37: Scared

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Katsuki's POV:

Round Face has tried getting in touch with me. I got Uramka's phone number and we promised to talk every night about my day with that crazy bitch.

I actually quite scared. I don't want anything to do with her. Round Face some how managed to get my phone number. Probably Alien eyes gave it to her

She called me last night. She asked for my address. Of course I didn't give it to her.

Instead, I deleted her phone number and blocked her from all my contacts. I locked all the doors and set up cameras outside.

There was even hidden cameras in the wall. It took me all afternoon to get it done. I wanted to surprise Izumi when she got home.

I had made sure that everything was security locked and left. I walked down the alley hoping I wouldn't run into anyone.

I heard footsteps behind me and I didn't like it. I had a feeling it was her but I didn't look back. Instead I sprinted down the alley.

I banged on the door to open. This person was fast but I didn't care because I was faster. Although, the shoes sounded like lady's shoes, high heels.

The door opened and I ran inside immediately. I heard a bang on the door and I was completely shaking. In fact, I was violently shaking.

I gripped hard onto the body I was hold on for dear life. "You can let go now," the voice behind me said.

I looked behind me and saw it was uncle. "Sorry," I said trying to steady my breath.

"What's the matter? Why did you bang on the door like that?" uncle was setting decorations on the walls.

"Honey? Who are you talking to?" I could tell it was Auntie at the door. "Katsuki!" Uncle shouts my name as someone's head come out from the door way.

"OH KATSUKI!" Auntie dropped the things in her hands on the floor carefully and ran to hug me.

"How is my little boy doing?" Auntie squeezed my cheeks. "Not so good," I say feeling pain at my cheeks.

"Really? Oh my! Come sit down and let's have a talk," she grabbed a chair for us to sit on.

"MITSUKI! KATSUKI'S HERE!" Auntie shouts. The old hag walks in the door with a smile.

"Nice to see you up and about brat!" the old hag hangs a decoration on the wall.

"Mitsuki!" Auntie glared at her. "Okay fine! Sorry! Walt! Katsuki, what brings you here so early?" the hag asks.

"Well that's where I'm getting to. I came here on my own to see what you guys were doing. I didn't think you were one step ahead of me though. You have all the decorations up as I can see. But as I was saying, I was walking here when I heard footsteps behind me. You see see I have a yandere and I don't like her. What makes it worse, is that she is in my year group, same class as me, one seat behind my chair. I hate it! I'm scared! I-I don't know what to do!" I'm crying now. I was shaking visibly.

No One's POV:

Everyone in the room expect for Katsuki was shocked. Mitsuki, who was hanging decorations, dropped them all and ran to Katsuki's aid.

She comforted Katsuki as much and the best she could until he feel asleep. Everyone was speechless. Mitsuki was crying silently on her husband's shoulder.

After that, they got everything finished and Mitsuki promised to herself that Katsuki's seating plan would change in his class and that he would visit a therapist.

Katsuki was going through a dangerous time. Mitsuki also promised to herself that she would give this information to Mr. Aizawa.

Katsuki also told them all of them that she was the murderer of the w years ago incident. Uraraka was coming to an end quickly.

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