You belong with me

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Ok so im not sure how far away oikawa and kuroos schools are but lets pretend its not far.

"Not again..." (y/n) sighed as she picked up the letter that had fallen out of her locker.

"(Y/n)-channnn~" A certain brunette chimed approaching (y/n), glares from almost every girl in the hallway gazed upon her, by now she was used to it so she just ignored them. "What are those?" The male questioned staring at the letters with messily drawn hearts over it.

"Just some letters this guy from another school keeps sending me, he wants me to meet him after school somewhere.." (y/n) explained turning the letter over so she could read the front of it.

"I see, I see- Can I look at them?" The brunette asked holding his hand out. (y/n) shrugged handing the letters over to the curious male. "Hmm.. Interesting.." Oikawa muttered as he dropped them into the nearest bin. "Why don't we go out today instead?" The brunette chirped with a huge smile.

"But what about the lette-"

"Forget about those stupid letters, how about we do something after school?"

"U-uh.. okay.."

"Great! Cya then!"

And with that, the excited male skipped down the hall to class. 'I wonder what's up with him..' (y/n) thought to herself as she recalled her childhood friend's weird actions.

"(Y/N) GET TO CLASS NOW!" an angry voice from inside the room next to her yelled.



"You ready?" Oikawa chirped with excitement.

"Don't you have practice today?"

"Nah, its Monday."

"Oh, yeah."

"Let's go~"


The two made their way out of the school gates, talking and laughing as they approached a tall man with black hair that looks like it hasn't been brushed in about a week.

"Hey, (y/n)!!" The man exclaimed walking up to the two. "It's me? Remember the guy that's been sending you those letters~" Oikawa gave the man a death glare as he reached out for her hand.

"Sorry but (y/n)-chan's busy at the moment." Oikawa said coldly, pulling (y/n) away from the mans hand.

"I see.. And who are you?" The man asked Oikawa, returning his glare.

"Oikawa Tooru, captain of aoba johsai." Oikawa replied.

"Kuroo tetsuro, captain of Nekoma."

Silence fell upon the small group as the two males glared at eachother.

"Um-" (y/n) began.

"Well, (y/n)-chan and I are heading out now so we'll be leaving." Oikawa interrupted dragging (y/n) away.

"Ouch- Tooru!" (y/n) exclaimed struggling to keep up with the male.

"I don't want you with that guy." Oikawa said looking (y/n) in the eyes.


Oikawa leaned in and gently placed his lips onto hers.

"You belong with me."

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