Resonance of the Heart.

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Soul Eater!au because why not? Also don't you think that if Silver Fullbuster was around (eternally sobbing), him and Gildarts would be best friends/drinking buddies? I think they would. Okay, now I want stories of them drinking and exchanging stories about their children, ugh. I guess they'd be the Prof. Stein/Spirit Albarn of this Drabble. But this isn't about them, this is meister!Kagura x weapon!Rogue. Let's admit, Kagura would make a badass meister. Anyways, enjoy!


The dark haired meister sat in the chair which had started to get uncomfortable for her back, but it didn't matter.

He mattered.

She hadn't moved since she got the all clear to see him after going through surgery to repair the damage he had took from the battle, one which he believed they could win.

Kagura sighed as she took his hand in hers, being careful not to grip too hard and to avoid knocking the intravenous line which was covered by a light plaster dressing and a thin wrap of bandages. His usually warm hands, cold as her fingers brushed against his, gripping loosely, silently wishing that he would interlock his fingers with her to give her a sign that he was still with her.

That he was still fighting.

Her mind flashed to the battle the pair had become engaged in with kishin Zeref, encountering him on their job in where they accompanied Professor Fullbuster and his weapon partner, death scythe Gildarts Clive to Crocus after hearing about strange activity. Rogue had assured her that they could take him down together, ending this war which had been going on for so long.

Sending her a reassuring nod and a smile he transformed into her demon weapon, their souls resonating as one before they went into battle against the monstrous creature.

Kagura fought valiantly, her skill in handling her weapon almost perfect in every way; yet it wasn't enough against Zeref.

He struck her down sending her body flying, hitting the wall with a loud thud before looming over her ready to take her soul. With one last swipe he attempted to finish her off, only having Rogue stand in between Zeref and Kagura, taking the blow which was meant for her.

The meister's eyes widened as she watched him slump to the ground, blood staining through his gray shirt as she propped him up against her, her hands resting on the wound with slight pressure as she tried to stem the bleeding, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Professor Fullbuster and Gildarts managed to fight Zeref off enough to make him retreat before attending to the damaged demon weapon who had fallen unconscious from the loss of blood.

They worked fast, getting him to the infirmary at the Academy, leaving Kagura alone by herself with her brooding thoughts.

Was he going to be okay? Is he going to make it? Will he ever recover fully? Would he still be able to study as a demon weapon?

It had been a whole week since then, Porlyursica - the doctor of the Academy - deciding to induce him into sleep to recover better and to put him out of pain and suffering as his body healed.

Whenever she wasn't due for lessons Kagura stayed by his side, not an ounce of her spare time spent anywhere else but his bedside, waiting for him to awake from his induced slumber. Of course, Sting and Yukino visited to see how Rogue was doing, and to make sure that his meister was looking after herself, often having to drag her away from his side just to get her to eat. And no matter how many times they dragged her away from him, Kagura's thoughts always drifted back to her weapon and the battle.

The battle he believed they could win. He believed in her, he always did. But she couldn't do it, she wasn't strong enough for him. She would have died if it wasn't for him.

As a meister she had failed not only Rogue, but herself.

Removing her hand from his Kagura buried her head in her hands, the palms resting against the sides of her face. "I'm so sorry Rogue." she whispered through sniffles, her hazel eyes building up with tears, soon staining her pale cheeks with wetness.

A grumble resounded in the room, the dark haired meister's head shooting up to see Rogue's hand gripping the thin bedsheets. His nose scrunching up at the uncomfortable intrusion of the nasal cannula and crimson eyes blinking slowly, gradually opening wider as they adjusted to the bright lights of the infirmary.


The raven haired weapon tilted his head slightly to see his meister sitting in the chair at his bedside, eyes wide and filled with worry.

"Kagura." he rasped out, voice shot and hoarse from a dry throat and sleeping for so long.

Kagura stood from her chair to pour him a cup of water, guiding him to take a sip before placing it on the bedside table, Rogue sending her a look of appreciation. Leaning closer to him, she rested her head against his, her hand stroking through his matted hair. "I'm so glad you're awake." she mumbled against his hair, a small smile ghosting across her lips.

Turning his head more into hers, Rogue nuzzled his nose against hers. Taking a deep breath he took in her welcoming scent, filling him with comfort in knowing that he was going to live another day by her side.

"I'm so sorry that I failed us."

With a frown forming on his face, Rogue pulled his head away to look her in the eyes. "What are you talking about?" he questioned.

"I failed us. The battle with Zeref, you getting hurt. It was my fault, I wasn't strong enough-"

The demon weapon cut her off, raising a hand to place a finger on her lips to cut her off. "No, you didn't fail us at all. You tried your best, in fact I'm impressed that we managed to stand up that long against the kishin alone. I'm proud of you, Kagura." he replied, shooting her a small smile.

Shaking her head Kagura denied his praise, "You shouldn't be, you got hurt because of me. It shouldn't have-"

Rolling his eyes at her stubbornness, it took every ounce of strength Rogue had as he grabbed her by her jacket, pulling her face close to his before hushing her by capturing her lips with his own. Kagura's eyes widened as his soft lips moved against hers as she sighed into the kiss, responding to his actions.

Pulling away, his crimson meeting her hazel, Rogue leaned his head against hers, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. The meister's cheeks flushed with a tinge of pink at her weapon's actions as they stared at one another.

"As much as you want to put the blame on can't." he stated, taking her hand in his free, Rogue's fingers interlocking with hers.

"Yeah, but-"

"As your weapon, it is my duty to protect my meister. And that's what I did, even if it means life or death."

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