Naruto awoke the next morning to the defending sound of a scream.
"What the fuck" Naruto grumbled, pushing himself up and feeling the desire to return to sleep as it was quite early. Edward groaned from nearby him, rolling over and trying to fall back to sleep.
There had been a rush of motion that accompanied the scream, but Naruto had no idea what this could be. Deciding that it was not worth dealing with,
Naruto closed his eyes and rested his head back down, only to be reawakened by Ditsy.
"Wake up! Hey! Wake Up!!" She demanded, finally managing to push the boy out of slumber before releasing him and jumping to the next sibling.
"Whyyyyyyyyy" Edward whined, covering his eyes to protect them from the orange and yellow light that pushed through the opened tent.
"Pack, quickly!" Ditsy instructed before rushing back out in a blur.
~Ten Minutes Before~
A small group of three walked by the illumination of their oil lantern.
"Where's the camp sight again?" A woman asks, peering over the shoulder of her shorter companion. Each of them bore a travel cloak, tan in color, and carrying large bags of their belongings.
"I think it's over here, we'll finish our trip in the morning." The short male responded, looking to either side before pointing in the direction of the sight.
"There" he stated. The third person, large and gruff in build, lifted their light source to better view something that had been obscured beyond his field of vision.
"The hell is that?" He asked, more to himself than the others, and walking over towards a bowl of slightly dry red chunks of a stringy substance. The air seemed slightly metallic, as though a hunter had used this area to tend to their catch mere hours prior.
"Do you think it was those bandits I've heard about in town?" The woman asked, standing closer to her short lover, safety in numbers after all. The large one turned towards something still hidden in the shadows, it was large and triangular in shape.
"What is that?" The short one asked, touching his glances in a vain attempt to get a better view. The woman moved closer, eyes darting to either nervously as she anticipated an attack from an unseen enemy. Reaching out a hand and touching the rim of the triangle, she froze. What she felt beneath her fingertips was skin, unfurled skin, human skin.
She leapt back, feeling repulsed at the realization, and swiftly turned towards the other two.
"We need to go" she squeaked, a look of horror in her voice. She caught a glimpse at the skinless pile of death that had gone unnoticed behind them, she shut her eyes tightly.
"We need to go right no-" her sentence was caught off as she was tackled by a screeching other. The pair rolled to the ground, both struggling to get the upper hand. The woman cried out in pain as she felt sharp yet short nails claw at her face as the other person tried to grab her throat.
"Lana!" The short male cried, dropping the map he had naught earlier in favor of rushing to help his jewelry wed wife. His father in law, being much more practiced in build, sprang faster, letting the lantern drop thoughtlessly as he sped to prevent the death of his daughter.
The lantern exploded as it made contact with the hard dirt and small stones that layered the ground. The shorter man screamed in fear, backpedaling and falling to the ground as he had been in the immediate path of The now present fire, the flames spraying with the oil and splashing him with their scorching touch.
A sickening crunch was heard as Ditsy finally managed to snap the woman's throat, letting the body drop to the ground before leaping out of the way of the now enraged man.
By the time he had been subdued, Ditsy noticed a commotion in the small town, the people had heard the explosion.
Scrambling back up and dashing around the flame, she pushed the bodies in before leaping away from the hungry flames of the oil fire, tossing all of the evidence she could muster at the moment before dashing to retrieve her siblings to evacuate the flames that had already payed their burning fingers upon the wooden bark of the trees.
~Present Time~
Ditsy, Edward, Naruto, and Nightingale watched as the townspeople tried to put out the fire. Perhaps they simply didn't know that it was an oil fire, or maybe they didn't know not to put water on such a fire, either way the end result was the same;a burning, smoldering mass of blazing fire.
Naruto frowned slightly as he watched them, thinking. What would this group have become if not for their mere presence? If them simply spending the night in an area is enough to derail the future, than what had they caused in the long run? What had they prevented? He turned towards Nightingale, a determined look looming over his features.
~Time Skip~
"Are you sure of this, Naruto?" Nightingale asked in an unsure voice, holding a small box to her chest. Naruto nodded, glancing at the light blue orb held within his grasp.
"Uhha" he responded, turning the orb to inspect it better.
"So, this is the real deal? I eat this and then I get his memories?" Naruto asked, as if for the hundredth time.
"Yes and no, it might but it also might not show you his memories." Nightingale responded.
"You'll probably have to improvise" she continued, Naruto smirked pridefully.
"Oh, I'm quite sure I can improvise, my dear sister." Naruto purred with a slightly malicious smirk. It had taken them a total of five months to find a dimension so similar to Naruto's own but also where Naruto had also died. Naruto gulped down the soul, trying his best to process the memories of his other self.
"Well?" Nightingale asked in an encouraging tone.
"I know how he died-" Naruto began, thinking of the memories that he somehow distinguished from his own.
"I can tell his personality-" he continued, he seemed to be listing off distinguished traits from him.
"Sasuke is still an ass in that dimension, Sakura still ignoring his actions. Kakashi's better there, though." Naruto smiled, mostly to himself.
"-and, Iruka's there too-" he scowled suddenly, snarling
"-Saratobi's there." His scowl deepened even more.
"Does that version of you have, sorry, had inside friends, too?" Edward asked suddenly. Naruto nodded
"Yeah but his weren't like mine, they all died upon his death." Naruto's siblings nodded in understanding at this, some of them smirking.
"Where did he die? Was he in battle? Did anyone see him die?" Nightingale asked, listing off each question with her fingers.
"He died in the 'Forest of Death' during the chunin exams. The others didn't see it, so that isn't something we have to worry about, he was killed by a humongous snake." Naruto listed back, he thought for a moment before grinning.
"All in all, it should be easy to fit into his role." Edward ruffled his hair for a few moments before pausing.
"You sure you don't want us to go with you?" Edward asked, worried. Naruto shook his head.
"No, this new world doesn't need any more wrenches in its system, besides, you have your own work to do." Naruto responded with an appreciative smile. Ditsy, who had remained silent before this, spoke up.
"How about you just summon one of us if you need us?" Ditsy offered kindly and with a broad smile. Naruto grinned again, nodding.
"But only when I have no other choice." Naruto added, Ditsy rolled her eyes and sighed at her brother's stubbornness.
"Yeah, fine." Naruto replied with an eye roll. During the time they had been looking for the best world for him to infiltrate, his siblings had trained him in the ways of their kind. Their history, how to spot another one of themselves, what to watch out for, who to watch out for, what things he could do that others couldn't, and how to do things that only beings such as themselves could do.
He had learned how to preen himself properly, among many other things, and he had learned how to strategize, though he wasn't all that good at that part. He had learned that his abilities were surprisingly destructive, something he had yet to learn to tame. Because of this, he had earned the nickname of "tornado" and "whirlwind", "twister" and "maelstrom".
He had yet to master most anything of what he had been taught, other than flying correctly and dynamic soaring, and still needed help preening his feathers in a way that didn't take at least five hours.
Nightingale handed him the box of cloths, weapons, etc., before hugging him, the rest of the group joining in swiftly to assist the effort of squeezing the life from the youngest of the midst.
Naruto dressed himself in the orange jumpsuit he had been given, filling up his weapon pouches with the tools provided. He looked to his siblings, a sparkle in his cat-like eyes.
"Wish me luck!" He called before transporting away from the inter-dimensional room. The others waved to him as the light from his transport dissipated.
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