OK so this is an updated version, I hope you guys like it. Like I said in the latest chapter ill be rewriting or editing other chapters. Thank you for reading
(Y/N) Pov
I was woken up by someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes I saw Coach Ukai and the other coaches trying to wake me up.
"What time is it? " I asked still half asleep.
"It's 2 in the morning.... Get up we need you to help us with something," He said then went out.
I got up and changed into an (f/c) shirt and sweat pants. Then went to the cafeteria to see all the coaches, teachers, even Tendou and a sleepy Kenma.
"What's going on here? "I asked while sitting down next to Kenma, who is still playing his PSP.
"We're having a game, a survival of the fittest to be precise... And we need your help"Coach Nekoma said.
"I'm in" Tendo shouted
"It sounds kind of fun I guess count me in"I said grinning like an idiot.
"How about you Kenma? "Tendou asked.
"I don't know-"
"I'll give you the latest video game developed in Australia, "I said cutting Kenma off
"Deal" He answered.
"Ok let's plan and set the game 'Survival of the Fittest," I said grinning like a maniac and started to draw the plan and where the traps are going to be in.
~Someone is going to be scared for life cuz of me or maybe killed......HAHAHAHAHA~ I thought then laugh evilly and plotting.
Everyone else in the cafeteria POV
~She's gonna get someone killed one day~
Oikawa's POV
It was 6 in the morning and we were in the cafeteria eating when Coach Ukai shouted.
"Everyone listen up...we will be having a game the winner will be getting meals made by (Y/N) and will not be partaking in any punishment(the punishment when they where in the training camp season 2)for 1 week".
Some of them brighten up when they herd (y/n) will be cooking.
~No one's going to eat my little sis's cooking without me~
"Now that that's out of the way, here are the groups you will be in" Coach Nekoma shouted
"Why am I stuck with these people," I said to no one but my self.
"I'm supposed to be the one saying that," Iwa-chan said to resorted while looking at our teammates which consisted of me, Iwa-chan, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Tsukishima, and Ushijima.
Then worst of all was our team name, F. A. C. E because (Y/N) wanted it. She practically named all of the teams based on Anime, typical Otakus.
Kuroo's POV
After they told us our teammates, Coach Nekoma started to speak.
"Everyone listens.......................... during the game you will have to cross the forest to reach the beach. Then you'll have to make (Y/N) cry or blush and finally, the teams will race (Y/N) to the finish line at the end of the beach to win"
~I swear some of these ideas came from Tendou~
"And when you don't get to the Finnish line before me, along with the other that will be captured during the game by me and my assistants will be forced to run 10 laps from one point of the beach to another " (Y/N) yelled while walking out of the shadows wearing an AOT survey cops uniform with that actual 3D MG and the blades and Levi's handkerchief (The wite thing he wears on his neck)
Her (H/L) (H/C) on a ponytail with her bangs framing her face (if your hair is short do it like Mikasa)
"Any questions? " She asks and Tendou raised his hand "Why are you dressed like Levi from SNK?" He asked.
"It's appropriate cuz some of you are taller than me, so some of you look like Titans to me... So yea. The blades are the fake pair tho, I bought so when it touches you or 'slice' you there will be no real damage only red paint on your body.......... ......Oh! There are also traps implanted on the forest and beach so Be careful" (Y/N) Answered
~Traps?!?!................................WHO THE FUCK GAVE HER THE IDEA TO PUT TRAPS?!?!~
"OK everyone gets 10minutes to get ready, then go outside with your teams" Coach Ukai shouted.
Oikawa's POV
We were waiting outside, waiting for the go signal while wearing headbands with F. A. C. E printed on it.
"Before we start the game, I have a few tips for you, 1) if a member of your team gets caught in a trap you can try to get them free before I come to cut them out of the trap and capture your team2)if one of my little assistants gets you caught in one of the traps or tries to do so you can fight back against them or even me to avoid being disqualified and 3) There are challenges you need to complete to pass" (Y/N) shouted.
"OK get ready in"
she took a fake gun
"2" raised her hand
' BANG!! '
all the other teams ran into the woods.
Except for our group
"Why aren't you running? (Y/N) asked
"Just waiting" I answered and she just shrugged and went zipping into the woods, for a few moments it was silent, then a few seconds later we heard a rather loud scream. After about a minute later we ran to the forest just to find our first obstacle........
OK so this is an updated version, I hope you guys like it. Like I said in the latest chapter ill be rewriting or editing other chapters. Thank you for reading
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