The motorbike

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It had just turned 4am. Olivia was having a hard time trying to get back to sleep. She had been asleep since half 12 but for the past hour she couldn't sleep. She wasn't worrying about anything she just couldn't stop thinking about one thing and one thing only. The motorbike. What colour was it? Was there gonna be another space for the both of them? What does Rafael Barba look like with a leather jacket on? Why was she struggling to sleep so much? Well she could answer that with all the questions she was thinking about. Olivia sighed and looked over at the alarm clock which read 4:12am she sighed trying to think of anything to do that wouldn't wake Rafael. She decided to get up and make Noah's packlunch for school. She got out of bed and carefully opened her wardrobe, took out her clothes, and headed to the bathroom. She doesn't usually take a bath but because she was up so early she decided to take a bath. She took a bath and used a muscle soak a friend had told her to use for her back and knees. She added 2 bath bombs and sat in for 20 minutes. She then drained the water and washed her hair in the shower. She was still thinking about the bike. She couldn't wait now for Friday. Only a few more days. After her bath, she got changed and tied her hair up in a towel and made herself a coffee and began making Noah's sandwiches. Olivia made the sandwiches and put a cake and a packet of crisps into the boy's lunch box.  She looked at the illuminated clock and seen it was 5am. She felt more tired now "half an hour shouldn't hurt." she thought getting the blanket from the top of the sofa.

No. It wasn't happening.

She heard the young boys door creak open and little footsteps. Noah emerged from the door way and made his way through the hallway to the living room. "Noah. What's wrong sweet boy?" Olivia said. "I don't feel right. Tummy sore and sick." The boy said. She instantly went into long day mommy mode. "Have you been sick?" She said back to him and the boy just shook his head. "Okay come here." she said. The boy went over to his mother. He had a temperature and he was pale. "Mum you spinning?" The boy said. "No sweet boy. I am not. Look at me." Olivia said. The boy fainted as Olivia finished speaking. Olivia picked up her boy and placed him gently on the sofa. "Raf I need you. Noah's fainted and I." She said when she walked into the room. He shot up from the bed and looked at her left hand, it was shaking. He took a deep breath knowing it was going to be a long day.  "I am going to call for the doctors."  Olivia continued as she reached for her phone. "I'll put some coffee on and we can take it with us." he said as he walked out the room. She phoned the doctors and she made an appointment, whilst Rafael was getting changed and when he got out she put on her everyday makeup and as soon as Noah woke up she bathed him as he was still pale and still every warm.

20 minutes later they headed for the doctors. Rafael was driving and Olivia was in the back with Noah.

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