Unseen Wounds and Forgotten Memories; Chapter 29

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Sasuke rose semi early in the morning, the few beams of sunlight penetrating through the enclosed space and landing on his eyelids being his cause for him to stir. With a small groan, he sat up, before realizing the hour and furrowing his brow in confusion, and then concern.
It was morning, yet Naruto had yet to come to wake either of them up for their shift, meaning that he either had pulled an all nights, or that something had happened to cause for his absence. Leaning over, he reached out and grasped Sakura's shoulder, shaking her softly to force her to consciousness.
She too groaned in annoyance, slowly moving to face a different direction. With a grunt of annoyance, Sasuke carefully moved his body silently out of the gap between roots of the space beneath the tree. Walking cautiously, the mildew-covered grass wetting his sandals and exposed toes, he move over towards the nearest chakra sources, which, coincidentally, just happened to be where Naruto had sat the night prior. The raven haired boy was not a sensory-type ninja, merely someone to have long since learned to sense the bare bases of chakra, as was common among genin and low class chunin.
Naruto wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his jacket, the orange being stained by smeared red, as the wounds healed over once again. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he glanced over and gave a small wave to the other person, who seemed to not notice the cleverly hidden wounds.

"Naruto" Sasuke greeted, though his voice seemed to hold some kind of edge.

"Yeah?" Naruto asked, the glowing of his internal flesh returning to he unseen as the wounds fully healed. He finally turned towards the other, raising a blank brow towards the stern look that had been plastered over top the Uchiha's face.

"Why didn't you switch shifts?" Sasuke continued, the edge to his voice sharpening swiftly. Naruto paused for a very small moment before responding, the sound of humor evident in his voice.

"I though that you and Sakura, cuddling and dry humping, was too cute to interrupt." He lied with an honest tone, his voice convincing and calm with only the most minor hints of his true amusement. The look that overtook Sasuke's face seemed to match that of the raven's favorite food, the newfound tomato shade being quite numerous to the cause of the blood that rushed to his face. Naruto laughed, closing his eyes and snickering, sharp canines revealing themselves, only to be left unnoticed.
"I mean, seriously, you wanted me to walk you up and interrupt your soaking wet dream?!" Naruto cackled, throwing his head back as his laughter finally revealed itself, finally forcing Sakura to awaken from her peaceful slumber despite the distance between them.
Naruto felt the presence of his siblings, two of them anyway, as they watched in silent amusement. As Sakura trudged out of the hole, groggy and annoyed beyond belief, she moved over towards her pair of teammates and glared at the blonde.

"You are SO annoying, BAKA!" She began, having enjoyed the dream she had been in the process of finishing and was now more than a little agitated.
"I mean, seriously, why did you wake me and my precious Sasuke-Kun up so early?!" She exclaimed, glaring daggers at her teammate. Sasuke glanced over to the pair before deciding to return to their shelter and pack their few things, namely the pair of scrolls.

"Oh? A ninja sleeping in while on duty? And here I thought you were oh so very prestigious, Sakura-chan." Naruto purred, being annoyed that he could not show his aggression towards the person before him. Sakura gawked, as though the words spoken had been much worse and more damaging than they sounded.

"I AM a good ninja, someone as dumb as you just can't understand that!" She retorted to Naruto, who raised his hands in a defensive manner. Sakura fumed as she was made to look as the bad guy of the verbal and mental duel, trying to think of some form of retaliation.
"And at least I'm not some kind of stalking pervert!" She added. The twitch of Naruto's lower eye lid went unnoticed as the girl continued. Her words were loud and unchallenged for a good few moments of eternity, then, with unseen speed, she found herself slamming into the back of a tree.
Sakura made a sound, as though in attempt to gasp for the breath that had been forced from her lungs upon impact, but found her windpipe clogged from an outside source. Two hands, tanned and sun kissed to a ever familiar shade, held on with a fearsome force.

"Don't you ever call me that again." He hissed lowly after a few moments of agonizing distress as her lungs began to burn oddly quick, her increased pulse likely being a cause. After a moment longer, she was released to the ground, collapsing and guarding her own throats with one hand as she tried to stabilize herself with the other.
Why hadn't Sasuke heard when her back flashed harshly with the touch bark? Why couldn't he hear the sounds of anguished gasping and low volumes hisses as those yellow, slitted eyes glared into her soul. Yellow-what?
The idea of anything but blue, or the occasional red, being present in his warm depths was confusing, had his irises truly been yellow in those moments?
She glanced up towards him, his retreating form being overtaken by the shade of the trees as he ventured back to their camp, and watched with undecided attention. He turned back towards her a few moments later and placed a finger to his lips in a hushing manner, making no sound whatsoever. His eyes were the same blue as ever but...were they darker? Something was off about those twin orbs of swimming, swirling colors.
A few moments later and she stood, finding her neck to oddly enough not hurt nor in the process of bruising. Her mind hurt trying to think of the actions that had passed moments prior, she didn't understand why, what had even happened?
As she neared the group again, this time by the heavily rooted tree and their previous shelter, she noticed something else that was odd, something that she only saw from the side of her vision, something even odder than the eyes that seem to change colors yet confuse those who believed themselves to have seen anything wrong at all due to their inability to remember what had been wrong in the first place;
'Are his cheeks...' she shifted her gaze once again but found what she had thought herself to have seen to no longer be present. In those moments, the skin surrounding his whiskered birthmarks looked to be inflamed, bright and agitated as though something had happened to them in concentrated areas repeatedly.

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