3: Dew

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'What even was that dream last night...' You thought to yourself. You laid where you were, not able to tell if you were disappointed to have woken up or not. You had met 2- no 3 of your favourite people, which would probably never happen, because this was real life. Things like that don't just happen. You sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

"Good morning!" You heard a cheery voice. You shrieked.

"AH! Jesus Christ..." You were breathing heavily, heart beating out of your chest. Did he really need to do that? Nate chuckled, and you could feel him shift beneath you.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He asked softly, seeming both honestly sorry, and proud of himself at the same time.

"Um, yes? I-it's fine..." You replied, not wanting to tell him you'd thought yesterday was a dream. It had seemed a little to good to be true.

"Alright... we'd better get up then. Matt said we'd meet at his place for 10 to try sorting things out, and Sophie's leaving at 9:30, so no worries there." Nate's voice hummed through his chest as he explained how the morning would go. You nodded, standing up and turning toward Nate.. His hair was scattered across his face haphazardly, like morning hair after running your hands through it once or twice. That's probably what happened. You quickly did the same, becoming instantly self conscious. Nate smiled warmly, and your heart skipped a beat.

"So, what time is it now?" You asked, knowing you didn't have anything to get ready with, but breakfast was definitely on your mind. Nate looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table next to him.

"9:03, why- oh please don't tell me you're someone who'd prefer to be 15 minutes earlier rather than on time." Nate looked at you hopefully, and you laughed softly.

"No, no, I just like to know what time it is, how long I have until deadlines, that stuff. I always had my phone with me, but I assume it's still on my bedside table." You remembered your self-made ringtone fondly.

"Ah, alright." Nate wiped fake sweat from his brow, grinning.

"So. Breakfast?" He suggested, getting ready to stand up. You scoffed.

"Like you have to ask." You grinned, running another hand through your hair. You would give anything for a hairbrush right now, but that was not an option.

"Then off we go." Nate hopped to his feet, and he scooped you into his open hand.

"Bjgf- warning please?!" You picked yourself up off your back, pulling your shirt down and pushing the hair out of your face.

"I thought you were ready!" Nate said innocently, continuing the walk into the kitchen.

"Pshh, Alright. You said nothing in advance, how could I be prepared?" You rolled your eyes, chuckling.

"What? You saying you're weak?" Nate raised his eyebrows, setting you on the cold stone countertop.

"Um, yes? Have you not noticed I'm three inches tall?!" You gestured to yourself as Nate dropped his bagel into the toaster. Pulling a plate out of the cupboard, you saw Nate nod thoughtfully. His smile became a smirk as he turned back to you.

"Weak." He chuckled, poking your waist. You shoved his intruding digit away with a laugh, wrapping your arms around your waist.

"Well there's not much I can do, excuse me for trying not to die!" You mock shouted, a grin on your face. Nate grinned back, glancing to the toaster. You heard it pop up, then saw Nate jump backward and hit his elbow on the counter. Bursting into a fit of laughter, you doubled over as you heard him cussing under his breath.

"What's so funny?" Nate said sharply.

"You- you called me weak..." You wiped tears from your eyes. Nothing could've been funnier.

"Shut up." Nate muttered, pulling his bagel out of the toaster quickly, grabbing some margarine from the fridge and spreading it on his bagel. Plate in hand, he then walked past the island, grabbing you in a loose and unwarned fist, though you saw it coming this time. He had a firm grip, but it was nothing close to hurting you, which was impressive. Dropping you on to the table top, he set his plate down, before sitting down himself. You picked yourself up off the table, walking toward his plate slowly before sitting down next to it. You looked up at Nate with wide eyes.

"Ugh. Fine." Nate rolled his eyes and smirked, looking down at you before ripping off a small piece and giving it to you.

"Thank you!" You chirped, digging into your breakfast. You figured it would've been more difficult to eat, but it was just a large piece of bagel, rather than a dense piece of bread. You happened to finish around the same time Nate did, and he picked up his dishes, putting everything away or into the dishwasher, and then returning to the table where you sat.

"So, I have to get ready, if you don't mind-" Nate was just about to finish his statement, before he was cut off by a sharp knock on the door. Multiple knocks actually, and quite strong. Like someone under a lot of pressure. Nate glanced at you before quickly walking to the door, checking on you once more before opening it up.

"Oh, Matt." You heard Nate's received voice from the front room.

"Yeah. We need to talk."

A/N Man those cliffhangers just sneak up on ya don't they! Sorry this should've been out a while ago, it's been way too long since I've updated, but here it is now! Hope you enjoyed, and hope you're having a wonderful day.

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.


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