Chapter 3: A Black-Haired Beauty

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"So, Evalynn..." Heather continued, "since you- you know- moved, where did you go? Did anything happen there?" A slight grin was forming on the tips of her lips.

I stuttered a bit, trying to remember all the events that happened after I moved. It felt like time froze after I left them. Like I just left, and a few minutes later, I came back.

"I moved to florida. It was really hot there. I thought I was going to melt!" I said happily, returning the grin.

I don't know where I moved. I don't even know why. Heather looked upset after that.

"Where did you come from?" I asked 'innocently'.

"Wisconsin. It's more boring than you think. Nothing happens"

"Really? Why did you move here to Texas? Did something happen? How did you even meet? Why did you look upset?" I know I can be a little quote-unquote 'pushy' with these things, but I couldn't help it. I had this bad feeling about her... The Black-Haired-Beauty.

I could feel some kind of tension as we both stared at each other, until she burst into tears. Collin and Maddy quickly scooted from their seats to console her.

"What the hell, Evalynn?!" Collin and Maddy said unanimously.

I didn't understand why she cried, but I enjoyed the tears. I wanted to put them in a bottle and drink them, bit by bit, savoring the sadness, that is, until It was very obvious that those were clearly crocodile tears. I have no idea why no one else saw it.

"Why is she crying?" I say, frowning because of the audacity Heather had to make a scene like that. it wasn't even real.

"She had a fight with her parents before they got murdered. she almost killed herself upon her arrival and had to lean on me for a year," Collin sighed, "Not that you would know that..."

"Yeah, I wouldn't have known. Could you explain it to me? So this could be avoided later?" I asked, now feeling a little bit of guilt, even though I didn't do anything and these cries were fake.

Damn, she should be an actor.

"Why are you so mad? Calm down" Maddy raised her voice. I don't know why, but I felt hurt.

These are just people I've used for my own success; why would I even care about them? They would just leave me in the end anyways. It's a loop that never ends. Why should I care? Like our pathetic human lives. Why should I care? All we do is be born, make some 'memories' with our parents, if some of us even have some, go to school, go through the same "torture" everyday from it, graduate, be an adult, get stressed with taxes, possibly get married, adopt if not birthing a child, and live with work, stress, and depression all the days of our lives until the slow marching of time that is of our lives ends. But why should I care? It's all the same. Everything is. It never changes. Why should I care?

Is the reason why I only have 'friends' to just be tools for my success and entertainment is because I'm afraid of making so many emotional bonds..? Or is something really wrong with me...?

I don't care. Why should i? It's not like they have ever done anything for me.

"I'm not upset. I asked a question and she cried. It was a misunderstanding," I say, trying to de-escalate the situation, as a group of strangers started to form around us.

"Just calm down," Collin stared at me for a minute, then turned away towards Heather.

I felt like the guy in the movie, "Anger Management", on the plane, when he was told to calm down, and all he did was ask for a drink.

I left the area, boba in tow, because it's a sin not to finish boba, and aimlessly walked wherever my body would take me to clear my head.

After walking with no specific destination, I ended up in an alleyway, daydreaming about multiple things that would probably not even happen there. So many opportunities, so many lives...

I continued daydreaming of what could happen if something random were to happen (like if a person randomly jumped at me with a machete or something), until I heard a familiar voice in the distance, "Evalynn..." it called out to me in a casual, yet agitated voice. I kept searching for where the voice came from. "Evalynn.... Evalynn... EVALYNN," I could hear the voice getting louder and softer. It was very familiar... like an old friend. "EVALYNN... Evalynn... EVALYNN," it was Kay. It made me jumpy when his voice turned to many. They kept getting louder and angrier along with Kay's calls. My head started feeling dizzy as I seemed to spin in circles, my head pounding, my eyes getting foggy, my body just wanting to collapse from it shaking, as I continued my meaningless efforts to find the owners of the voices,

"Help... me..."

I was about to fall when something grabbed me by my hair, pulled me further into the alley, and threw me on the ground against one of the two walls.

"Why are you here?" i heard the voice call out,

"H-Heather...?" I asked with a weak, yet successful attempt to fully recognize who owned this voice since it was strangely familiar.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, Why. Are. you. Here?"

"What do you mean by here?"

"Why are you here with Maddy and Collin?"

"I missed them and was tired of where I was before."

"I mean, why are you here specifically? Haven't you caused enough trouble for us?"

"What do you mean by that? I never even knew you existed until recently..."

"I don't trust it! There is something up with you and I will make sure it never and I mean never sees the light of day. I already have plans for them. Don't mess them up."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean in a life without you there to ruin it. Or anyone for that matter," at this point, Heather's head was so close to mine as she was further filled with anger, it would've been awkward to even breathe.

Because of the fatigue the voices gave me, I was somewhat paralyzed, unable to move. Seeing me still, she brought out a half-rusty sewing needle from her left pocket, and brought the tip to my eye, almost touching it.

"Leave us be, and in peace. Don't let me see you close to them like that again if you know what's good for you..." Heather dropped the needle horizontally onto my palm, probably leaving it as a token of her seemingly empty warning for me, as I watched her leave. Now filled with a hatred for her I should have had from the start, when I first heard her name -Stronger than before.

By the time Heather left, the only thing on my mind was why the voice sounded like Kay, why the other voices in the metal room and the voices recently not a far way from the alley were familiar...

"Why... Did I come back..?"

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