[ 19 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

Levi settles into the little couch next to me, my legs intertwine with his. I hunch over to reach for a piece of pizza sitting on the coffee table. I take a bite, and my eyes widen at how good it is. "Wow!" I say, mouth full of food.

"Tch, swallow before talking." Levi rolls his eyes at me. He reaches for the bowl of popcorn and sets it between us. He then grabs the remote and plays the movie. It already seems really dumb. I don't watch horror movies that much, but I know that this one sucks compared to others I've seen.

"What the hell is this?" Levi complains.

"It looked interesting...but we can find something else." I suggest.

He takes the remote again without hesitating and finds a romance movie. Not surprising. I slip into the couch a little more as I prepare to watch the movie. It's actually not that bad. There's a bunch of cheesy kissing scenes, which kind of made things awkward. Plus, there was one quick sex scene. I glance at Levi through the edge of my vision. He looks unimpressed.

Once the movie ended, we just didn't really do anything. We were silent for most of the movie. There were a couple funny parts. I laughed, but Levi continued to look stone-faced. He's not a very expressive person.

I look over to him, and see him look at his watch. "We should sleep. It's 1:20." He looks at me with a little pouty frown.

"Aww..okay." I say as I sluggishly get up from the couch. I wander into the bedroom and sink into the bed. Moments later, Levi appears. He stands in front of his wardrobe for a second, but then opens it up to get sleep pants.

"L-look away for a second." He says, making a gesture with his hand, telling me to look away.

"What, I can't see you naked?"

Levi facepalms and then shrugs. "Well fine." He says, and starts pulling his pants and underwear down.

I try to keep my cool as he's doing this, but I've never seen someone naked in front of me. I stare blankly at his...thing. I guess I'm just so nervous that I can't look away. I start fidgeting with random things around me, like the duvet and my bracelets. Before I know it, Levi pulls his sleep pants on. "I thought your eyes were gonna fall out for a second there." Levi says in a joking way.

It takes me a couple more seconds to snap out of it. "Y-you don't sleep with underwear on?"

"Hell no. It's too uncomfortable."

Makes sense. "I didn't mean to stare." I say, slumping over face first into the duvet. I feel Levi's body weight off-kilter the mattress. His body heat enters my back, as he starts rubbing it gently.

"Never seen one before?" He asks. I just shake my head as a reply. I raise myself up and sit criss-cross on the bed next to him. I realize he still has his shirt on.

"Don't you sleep with your shirt off?" I ask.

Levi looks down at himself, not realizing he didn't take his shirt of yet. "Oh right.." He pulls his shirt off swiftly and throws it across the room. A few second pass. "I regret that." He whispers, and gets up to put the shirt in his hamper.

"What's with you and being so clean?" I ask.

"What's with you and all these questions?" He asks back.

"I guess I am asking a lot of questions..." I admit. "Maybe I just want to know more about my boyfriend."

"I accept that." He says, and looks around the room as if he's thinking. "I told you dirty things just make me uncomfortable, right?"

I try to think if he has. "I don't know, maybe."

"Well anyways, when I was young my parents we're really fucking strict. The house always had to be spotless. Of course they never cleaned, it was always my sister and I." He explains. "So I've been cleaning like this for years. It's just what I do."

"What's your sister's name?" I ask.

Levi's face becomes unhappy looking. More than it normally does. "Ellie."

"Where does she live?"

He looks at me with a somewhat angry face. "Enough questions. We need to sleep."

I think I offended him in some way. Maybe he has a bad relationship with his sister. I watch Levi as he gets under the covers. "You coming?" He asks.

Without talking, I also slip under the covers. I snuggle up real close to him, like the other night. Our chests are touching. His is really warm and comforting. I wonder if mine is warm. "Am I warm?"

"Shh. Go to sleep, brat."

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