Revenge Attempt Take Two

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//A:N// Mama's little Kiki is siiiiiiiick, Kira is siiiiiiick, my little fuzzball needs to go to the vet T-T he's peeing blood
Update: typing is difficult when you have a fuzzball who is demanding your attention....and dominant arm...

Sakura woke in a hospital bed feeling far better than she had when she had last been conscious, leading her to ponder upon why she was there in the first place. Her mother gave a kind of squeal, realizing Sakura to he awake and pounding the poor girl to death in a tight embrace.

"Mommy's little angel, are you alright!?" Mebuki asked as she squeezed the child.

"Fine-mom-can't-breath!" Sakura responded as her face turned an odd shade of pink, the first change that could come from asphyxiation. She was released, the girl forcing in deep inhalations of air into her lungs as her mother eyed her analytically.

"Did the demon child hurt you?" She asked quickly. Befkre Sakura could confirm or deny the claim, Mebuki turned around, slamming a fist into her palm.
"That BRAT will pay for this! I will-" her rants of vengeance was cut off as Sakura lost interest, the girl zoning out and allowing her mother to rant.

"That's all good and all, mom, but I think we should probably get out of here." She told her mother with a small tilted smile. Her eyes shot open as she remembered something.
"And I need to check in my Sasuke-Kun!" She realized. Her mother laughed as her daughter leapt from the bed, her hospital gown tossed aside for her normal attire, before storming about the facility in search of her self proclaimed beloved.


Naruto sat, alone, in the hospital room. He was fine, nothing had happened to him, but Kakashi had insisted on a check up just in case, not wanting harm to befall the younger ninja. It had been four hours since he had been placed in this room, awaiting to meet his doctor. He waited, no one came. No one visited him.
Another hour and the sound of someone running through the hallways sounded, the door to the right of his room slamming opened and a cry of "Sasuke-kun" was exclaimed. No one visited him.


It was nightfall now, and Naruto had grown fed up with the wait. The window slid open smoothly and he exited, kneeling on the outside rooftop and closing the window most of the way behind him. The attack had-strangled Enough-paused, the creatures from before having disappeared for the moment. If things had been different, he wouldn't have understood why, but he knew better than that hypothetical other version of himself. The battle had lulled because the Sand had backed out last minute, but that was only temporary. Even now, with Naruto's keen sense of awareness and current amount of concentration, he could feel unfamiliar chakra signatures in the village, ones that hadn't been there a few days ago or even the night previous.
The enemy of his enemy was now recuperating and planning anew, and it was not all that difficult to figure out what the Sound intended on doing. The Sound's involvement in the battle that would have happened was inconclusive, not even suspected by the public or lower ranking officials, but it was obvious. Tomorrow there would be a meeting in town square, where what had happened would be explained and discussed amongst the people and higher ranking ninjas of the village.
Perhaps he should make the first blow? Attack while no one is expecting it?

'No' Naruto thought
'Well, maybe, but no. Attacking first is stupid, I need to wait until the other side strikes, make a ruckus and then join the fight. I'll-' a thought interrupted him, an idea as splendiful as a hot meal after hours upon hours of hard labor in the blistering cold. His once thoughtful expression twisted in excitement, pupils glowing a bright, light yellow whilst his irises shone a vibrant blue, the light cutting through the darkness like a knife through warm butter. He began to snicker, then giggle, then laugh.
'This is going to be fun!'


Naruto walked out from his doorstep, his usual orange clothing encasing him, weapon punched tied to his leg, and hummed merely out of his house and towards town. A masked figure, clothed in a dark cloak that obscured them from sight, moving by rooftop towards the same destination. Naruto's eyes drifted up towards the fleeting image of the other, his grin turning a sinister smirk.

"Take two" he muttered quietly, the words carried by the wind as he walked. His eyes scanned the area, mildly surprised by the lack of confrontation of, well, anyone really. Had everyone already gone off to the meeting?
'Perhaps,' he began to ponder,
'I'm just late.' He thought. He allowed one hand to touch the side of his face, the sensitive whisker-like growths having tingled oddly. Was someone trying to tell him something?
'Nope' he realized,
'He simply teleported.' That was odd, but not unexpected. Every time his consciousness had been formed into one of these clones he would ponder upon his own reality. Was he real? He felt real, he felt alive, but he knew otherwise. He would perish once his task was complete and rejoin the mind of the original. How odd it was, he mused, that when one forms one of these clones, one with self awareness and feelings, that they did not revolt or argue over which task would go to which person. He pondered over that fact, leading him to think over the nature of the universe, and then his own birthing. It was a fact that he had refused to think of, but in the current context it was almost poetic. He had discovered himself to be a kitsu, or at least that was what they called themselves. He was the embodiment of of some form of natural force or ideal, some characteristic of the multiverse. He was disaster, destruction, whilst Elkan was the opposite; creation. Veeta was a much less thought of aspect; wind. She was essentially the embodiment of breezes, or at least that was what they had concluded. He was destruction—

and it was time to do his job.


Shikamaru stood, a look of both faked and real boredom on his face, as the events that had recently transpired were explained to the public. There were many people amidst the crowd whom he failed to recognize, many more being dressed in cloaks that concealed their appearances. He looked relaxed, but he knew they were surrounded by people with alternated plans for this event, and that fact forced him to be on the alert. He was not alone in this endeavor, for many others-both friend and foe-knew of the situation. Well, most everyone. Naruto Uzumaki seemed oblivious to that which was going on around him, shifting his weight from one foot the other, not wanting to stand still. For all intents and purposes, he looked like an energetic child.

"Can I go now?" He asked Kakashi in a not so quiet whisper. Kakashi shook his head, although he was glad that Naruto's behavior had seemed to return to normal.

"We all have to wait, Naruto. Be patient." Naruto frowned, about to persist, but was punched in the head from behind from his pinkette teammate.

"Shut up, Naruto!" She hissed quietly. Naruto scowled at her, almost glaring. He was about to return, but a kunai-a paper bomb attached-whizzed past his head form somewhere behind him, aimed directly at the Hokage. It erupted, exploding and sending a small multitude of civilians and ninja alike from the location with minor burns and bruises. The cloaked figures sprung, as if set off, launching themselves into the newborn fray. The summons that had appeared before puffed to life, bringing chaos to the city. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, and the others joined in the fight, though the younger members mostly just relocated the civilians.
A masked figure, clad in skin tight clothing topped by much looser attire, appeared to have other intentions in mind. The person Naruto had been guiding away, a woman nearing her elderly years, froze as confusion overwhelmed her. Then, slowly, her head slid from her shoulders, blood squirting from the wound. Naruto's smirk went unnoticed as it flashed on his face. He had hated that awful woman, the one to have bought out the orphanage that had once been his home and turned it over for profit. The Haruno fell to the ground, and Naruto deserted the body, both he and the shadowy figure dispersing in opposite directions.
Naruto then proceeded on focusing on people he did like, those he didn't wish to perish at least. He set two children, of whom he barely recognized from his younger days, a good distance away from the fighting. He smiled to them a warm, kind smile. They failed to recognize him, for far too long a period of time had passed and-more importantly-they were no longer the infants they once had been. Naruto returned to the fight, doing as he was instructed to by his higher ranking supervisor, allowing for the original to take advantage of the chaos he had caused. Stirring the pot of unbridled aggression was just too easy not to indulge. A smirk stretched upon the face of the cloaked figure.


Sasuke had seemed not to follow the others, contrasting what Naruto had initially assumed, and had instead fled with a select group of others for some unknown purpose. Naruto frowned, a clone appearing beside him and following after the trail of dissipating chakra, which to him almost appeared as strings floating in the breeze, clinging to any and all surfaces. Sasuke's irrationality had not been truly planned for, but no matter, Naruto had learned flexibility over all of his past lessons and had since relearned the meaning. Things would not fall apart, not again, the seams would be reinforced if necessary. 


Shikamaru, Neji, Lee, and Kiba had nodded to each other as they noticed the quickly receding form of Naruto, all of them-for one reason or another-silently agreeing to follow the blonde and offer assistance where needed.

"Naruto!" Kira called out, the wind pushing against his and his canine companion's ears. Said boy glanced off to the side, seeing his followers before calmly looking back towards that which he was headed.

"Shut up and follow. Let's get that asshole before he runs off any further." Naruto called back after a minute of ignoring his tailgaters, picking up the speed slightly and this forcing them to do the same. Perhaps this was a blessing in disguise, now the village was that much more vulnerable without the genin, and the other nin were far too busy with their foes to interfere with the original so long as said person was careful. The others, stunned by his words, remained ever silent. It didn't last for long.

"YOSH! HOW REFRESHING YOUR ATTITUDE, MY YOUTHFUL COMRADE!!" Lee exclaimed, seemingly ignorant to the tension that had build.

'Idiot' Naruto couldn't help but think, his lip twitching into an upwards smirk before being pushed back into his fraudulent expression of determination. If push came to shove and he was given no other choice, he would ensure that one would not suffer long. He had never done anything to him, anyways, so there was no need to draw out his agony.
'Besides' Naruto began to think, the tone slick and smooth even to his own self.
'He'd probably prefer death over early retirement.'


"Sakura!" Ino's voice exclaimed, rushing over towards her comrade with what looked like horror plastered on her face. Sakura turned towards her friend, having been tending to one of the injured bystanders. She raised a brow, her hands releasing the pressure she had been applying on the wound.

"Ino, are you alright?!" She asked worriedly, fresh blood beginning to ooze itself from the now untended wound of the unconscious other with newfound vigor. Ink breathed heavily after having gotten to her gossiping companion, huffing intensely as she forced air into her lungs.

"It's horrible!" The bleach blonde cried finally, having caught her breath, yet seeming determined to lose it once again from the sheer volume she was exerting from her vocal cords and lungs.
"Sasuke-kun-they took him! Some sound ninja took him!" Sakura gasped in a horror that matched Ino's own, eyes widening.

"Not Sasuke-kun!" Sakura wailed. She turned around sharply,searching for anyone she could further pass the knowledge onto. Naruto stood nearby, assisting in removing a fallen support beam from a nearby building from a few people Sakura didn't recognize.
"NARUTO!" She barked furiously, stomping over towards the busy blonde. Naruto turned towards her, the beam having been raised a few feet from the ground as those who had been  beneath its weight scurried away. Naruto began to set the beam down, but was clocked in the head by the furious pinkett.
"HOW DARE YOU! YOU SET HIM UP, DIDN'T YOU?! YOU FILTH!!" She roared. Naruto's reaction was delayed, as if he were suffering from a powerful shock, but its life span was short lived. He caught her quickly ascending fist before it could make contact, clenching down tightly onto the extremity and causing a small series of cracks to go off, almost simultaneously. Sakura flinched, straining her poorly trained muscles away from him as a means of fruitless escape. Naruto squeezed harder, yanking her closer to him so that the pair were making eye contact. His eyes...where was the warmth? Where was the kindness? The patience? The love? Why had all of that been replaced with this cold, unfeeling malice?
"LET GO, YOU FILTH!" She shrieked, her yells having by now attracted the attention of a few others. A bruise, purple and blue in color, had begun to form on the side of Naruto's face, right in the middle of one of his temples. Naruto closed one eye, light seeming to be attacking the newly hyper sensitive pupil as it was forcibly dilated by early epidural hematoma.

"Then stop hitting me." Naruto responded harshly, a scowl forming on his face as a headache, feeling akin to that of a sever tension headache mingling with a migraine, began to take hold of his head.

"Naruto!" Ino called, shocked and surprised by the retaliation. Really, were they all so used to him being harmed that his mere act of responding to the negative stimulant was cause for alarm whilst the initial assault was nothing to bat an eye at? Sakura lifted her other first, poised to strike again, but Naruto suddenly twisted his grip, causing her to cry out as he body was forced into an unnatural angle.

"For someone who's so smart, you never learn." Naruto noted aloud, lifting up one foot and striking out at her unprotected side, releasing his hold on her fist at that same moment, allowing her body to move with its newfound momentum. Tears pushed themselves through Sakura's tear ducts, sliding down her face as she sobbed loudly. Ino knelt down besides her, placing a tender hand on her friend before turning a fiercesome scowl at Naruto.

"When we tell Mebuki, she'll-" Ino began to say.

"That woman has no power over me, not after today." Naruto interrupted coldly, his almost dull eyes a far cry from that which they had once been, almost as if he were a different person than the one they had known. Naruto began to walk away, not giving any indication of the furious migraine that now plagued him, nor of the mild confusion and dizziness that followed. Honestly, it was a shock that he didn't puff then and there, something that he would definitely have to relay to the original once the events of that evening had ended.
"Oh, and Sakura?" Naruto called, turning his head slightly towards the now silent adolescent, hot tears having made their tracks down her inexperienced face.
"Do tend to your patient before he expires."

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