Carnage by design

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A/N This is a chapter about the past enjoy more of Omega's past. This will explain how I believe Summer died with a way that relates to Omega's story. Enjoy.

Summer's POV

I have my white cloak. Check. My weapon Death Rose. Check. Ammunition for weapon. check. Ok I am all set for the mission.

 I say doing my mental checkoff list. I tell Taiyang that I am leaving for my mission to erradicate Grimm and see what the White Fang is up to. He just say be safe. Little did I know I would never see him again.

 I get into my yellow sportscar that I was given to get through this mission today. I feel the leather and allow myself to enjoy the new car, The interior was that of white leather and had my emblem emblazed into the seats. Little did I know that a little trespasser got into my car and was asleep in the back for when I got to the mission spot. 

Forever fall forest. So close to the academy what could the White Fang be thinking in this regard. Puzzled I don't hear the little footsteps following me until I join the frey getting attacked by Beowolves.

I notice them turn their sights away from me. What the hell are they doin..... No. Now I know why Omega had stowedaway in my car and was currently afraid for me. Creature of Grimm including Beowolves attack when they sense negative emotions, seeing as how he was in fear my life, they turned on him.

The Beowolves jump over me and toward him and I have to pull myself into a sprint to allow myself to get myself between them and my son. I slash through two of them allowing myself room to get between them and protect my son. I won't allow them to hurt him. I notice the beowolves I had just killed turning into black dust. 

Omega clung to my leg and I felt wetness of his tears flow into my pants. I would kill these things for scaring him.

I feel myself start to lose my temper and fly at each of the Beowolves in a killing frenzy hacking limbs from them with ease and allowing thier heads to hit the leaves that litter the ground. Omega looks up to me with tears in his eyes and I know he is afraid of me right now. And I hesisitate that one moment is enough for a shot to ring out. I felt lava form around my middle as blood formed a rose on Omega's face and I felt myself losing the will to fight. 

I no longer had the power to protect my boy. The shot came from the direction of a White Fang member who didn't have a mark of a Faunus on her. But I knew Omega would think that the White Fang had killed me and seek revenage. I tried to speak but couldn't as the lady came forward with yellow eyes blazing. I felt the woods around me cackle as I felt myself dying. I lost...

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