Another base coloring + tag

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soooo ImACheesyPuff did a tag, and said anyone could do it if they want, so im doing it


here's the thing i colored tho

I like it lol

Now for the tag tho

1.) Meh, i have a mild crush on Mick from MoonLight i guess

2.) He's not real soooooo

3.) Maria

4.) Single af and always will beeeee

5.) chichimang

6.) House of gold cover by TheOrionSound

7.) I'm using a desktop rn-

8.) crystelthewolf

9.) .... I don't have one- unless my sort of trans friend ~jukebox~ counnnts....?

10.) I have too mannnnnnnnnnny, i do ship Taakitz tho, and Beth/Mick, those are good ships :3

11.) Originally it was just to read fanfition, but now i honestly just use it to write stories and post art, now i don't really read any stories, just other peoples art books

12.) yet again, i'm using a desktop rn-

13.) November 4th!

So yeah

I like being tagged

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