Ch.3 - Simps

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Y/N stared down and nodded.
"I am sorry, but I'll make sure to talk with Mikoto. Of course, but don't be sad. I'll make sure to visit you sometimes. We can hangout too." Said Y/N.

Kushina smiled a little, but she was still sad too.

"I have to go now, but we will definitely talk later." Said Y/N

Kushina was sad, but she also understand it. Before Y/N could leave Kushina, she said something.

"Make sure you get stronger!" Yelled Kushina.

"Please, don't dye or cut your hair. It's really pretty." Said Y/N and left.

Kushina just stood there not knowing what to say, she smiled and blushed.

"Y/N! Why did it take soo long! I am waiting for you here on this tree almost for like 3 hours!" Said Minato.

Y/N chuckled and smirked.
"Forgive me, i just had to make sure, no one would ever touch her again." Said Y/N.

"So you like her?" Asked Minato with a smirk.

"Yeah, you can say that." Replied Y/N.

Minato smiled and patted Y/N's shoulder. His bestfriend obviously got a "Girlfriend" for himself. He was proud of him.
"Good job Y/N, you are so admirable!"

"Why is that?" Asked Y/N curiously not sure what Minato was talking about.

"You admitted that you like her, you are so damn brave, Y/N." Said Minato with stars in his eyes.

"Heh, maybe you're right." Said Y/N with a soft smile on his face.
"but that won't change the fact, that you are still simping for my sister" said Y/N smugly. Spitting facts, as usually.

"Y-You are the simp! Because you are simping for Kushina!" Said Minato as he tried to defend himself.

"Why do you call me a simp? You are the simp. You was the first who started to simp for my sister. You simp." Said Y/N

"I am not simping for your sister!" Said Minato nervously.

Cap level above heaven, just sayin'.

"Just admit it already!!" Yelled Y/N.

Minato simply sighed and had a soft blush. "Alright fine, yes. I like your sister and i am simping for her. Are you happy now?" Asked Minato little bit annoyed.

"Yeah, i am actually happy." Said Y/N, making Minato a little bit confused. "I am happy, if my bestfriend in next to her, i am more than satisfied." Said Y/N.

Minato smiled at Y/N and Nodded. "Of course! I'll protect her with my life." Said Minato. "Thank you for trusting in me, Y/N." Said Minato and punched Y/N's shoulder with a smile.

Y/N Sighed and smiled too. "We should head home, tommorow we will meet our new sensei and probably a new teammate as well." Said Y/N.

"I wonder who would be our new teammate and sensei of course. Probably a strong jonin and genin!" Said Minato.

"Well i hope it's someone really good." Added Y/N.

"Everything will be fine." Said Minato.

"Sure. Well then, see ya tomorrow at the academy." Said Y/N

"Sure thing, see ya." Said Minato and both of them left.


Y/N returned home, as always Mikoto was doing her homework with her father. Y/N went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some melon juice. As he finished his juice, he went to the living room, his father immediately noticed him along with his beloved sister.

"Hey son, how was the graduation?" Asked Fuji with a soft smile.

"Yeah, how was it?" Asked Mikoto as well.

"It went pretty....... Well." Y/N took out the headband from his pocket and smirked.

Mikoto was happy, while Fuji in the other hand was proud. His son was very talented, like his own mother. Fuji's mother was a strong Mangekyou Sharingan user. But, you will know more about her later.

"Good job, son." Said Fuji.

"You did a great job, Y/N." Added Mikoto.

"It was nothing, also Minato graduated as well." Said Y/N.

"Minato? Is that guy with blonde hair?" Asked Mikoto curiously.

"Um, yeah." Replied Y/N.

"Oh, he is cool i like him" said Mikoto with a soft smile.

Both Fuji and Y/N raised one of their eyebrows at her opinion of Minato.

"Homework" said Fuji with a serious tone.

"U-Umm, okay." replied Mikoto with a worried face and continued doing her homework.

"Back to you Y/N." Said as he looked at his son. "I want to talk with you later, after i finished this with Mikoto. Alright?" Asked Fuji.

"Sure, i am going to take a bath." Replied Y/N.

"Don't forget to eat dinner." Added Fuji.

"Nah, i am not that hungry." Said Y/N

"Dinner" Said Fuji with a serious tone.

Y/N flinched and immediately nodded. "Oh damn! I am sooo hungry! Let's eat some dinner!" Said Y/N with a nervous smile.

Later on as Y/N took a bath And finished his dinner. He went to his father's room and knocked on the door. "Come in" said Fuji." Y/N opened the door and closed it behind himself.

He sat down on the ground, Infront of his father. Fuji stared down at him, and sighed.

"Good job son. Even though you're only 10 years old, you have show some maturity. So i got some questions for you." Said Fuji.

Y/N only nodded making Fuji smile.

"First of all, do you want to become a swordman?" Asked Fuji from his son.


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