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Okay! Here he is :3

Sorry it was rushed-

Name: Arwin

Age: 19-22

Gender: Cis-male

Species: Axolotl (but he's radioactive)

Sexuality: Bi Pie

Personality: he likes to cheer people up, he's usually the humorous friend of the group, he makes waaay too many puns for his own good, he's pretty chill, probably soaks weed up through his a s k i n

Likes: Sewers, chihuahuas (hah-), basically any food, the feel of radiation sinking into his body (he's addicted to it), the dark, water

Dislikes: the sun, cats (they've gotten stuck to his body before), light, being deprived of radiation or moisture, not having food (even tho he doesn't actually need it), clothes (you can imagine why)

I hope that's enough information-

I'm sorry if he doesn't match the "trippy or weird" theme you were looking for Sofi, and I'm sorry it's so late T^T, anyway it's finally here though

Yay lmao

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