Imma do it cause i wannnnt too-
Okay there i tagged her and her best friend who helped her cause they wanted to see peoples answers
so YeET
1.) Too many- I'll just state the ones i'm most currently into The Adventure Zone, Furry, Art/Oc (that's a fandom right-), MARKIPLIEEER SCREE
2.) I LOVE Magnus from TAZ
3.) That's hard- but i have some reallllly comfy leggings i love, so i guess that counts, tbh those are the ONLY good pants i have-
4.) Pants (i like skirts too, shorts are evil)
5.) Depends on the weather, but usually long sleeves (i'm literally wearing something with no sleeves rn lol)
6.) Well i sleep listing to music with ear buds, but some good quality head phones can be suuuuper comfy, plus sometimes if i wear ear buds too long it starts to hurt my ear (from pressing into it, not from the loudness of it)
7.) Well i still have plushes and i'm still in my childhood so- i did have this cute chihuahua plush i loved, her name was Carmel Mocha UwU
8.) Mint and Pastel pink~
9.) Well i remember we had fish when i was super young- don't think they had names though, so i guess our dogs count, we got them at the same time, so, Murphy and Raven
10.)I mean, i've always liked going new places, but the first time i even left my home town was when i was fucking 8 years old, so, idfk-
11.) I honestly don't fucking know
12.) Yep, I like Alaska, however i'd just LOVE to get out of this hell hole we call a house
13.) A vaporeon- or one of the eeveelutions pfft, or a scolipede, i love scolipede
14.) Do dogs count-
15.) Tasmanian tigers (not actually tigers pfft)
17.) Mothman/goatman, i love unsolved omfg-
18.) I didn't know so i looked up 'Alaskan cryptid' and found this
19.) When it's warm out but extremely windy
20.) Pastel for the win, unless Neon is paired with pastel or a dark color
21.) I love a lot of drinks, but i love me some good coffee lol, (starbucks sucks)
22.) *says with Satans voice* Ramen
23.) ... Is it bad that i can't think of anything?
24.) Art... i don't really do anything else- i guess video games..? youtube? damn no wonder i hate my body-
25.) I'd like to get better at cooking ^w^, baking included
26.) I'd love to remix some good shit *dabs* i'm not sorry
27.) Future, so i could see if Trump was voted for another 4 years *Dabs again* Kill me-
28.) Deaf actually, i LOVE music, but in all honesty, i can't live without drawing
29.) ''ABRAKAFUCK YOU!'' Taako from TAZ *bows* hella-
30.) Um, i'm WhiTE, i have good skin, at least people tell me that- My hair is a sort of, dirty blonde i guess? I'm female (does that count-) and my eyes are a brown (i think)
Anyway this was fun Crystel ^ ^ i kinda hope you learned stuff about me you didn't know lol
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