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Third Person P.O.V

"Lucas, can you practice dancing with me?" Rosia asked as she looked at Lucas. "No." He denied as she pouted. She glanced to the side to see Mikael practicing with Athy as he changed his height, to the one of Felix. Athy had decided to stick with her decision of dancing with Felix, so I guess dancing with Daddy won't be bad. I just want to practice with someone the same height as him. But Lucas is being the stubborn prick he is. "Please Lucas, I will be dancing with Daddy at our debutante. But we have a big height difference, see?" Rosia said demonstrating the height with her hands but she was very much shorter than him so it wasn't entirely accurate. "I'll be wearing shoes with pointy heels, so what if I step on him?" Rosia whined pouting at him.

"So, you're asking me to turn into a grown-up just so I can practice with you?" Lucas asked her in disbelief. "Weren't you around the same height as Daddy back then? Even if not, you can just make yourself around that height, right?" Rosia asked as he blinked before looking at her annoyed. "Why would I..." He said before he was cut off by Rosia. "Dear Lucas, most powerful being in the whole world and prettiest boy-warlock in all the realms! Won't you, please? Hmm?" Rosia asked with a pouty face as he stared at her. "... I'm too busy, play with this instead." Lucas said as he snapped his fingers and a tall wiggly shaped person appeared in front of her. "Gahhhh!! What is this thing, Lucas?! And you're not even doing anything! You're just laying on the ground. What could you possibly be busy doing?!" Rosia asked him in disbelief.

"I'm busy breathing everyday." Lucas said as Rosia sweat dropped. "Can't you at least give it a face?" Rosia asked as he ignored her. Rosia tried to dance with it but she ended up stepping on it causing her and the weird thing to fall. Athy and Mikael glanced at them to see Rosia on the floor and Lucas just staring. "Lucas. What are you doing. We came to help them practice. Why are you lazing around?" Mikael asked as he went and pulled his ear. "Ow ow ow!! Stop that! Can't you see I'm helping?" Lucas asked him as they turned to look at Athy helping Rosia off the floor as she pouted sadly. "Did you have fun mopping the floor?" Lucas asked as she got teary eyed.

"What even is this?! It looks so weak! It doesn't even have joints! How is that supposed to hold Rosia up if she fall! It's so floppy and weird! Like a ghost!" Athy shouted at Lucas, glaring at him as Rosia cried softly in her arms. "Harsh. You're hurting it's feelings." Lucas said as Athy raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Isn't it just a doll? Can it understand what I'm saying?" Athy asked him looking at the weird floppy thing. "Of course not." Lucas replied laughing as Mikael hit the back of his head. "Why did you make Rosia cry?" He asked with a glare as Lucas blinked before looking at Rosia who was sniffling. The smile vanished from his face as he summoned a handkerchief out of thin air, floating it to her.

"Use this you big baby to whip those ugly tears." Lucas said as Rosia looked at him with sad eyes as he flinched looking away. "Wipe your tears!" He shouted as he tried to whip them away as Rosia whined. "Can't you make a doll that's more like a real person?" Athy asked pulling him away from Rosia who's cheeks were hurting since he was pulling them. "Does it look like there's anything I can't do?" Lucas asked her as she turned to him. "Then make her one. Make it a handsome boy doll, for her if possible." Athy demanded. "Nahhhh." He denied. "Why not?" Rosia asked since she calmed down. "I dunno. It just makes me feel bad so I don't wanna. I'd rather you practice dancing with either your Dad or Felix." He said looking away as Rosia approached him. "Hmph. Fine." Rosia said as she turned walking to the other side of the room.

"Here. Come practice with me." Mikael said as she blinked glancing at Athy who nodded. "A-Alright." She replied as she hesitantly place her hand in his. He pulled her towards him, his hand on her waist as her hand held his shoulder. Their hands interlaced as they began to dance. Rosia awkward expression changed as she started to smile widely. Her dancing was like a figure skater, elegant with powerful strides yet still beautiful. Lucas eyes narrowed as he watched her smile while laughing as Mikael smiled. Athy couldn't help but watch her sister before she felt a murderous aura besides her. She glanced down to see Lucas smiling murderously as he squeezed the thing he made for Rosia to dance with. "Is that jealousy I smell?" Athy asked with a smirk as he turned and glared at her.

"You're smelling things." He replied as he turned away from Rosia and Mikael dancing. "You know, if you wanted to dance with Rosia, you should have accepted her proposal to practice with her." Athy told him as she sat besides him. "I don't want to dance with her!" Lucas shouted as Rosia and Mikael turned to look at him. "... You never wanted to dance with me...?" Rosia asked sadly as he turned to see tears in her eyes. "You got it wrong. I meant your sister! Not you!" Lucas said trying to convince her as Athy snickered along with Mikael as they watch him try to stop her from crying. He grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him as she gasped looking at him. "For magic's sake, I wasn't meaning you, okay?" Lucas said as Rosia sniffled before she smiled.

"Alright." She replied before she leaned on him. " I'm tired." She replied pouting. "That's normal for you. You're always tired, you've been around Athy too much." Mikael said as Athy turned to him offended. "I'm not lazy!" She exclaimed to him. "Sureee." He replied as she rolled her eyes before sitting on the floor. "Now that I think about it, I heard Ijekiel's back." Athy said as Rosia peaked over Lucas shoulder at her. "Really?" She asked as Lucas looked back at Athy the same time. "Ijekiel Alpheus?" Lucas said along with Mikael as they glanced at each other. 'He came back after graduating early from the academy of Arlanta. I always forgot how smart he was in the book.' Rosia thought as she stood up from leaning on Lucas. "It's been six years. I wonder how much he's grown." Rosia said.

'Thinking of last time still makes me feel bad that I didn't tell him bye before he went. But it's not like I haven't been keeping myself preoccupied.' Rosia thought as she stared at Lucas who blinked at her. "What? Are you interested in Whitey's boy?" Lucas asked her. "Don't even say that. You know how painful it was to be reminded of what happened the last time for the last six years?!" Rosia exclaimed as Athy and Mikael looked taken a back by the sudden outburst while Lucas was unfazed. 'So is that the reason you were studying so hard?' Athy asked her through the bond as she nodded. 'Yes. I needed to be able to one up him in something.' She explained as she suddenly saw Lucas smirking at her. "If you're that curious, why don't you go see him for yourself?" He asked as she turned to him confused. "You should have just said so. It's no problem for me." He told her as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, Rosia wasn't in the ballroom anymore but in the sky falling like how she did the first time he teleported her to the Alpheus residence. "It was getting a bit boring. Have a nice trip, Rosia." Lucas said as Rosia blinked coming to terms that she was falling faster than normal. 'If I survive this. I'm gonna beat him.' Rosia thought annoyed as she looked down before realizing how close the ground was. "YOU FREAKING IDIOT! YOU'RE DEAD!!!" Rosia shouted as she closed her eyes bracing herself for when she hit the ground. Instead of hitting the ground and feeling pain. She landed in someone's arms as he held her securely. "Are you alright?" She heard a voice as she opened her eyes to see Ijekiel staring at her. "You still surprise me everytime we meet. I missed you, my lady angel." He said as he smiled at her while she was still shocked that he caught her.

'Wait! This is Ijekiel now?! Where did the cute baby go!!!! And he caught me....' Rosia thought surprised.


Athy had been staring at the spot that Rosia stood in for 2 minutes before she turned to Lucas with a glare. She stood up punching him as he fell to the ground with a look of surprised on his face as he held his cheek. "What the hell!" He exclaimed as she raised her hand to hit him again but Mikael stopped her. "Athy. Calm." He said as she turned to him blinking before she sighed slowly lowering her hand. "Didn't we speak about teleporting either one of us without our consent?" Athy asked looking between Mikael and Lucas as the older of the two (Mikael), nodded. "Good, and what did we say would happen if it happens again?" Athy asked as Lucas paled upon realization.

"I didn't appreciate being teleported without my consent. What if I died from falling out of the sky?!" Rosia exclaimed pacing in front of Lucas and Mikael as the youngest rolled his eyes. "Please. You're still alive right?" He said as she glared at him. "If it wasn't for Ijekiel catching me with his body. I would be dead." Rosia deadpanned before sighed. She turned to Lucas with a smile before punched him in the face as he flew back flopping on the ground. She walked towards him cracking her knuckles with a scary smile in place of the sweet one. "You're dead." She said as she jumped down on him and they wrestled on the floor with Rosia winning because she didn't give him any chance to fight back. "Now apologize punk!" She said as he groaned in pain trying to get her off.

The fight went on of a few more minutes before Athy and Mikael got tired of them. Mikael snapped his fingers separating the two as Lucas had a swollen cheek and a bump on his head while Rosia looked proud as she wasn't harmed in the slightest. "Honestly, Lucas. She's right. We can't teleport people without permission. If she died we would have been held responsible. Do you want to die?" Mikael scolded Lucas as Rosia had a smug look on her face. He had just pushed her buttons and had paid the price. "Yeah... You're right. Sorry, Rosia." Lucas said as she turned to him and the smug look disappeared replace with her normal expression. "Are you really?" She asked as he nodded. She smiled pulling him into a hug forgiving him. "I forgive you. But if you do it again. I might just forget that I'm a princess and do something I would regret." She told him a sick smile on her face as he shivered in fear.

~Flashback end~

"Ah... You remember. Pray that Rosia won't do anything too bad." Athy said as Mikael eyes light up as he snickered while he thought about what Rosia would do. "Mikael, my lovely brother. You'll protect me from Rosia, right?" Lucas asked turned to his brother innocently. "You dug your grave on your own. Think it's time you laid in it with a blanket." Mikael said as Lucas sulked as Athy sarcastically pat his head. "You'll be fine. Let's finish practicing, Mikael." Athy said as Mikael nodded as he stood up, for some reason he decided to sit next to Lucas as they kneeled in front of Athy. She didn't realized it, and neither did the brothers. Although, Lucas probably got used to it because of Rosia. A fearsome child that's scary when angered. And he knew that punishment awaits him when she reached back. He just hoped she had mercy on him.

Lucas had moved to the corner of the room pouting thinking of ways to get out of it while Mikael and Athy danced happily even though they were worried about Rosia. They knew she would be fine wherever she was all they had to do was wait.

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