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Naruto stood, yes fixated on the bustling city, moon looming heavily in the air above their heads. Suddenly, there was a flash behind him, causing him to turn and greet the arrival.

"Hey, Nighty." He greeted. The quickly materialized other grinned, pulling the younger into a quick, short lived embrace.

"Well? You coming or what?" She asked, grinning even wider. Naruto raised a brow.

"Coming? Where?" He asked confusedly.

"To the Burrow, of course! Goofy." She told. Naruto blinked, perplexed.

"But I thought it was under construction?" He asked.

"Oh, it is," she confirmed, nodding in agreement.
"But the rooms, barracks, dens....whatever you want to call them!-aren't actually part of it, they're our own MS's, which are eventually connected to the Burrow, but since they're their own dimensional planes, they aren't effected by the construction in the least." She explained.

"So...I'm in charge of decorating?" Naruto asked.

"Yup" she confirmed again.
"You also have to buy a bunch of stuff like bedding before you can really call it your 'room', but you can bunk with any of us until it's set up!" She assured. Naruto nodded, understanding, and then the two of them were engulfed with two separate bursts of light, having transported away.


Naruto sat, bored out of his mind, awaiting his elder brother. Edward-although his real name was Elkan-was currently at work, although Naruto hadn't the slightest clue as to what that was. The elder returned through the old oak door, the still neglected hinges creaking loudly as he passed through, before shutting it behind him and approaching his sibling. He was in his more animalistic form, his kitsu form, and thus Naruto quickly joined him.

After a moment of muzzling, Naruto finally decided to question him of his job.

"So, what exactly do you do for work, again?" He pondered.

"Right now, just intel. We transport a portion of an individual who we assume might be a witness to something and have them relay all that they know to us, one of us observe to make sure they're telling the truth, make a report, and send it to the office through the mailing room." He explained. Stars burst into Naruto's eyes, his wings fluttering excitedly.

"Can I?!" He asked quickly, bouncing up and down enthusiastically. Edward looked on, skeptical.

"...I'll ask Mother if you can assist." He said slowly. Naruto cheered, spinning like a corkscrew, balancing on one of his five tails.

"Yay!" He exclaimed.


"Are you sure about this?" Ditsy asked hesitantly. Naruto nodded, shifting the weight of his bag and sealing it away into one of he many marking on his arm. It would reappear within his large walk in closet-which had yet to be truly filled-until he would arrive and find need of them. She sighed, dipping her head downwards.
"Alright, but remember; Nighty and I will be working at the restaurant just a block or so away from your apartment. If you need anything, or change your mind, just ask." She told, sounding as though she were repeating herself.

"I'll be fine, Dits," he reassured. He suddenly stood on his hind legs, balancing himself with his many tails. He place a paw on his fluffy chest, feathered wings flaring.
"I, Naruto Kura, will be the best double agent the world has ever known!" He exclaimed dramatically, causing Ditsy to giggle.

"Alright, alright, let's go, you two." Nightingale called. The others nodded, bursting into light as they transported into the new dimension. She stretched, her wings popping as she extended them, before joining her adoptive siblings in the investigative mission. They had a treaty with an organization of this particular dimension, and they wanted to know if it still held firm. If not, well, the game would begin.

//A:N// HELLO!!! Wow, this book took so long to make! Two years, in fact, but wasn't it awesome?! The next book is already out-needs grammar checking and continuity checking, I started writing it the same day I published the first chapter of this book-so go on over and reads The Predator's Little Game.

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