Chapter One: Luca Finds Out

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Luca POV

I was driving home from the beach, me and tan went to go for early morning surf but the waves were rubbish so we decided to go home and change then meet for breakfast maybe invite the rest of 20 squad.

Chris POV

I woke up next to street it was heaven,

Chris: Morning

Street: morning

Chris: I guess we're really doing this then

Street: about time alonso

Chris: can we keep this between us for a few more days.

Street: 6 years I've been waiting for this and I still can't tell anyone that I get to date the Chris alonso the record breaker the first women in swat and the best darn dog handler in the whole of the LAPD.

Chris: Street I just want to enjoy us for one more day just us you know that everyone will loose their minds when we tell them. We will never live it down.

Street: I know I know I love you Chris

Chris: I love you too, I need to go now before Luca gets back.

Street: Aye aye captain

Me and street were walking out I kissed him goodbye but as I was walking to the door it swung open and Luca walked through.

Luca POV

Luca:Hey street, I'm back do you wanna get breakfast with me and tan

I walked through the front door and saw street and Chris.

Luca: Oh my god it is finally happening

Chris: Luca calm down

Luca: calm down my best friends are finally together.

Street: yeah but Luca you have to keep this too yourself for one more day

Luca: seriously guys

Chris; yes and no high fives

Luca: but you guys are finally together this is happening. I knew you guys would end up together ever since I caught your guys not so secret conversation at Annie and deacons vow renewals.

Chris: I need to go now Luca.

Street: by Chris

Chris bye

They kissed

Luca: oh my god.

Street & Chris: LUCA!!

Luca: okay okay calm down STRIS

Chris: Bye Luca (laughing)

Authors Note
Hopefully you enjoy this story it will be mostly light hearted and it follows street and Chris throughout their lives. They both work at swat still but this is more about Swat being a family and about moments off duty.

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