Naruto walked through the street easily, his focus shifting from that which he saw it that which he thought. His plans were almost ready, he could make his next move soon, but first he had to scout out the area and the competition. He had sent clones to spy upon the people of whom would participate with the ordeal, specifically the Konohan nin and other such variables. A bag swished slitly as he walked, his groceries being held inside its field of containment. They were his excuse for his walking around; he was shopping.
Honestly, he himself had forgotten his own fortune, but low and behold he remembered all of the treasures and supplies he had removed from the base of the late Gato. He had to be careful, however, he couldn't allow others to discover the cash he had brought in, for they would ponder upon where it all had come from. In truth, he was not payed any more than a mere few dollars by the work he did as a ninja, and so the cash this supplied him with had substained him for a good while.
In addition to the large sum of cash he had safely sealed away, he also had other such treasures he would take for his own today, all that was his was coming with him. To do this, he had requested assistance from some of the other beings like him to remove all that was his, for while he was capable of declaring it his own he could not remove it from this plane of existence without help. That was for later, however, for now he would continue on with this.
He left the town square and ventured towards an alleyway, where he waited impatiently for the others to arrive, as well as waiting to ensure the coast was clear. After a few minutes his form puffed, the brown short hair returning to yellow and lengthening slightly, his skin returned to his tanner shades, and his marks returned. As if cued, another form entered the alleyway, hood raised above their head.
"Shall we go?" The figure asked, their voice revealing themselves to be male.
"Yeah, let's go." Naruto responded, forming a hand sign and puffing several clones to continue on what he had been doing. A Naruto walked away from the alleyway, carrying on with the circling. Two cloaked figures walked away in the opposite direction, another pair moving in a third direction away from the space they had been in.
The Namikaze estate was a large beauty to behold, a magnificent masterpiece filled with cultural value, scrolls of jutsu, family secrets, sealing techniques, and other such riches. Surrounding it was a forest, similar to that of the Nara clan's estate. Within the forest lived, ironically, kitsune spirits, summons, and creatures of the like. They were skittish of the newcomer, as was to be expected, but they would soon get over that detail. The place was sealed off, both physically and metaphorically, from the outside and inside. Breaking such barriers would be easy if not for the fact that, in doing so, they risked alerting the Konohan council, of whom seemed oddly interested-greedily so-with the estate, but all obstacles could and would be faced eventually, this one being sooner than the others.
The sound of metal snapping filled the air as a large pair of sharp pliers clenched down upon the chain. The other figure, Edward, snaked the chain back through the large thick bars of the gate, Naruto doing the same on the other side. Countless paper seals decorated the gate, which looked almost like a Torri gate. The seals and red paint looked slightly faded from years of lack of maintenance, shrubbery having long since sprouted along the unkept path, yet things still held an unbound majesty.
Edward began to work on circling the area, doing what he had been asked, whilst Naruto continued to venture inside, a look of awe held within his wide eyes. A kitsune, small compared to Nightingale's normal kitsune form, pranced on the path after a blue, glowing butterfly. A detached sound of childish giggling followed the creature as it continued on, not stopping for the newcomer.
There was a large, unkept garden, almost a farm, and a feeling of supreme serenity filled the air. The mansion itself was more of a front, for in actuality it was more of a town than anything, though its occupants were few and far between, none of them being human. A grin, childish and innocent by nature, overtook Naruto's features, and a glow overtook his body. A moment later, his cloths had changed to a simple kimono that stopped at his knees, his hair pulled into a short ponytail. His tails poked out from the bottom, the five fluffy protrusions moving with him as he began to explore the area.
'Heh, such a goof.' Edward told him mentally, laughing softly through their connection.
A white void, devoid of any mass or sound other than the ever present echo of silence, erupted unexpectedly as a large mass of ground find the boundless void.
Naruto cheered happily, jumping up and down excitedly, as the large placed vanished, a large crater within the ground appearing in its place. Nothing but a few outer trees remained, these trees being on the very edge of where the crater met the untouched land. No one would notice for days, maybe even months.
"Thanks, Edo-Nii!" Naruto exclaimed, hugging the person happily.
"No problem, and just remember that it's now in a sub pocket of your mindspace, so you can access it through either transportation directly to it or through your normal MS." Edward explained again. He turned towards the space where earth had once been, gazing down into the crater.
"I made it so that we all can go into it, so it's in a joint MS, ok?" He asked, taking out a small box of pokey and putting the tip in his mouth, slowly munching on it, dragging it further within as he chewed it away.
"Ooh! Can I have one!?" Naruto asked, reaching out childishly towards the treat. Edward giggled, handing him one. Naruto shoved the entire piece into his mouth, practically swallowing it whole.
"Should we get going to the other place?" Edward questioned, swallowing the last of the snack.
"We want to be done by sundown, right?" Edward continued to ask
"Yep! The other two ones I sent should be there by now!" Naruto replied in a chipper tone, giggling.
"What's so funny?" Edward asked, raising a brow yet smiling all the same.
"Oh, I'm just thinking of Saru-ass hole's face when he sees this, it'll be so funny!" Naruto replied, his words falling to laughter. Edward snickered,beginning to walk off.
"Oh hey, you forgot to change your clothes back." Edward mentioned, causing Naruto to pause as he allowed his body t glow once again.
"No more jumpsuit!" Naruto cheered, causing Edward to burst out laughing.
"You're so weird!" Edward exclaimed back, having paused between his rhythmic bursts of laughter. The pair began to pass back jokes and stories, laughing all the way as they went off to their next target. The was an Uzumaki temple of masks just open the edge if town-how ironic. The irony of the things the late parents had left was laughable: they left him a place full of kitsune spirits; he was a Kitsu, they left him a temple of masks; he lived his life under the mirage of trickery, lies, illusions, and charade. Within three more hours, the large mass of the Uzumaki Clan's Mask Storage Temple joined that of the first in the white, endless void.
Naruto Uzumaki walked alone through the streets of Konoha, slowing in his pace for a brief second as the original summoned a clone before dispersing it, causing the memories of the original to flood that of the three existing clones. That was his signal, it was time to make his next move.
He resumed his previous speed, though it was now slightly fastened, acutely aware if his following audience. His eyes flickered over the diminishing amount of bystanders as he traveled further and further through the streets, both because of the nearing hour and because of the fact that he was leading his followers towards the less kept streets of Konoha. It was on the outskirts of one side of the village and kept fairly well to themselves, the people within being namely felons of a various sort and the dramatically poor, it was immoral for the place to have been allowed to foster themselves, yet still it remained, the people within having become a dark stain that marred the integrity of the village.
The streets were almost empty now, they were all almost gone, just a little further.
Edward waved to the younger, who leapt over for another embrace. Edward nuzzled him in a faction akin to an animal, more specifically a feline to their cubs, before retracting from the hold and vanishing with a flash of light and a small bang.
Naruto turned away, feeling the diminishing energy leave his system as his fellow kin was no longer present. He had realized that he was becoming addicted to the substance, to the feeling of the energy being passed back and forth between his fellow demons, almost to the point of going without it was a dull ache within his chest. For now, however, he could manage, he still had plenty of the better filtered energy left over to sustain his state of mind before he would lose the warmth and grow cold again, then he would likely grow hungry with bloodlust. Whether it were a psychological or a physical urge was something he cared not, but the fact remained that his insides would begin to ache with longing that was barely satisfied by the bond he shared with his fellow beings whilst beyond a great distance, though it didn't help that his energy was so vast, concentrated, and disastrous. As it turned out, he had a knack for destruction, a desire to cause it, and a taste for the red fluid that flowed from the veins of anyone who dared to grow near.
Edward had explained to him that he was maturing, entering the next phase of his life, and that was why the ache was so immediate. Then again, Naruto had never mentioned that he had felt the same ache when he had been young, before being sent to that damn awful laboratory, yet that information was his and his alone, no one else needed to know.
Thinking of the red ooze made him drool slightly, and it was only from sheer willpower did he restrain the low rumble of a growl from forming through his throat.
He was needed, he had work to do, he must be patient. Patience was golden, after all.
The Naruto clone's pace had by now quickened to that of a fast sprint, forcing his watchers to actively run after him rather than conceal themselves. Suddenly and without warning, he turned into an alleyway, the rooftops being too close for the nin to view him from their location and forcing them to the ground. Another turn, he was heading somewhere, but where?
The twists he made were astonishing in their delivery, as the speed at which the boy was moving should have made it impossible for him to make such sharp turns without smashing into a wall, crate, or trash bin. The two nin turned again, a dead end meeting them in the stead of their target. A high pitched sound whistled through the air, causing the pair to bend down, clutching their heads in pain. Naruto had to commend them, the last ones to have been submitted to this pitch had been knocked out instantly, yet the pair remained very much conscious.
A higher pitch was his response to the dilemma, the sound coming from no known source. The only movement that Naruto made, or that suggested that Naruto was the cause of the noise, was the odd movements the momentarily enlarged whisker-like-growths on the side of his upper jawline made, moving in a fast rhythm in a way that made them look as a blur of motion.
They were unable to respond to him, too far rapped in the thrall of the agony he had bestowed upon them to react as he struck one down with a hard hit behind his head before moving to the next. Their bodies spasmed slightly on the ground, their onlooker staring at them intensely before rolling one sleeve up and touching the place he knew one of the seals to be located.
Naruto waited, his patience waning as each second past. Two clones had long since extinguished themselves, dissolving into smoke and thin air, but it was the third that he needed. This place had become his own to claim, the place of which he had buried his own-by now-deformed and rotting carcass, as well as the others to have died by his hand.
He had begun to pace, he never knew quite when he had started or even when he had noticed, yet he still found himself moving from one spot to the next, back and forth and back and forth in a constant motion. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7... he had begun to count, doing anything to entertain himself. He wanted to try something, wanted to see if he was any good at it or even if he could touch the surface of the art.
It was an art of mental manipulation-something that he had taken to quite recently and that interested him greatly-yet it was as ancient as the Sirens, the most famous users of the technique, but encantados, kelpies, mermaids, and others used it as well. To entrance via song was an interesting idea, and he wondered just how well he could do it. More specifically, he wondered what the taste of someone was like when their emotions were something other than fear, hatred, or horror.
It was only after he reached the sixtieth loop, his feet having long since made a sort of path through the grass, peeves, and dirt that one could notice with ease upon inspection, did he realize just how silly he had been. Of course he could do it, and if he couldn't then, well, he had other options. It wasn't like it was a necessity if the plan for him t be able to do it, so why had he fretted over it with such vigor? If Edward had been present, he would have called him out on his own childishness long before the pacing would have begun.
He looked back on the path he had made, eyeing it with amusement and giving a small giggle. He had been so caught up with his insecurities that he had forgotten to ensure the completion of what he had planned, and that in itself was enough to cause an episode of laughter from the kitsu.
In the end, this method hadn't been satisfactory in the least. A body lay down below where Naruto stood, wooden spikes stabbing into his flesh. Naruto hadn't pushed him in, but he didn't stop the man, either. It was so odd how people, whilst in the throws of a trance or similar state, cared not for where they were going, nor what lay beyond the trench that they had stood before, not even what would happen should they fall.
He glanced over towards the spot in the distance, where the other of the two nin lay. He had decided to do only one at once-having already disabled both of their chakra-and was now thankful for his decision of doing only one of them at a time.
Walking back, he through over what he would do next. He began to hum a soft song of which he did not know, crafting the melody as he went. There were no words yet, only a small tune of a developing orchestra, yet this fact did not matter.
"You shoulda left it all instead,
Better go ahead,
Leave now,
Say goodbye." He began to sing, the tune was fast paced and peppy. He heard the illusion of music playing, of a small instrumental among the breeze, as he paused to allow the first verse. Whether it had been nothing but his imagination or if it was truly reality, he could swear that he heard the tune playing just as it had in its mind. He heard his cue to continue despite having not designated a specific time of which he would do so. It just felt right.
"You shoulda left it all instead,
Follow me, ahead,
Come now,
follow now." A pause, this time smaller, sprouted again from the chorus that was Naruto's voice, giving way for a small instrumental. The person stared at him, eyes wide and mask having long since been removed so as to better gouge his reactions.
"With this all in my head,
Never should've fled,
Fled, well it's too late now.
Come on, follow my lead,
We'll seal the deed,
Once the deed's done, your'e free." The other person was staring intently now, never breaking his gaze, not even to blink. His eyes, partially lidded, were glazed over with a dazed look. The song penetrated into his mind, the manipulation via chakra that had been carried with the melody acting as it had been crafted; dulling immediate mental capacity and moving past the Critical Factor, moving into the subconscious mind where things could be truly manipulated, learned, and etcetera.
He assumed that he was only at the surface of the subconscious mind, that his watcher was still capable of conscious thought, so he continued.
"Let's go onwards,
Moving forwards,
Into the day of destiny,
As was foretold,
The story told,
And soon the day shall arise," Naruto felt an odd sensation within his eyes, and realized the irises to be glowing in small waves. How odd, but, then again, it wasn't like his irises forming shales had ever been unusual for him, it was just that he hadn't initiated the action to have been done. As he continued, he realized that they were not forming shapes as he had first thought, but glowing in ripples in an outwards motion, creating an illusion of rippling. It took him a minute to realize that the other person, of whom had once worn the mask of a cat, was reflecting the glow Erin her own eyes, her pupils oddly absent, yet her ripples flowed in the opposite direction, they were going inwards.
He recognized her then, yet this did not cause him to falter, she was of the nin to have watched him front he start, even in his world. Yugaio Uzuki was her name, and she was a warrior in her own right. Despite this fact, she was a medic Konuchi, so as to why she had been in the team that had watched over him for so long confused the boy. She had never healed him in times of injury, so was she assigned to the team to heal the people they thought he would harm? That seemed to be the best explanation present, but time for thought and analysis had run out, his next verse needed to begin.
Follow my lead,
Let me feed,
Do as I command—" the last word was drawn out slightly as he implanted her loyalty to him, this would prevent her from telling the Hokage of her ally's untimely death, as well as keeping her from speaking to him of Naruto's movements. It was the perfect plan.
"Then you'll see,
Just as me,
My master plan." He realized that arrogance had filtered through and into his song, and so he switched to different lyrics.
"Ditch that which you thought before,
Change and return never more,
Life with us, you by my side,
Changing the world's flow and tide,
An advent of double,
Never to cross,
For I am now your new boss,
Sleep now, dream deep,
For it is time for you to go to sleep," his tone had changed gradually to a soothing sound, a switch so vast that the non existence chorus paused for the first few of the new verses before returning, the spell continuing. This was, surprisingly, fun. Her eyes closed almost entirely, yet they remained open slightly, meaning that she was still able to see him and his newfound movements.
His eyes no longer gave off an illusion of rippling, instead the irises now glowed in a constant way, breaking through the darkness that filled the void of light, the sun having set long ago.
His pupils flew a slight yellow, but his irises brightly illuminated his face and hair with a soft blue light. She stared through cracked eyes, watching intently in a fascinated way, not wanting to break the gaze. It took him no time to reach her. He hadn't eaten at all that day, he had been too busy to do so, and while his craving for blood was not a drastic, shrieking,
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