👣Komahina/Celesayaka /Kirihina - Spooky secrets👣

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👣Genre: Adventure
👣Length: Very long (1412 words)
👣AU: non despair, they all go to hopes peak

Followers: 54
Posts: 30
Recent posts
28.10.21- so, @SAYAKAofficial, when are you going to tell us you're not actually dating Makoto and have a secret girlfriend?
@Luckyguy- This isn't true! Can everyone pls report this! 🙌
@kokokirigiri- This is not ok. Whoever is running this account.
@IBUKI!- Is she single do 👀
@Hiyokokawaiiaeshtetic- No you idiot, can you read? 🤡
@IBUKI!- Shut up 😭🥶😭😱🥺😰😭🥶🤬😭😡🤬😨😭😓🥺

29.10.21- I found out who toilet papered Ishimaru's house :)! It's was @LEONPLZFOLLOW, @Kazuichimakesstuff and @Meowmiu!
Aoithemermaid-@ISHIMARUKIYOTAKA are you ok? I can help clean it up?

30.10.21- No update today. Going to be posting the ultimate list of everyone's darkest secret! Happy Halloween!

I stare at my phone, reading the message over and over again until it flashes behind my eyes. No comments- yet, anyway. The account would get about 2 likes, 100 comments and 300 shares per post- the last one, the Sayaka one, had got 1 million shares. The 2nd most shared post.
My mind is racing, words rushing. You know the expression 'My thoughts were swimming?'. My thoughts are drowning, the post the waves lashing over my head.
They can't know, can they? They can't. They can't. They can't they can't they can't.
Only Chiaki knows. I told her over text. God, I deleted the messages, didn't I? What if she didn't? I didn't, did I? How would they-
Nagito💚: Have you seen the new post? :///////
A life raft, that I desperately cling to.
Hajime: Yea
Hajime: I can't believe they haven't been take down yet
Nagito💚:we have a plan :))))))
Hajime: We?
Nagito💚: I'll add you :))))))

You have been added to the group chat 'Secrets'
??????: Who is this?
Nagito💚: It's my friend Hajime :)))
&&&&: Hi Hajime! >_<
//////: How do we know it's not him behind this all...?
>>>: Guys, can we be a bit nicer?
———: Who tf is Hajime lol boring name 😂😂😂😂
!!!!!!: Please, Kokichi...
)))))): Try not to reveal names, please.
!!!!!!: Oh no, I'm sorry!
Kokichi? I resurface the image of a short boy, in the lowest year, who has been featured copiously in the account's posts due to his general love of causing trouble. The other... 7-i have no idea.
Hajime: who are all of you?
??????: We need proof you aren't thr account. We need a screenshot of all your accounts. We can tell if you've hidden them.
Hajime: Nagito?
Nagito💚: Please help us!!!!!!!!!
Hajime: fine
??????: Thank you. I'm Kyoko Kirigiri
&&&&: I'm Chihiro Fujisaki!
>>>>>: Sayaka Maizono 😘
//////: Korekiyo Shinguji :)
———: Kokichi OUMA!
!!!!!!: Shuichi Saihara 🙂
)))))): Celestia Ludenburg
Hajime: What is the point of this gc?
Kyoko: we're trying to stop the account.
Shuichi: We only have a few hours, so we're thinking about suspects.
Kiyo: Current suspects are Junko, Byakuya, Toko, Hifumi, Teruteru, Sonia, Chiaki, Hiyoko and Miu. People that are suspicious or haven't been targeted by the account yet.
Kyoko: we're meeting in half an hour at Hope's Peak basement, before the party. Are you coming?
My hand hovers over the screen. Finally, I type my response.
Hajime: yes


"You don't believe they know all of it, do you?"
Aoi's voice brought me out of my daydream, her eyes staring intently at mine. Her costume is half on, the rest back at her house, so she's currently wearing a beige jumper and black leggings, her hair in a caramel swirl followed in her head. Unsurprisingly, she's going as a donut.
"I... honestly don't know." I admit eventually, for the first time. "I believe they're hacking people's conversations online, but if someone hasn't messaged anything about their secret."
"What's yours?"
I snap to stare at Aoi. Her are were wide and innocent, staring at me with kind curiosity.
"As if I'd admit it." I mutter.
"I'll tell you mine! If-"
Kokichi and Shuichi barrel into the room, followed by a bored looking Celestia, an ever-cheerful Sayaka, Korekiyo, Chihiro, Nagito (covered in mustard for some reason), and Hajime.
"Ok, let's start the meeting." I turn away quickly, before my eyes wander to hers again.


"So, Kokichi and Shuichi, we want you to follow Hifumi and Teruteru. Sayaka and Celeste, you can follow Sonia, Chiaki and Hiyoko. Korekiyo and Chihiro, Miu and Junko. And Nagito and Hajime, take Byakuya and Toko. Alright?"
I crossed my legs in my slightly uncomfortable Miku cosplay, a strand of bubblegum hair twirled around my finger. Sonia, Chiaki and Hiyoko, huh? Probably some of the least suspicious. Sonia was just here because she hadn't been targeted yet, Chiaki because of her computer skills, and Hiyoko was just... a bitch. Sorry!
"Alright, then. Good luck team!" Nagito grinned in his cat boy costume. Still no explanation for that...
"Stay quiet, and look out for phones. If they go to the bathroom, see if the account posts during." Kyoko ordered, and her eyes wandered over us all. We stood outside the gym, in the gender neutral bathroom.
"Ok, Celes, let's go!" I beam, my hand starting out to take her hand, then dropping back.
Celestia slips elegantly into the shadows, and I trail behind her, looking out for the three girls.
"There." She whispers, pointing at the clump of third years hanging out by the food table.
"And now we wait." I laugh.
Celestia's hand wavers in mind air, and drops again.
"Please." Suddenly, my hands are warm and tangled in hers. "Let's be a couple for one night. I honestly don't care, anymore." I grin as her face lights up. "If Hope's peak hello wants to say we're girlfriends, let them."

I've already decided by 11:00 pm, and hour before the message is supposed to be revealed.
There's no way we can find them.
Soon, everyone in Hope's Peak will know how I feel about Aoi Asihina. But I've already made my decision when I turn to Aoi as we crouch on top of the bleachers, watching everyone below.
"Aoi, I want to tell you my secret." I whisper.
"Oh- ok!" She smiles awkwardly. "I think I already know, though."
"You do?" I hiss, and Aoi just laughs wistfully.
"Yeah! You like Shuichi, right?" She mumbles.
"No- no, I don't. I like you." The words blurt out of my mouth, absorbing the silence.
Aoi stares at me, and her face crumpled into a grin. Her arms squeeze me close to her.
"Yay! Me too!" She squeals. "I was so WORRIED! I thought you liked Shuichi, and I thought you thought I was straight or something, and-"
"Aoi." I reluctantly pull away. "Nagito just texted me. They found her."


"She saw us. She saw us." I hiss, pulling Nagito behind a conveniently placed plant.
"Well, we know who it is now. I'm not surprised, to be honest."  Nagito adds nonchalantly, putting away his phone. "We just need to steal her phone."
"How? She's gone into the library, which is locked, because she has the key. She's probably using the school computer, so she can't be detected. Ugh! This is so annoying!" I yell. "Everyone's going to find out!" I scream.
"Find out what?" Nagito's voice is like cold water, soothing my heart. Cold water, creeping into my veins, freezing my thoughts.
"I can't tell you." I hiss. "Let's just kno-"
The door creaks open, and Nagito pulls the hair clip out of the key hole smugly.
"Be quiet..." He grins.
The library is almost pitch black, except for the glare of one computer screen, as @HopesPeakhellø types with anxious excitement.
"Toko Fukawa." Nagito whispers. "We know it's you."
"WHAT?!" She squeals. "It's not! I-"
"Just admit it." I groan.
"W-W-well, you're- I-" She stumbles, pulling herself out of the chair.
"How did you know everything?" Nagito prompts. Toko sighs, crossing her arms.
"Nobody talked to me. I always listened I-in to people's c-c-conversations... I guess I just heard things." She mumbles. "I did some hacking aswell." She groans, slumping onto her seat again. "I'm sorry. You can post a picture of me, or do something."
"No." My voice blurts out softly. "We... I won't. We won't copy you. But... you need to tell everyone they were rumours."
"Fake. Ok?"
After Toko types the post, we both leave, slipping out of the building towards the forest that curls around the building like a crescent moon.
My hands reaches his, and I step closer.
"Can I tell you my secret?" I whisper.
"Sure. I already know."

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