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Hello everyone as per usual I am giving an introduction to the story and a brief low down if you will.

I really wanted to do a character of color for this fic because I feel like Spider-man Homecoming was probably one of the most diverse casts right next to Black Panther and it included an abundance of different characters from different ethnic backgrounds. As a Latina, most of the OCs read and even the ones I make are white so I wanted to experiment with making a Mexican OC, there will be Spanish in the story but I will provide translations. My Spanish isn't perfect and the story will mostly contain slang words, but if it isn't the correct context please correct me!

Anywho as some of you know I just sort of post whenever I want to so that will be the schedule for it. 

On a side note, if you want to check out my other fics that would be cool also if you wanted to request a headcanon comment on my Story Queue!

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