's the elvish for friend?" Legolas, Emilia, Gandalf and I all said
"Mellon!" The doors creaked up. Gandalf lit up his staff and walked into the cave. Emilia and Legolas walked in after him. One by one we walked in. Gimli was talking about food, when Legolas and Emilia stopped and pulled out an arrow. From a dead dwarf.
"Goblins!" Emilia cried. Gimli was on his knees, tears in his eyes for his people. Legolas and Emilia and their fitted with an arrow. Then Frodo screamed
"ARAGORN!" He was being dragged into the water. Emilia jumped forward and raise out her hand.
"Emilia!" I screamed as a tentacle grabbed her foot. I watched in horror as she was dragged into the water.
"EMILIA!" Legolas cried out, letting his arrow fly. I bit on my lip. She didn't come out of the water.
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