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Because Rogue getting cockblocked by his own exceed is hilarious.


Shifting slightly to get more comfortable, Rogue's eyes slowly opened, blinking several times to adjust to the darkness of the room. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table he noted that it was early morning before his gaze shifted over to the window, the brightness of the morning sun blocked out by the blackout curtains - just one of the few changes Kagura had made to her apartment ever since he had been staying over more often.

"Not like I brought them because of you or anything." she'd mumble, averting her gaze away from him however a light blush staining her cheeks gave her away.

After several cases of waking up with his head buried in between the space of her neck and shoulder - and one time nuzzled in her cleavage - or his arm draped over his eyes to keep the morning daylight, so she ended up purchasing some blackout curtains, just for him. Kagura swore one time he actually hissed as the rays of light filtered through the old curtains and onto his face, disturbing his sleep. Although she wouldn't openly admit it, Kagura wanted Rogue to be comfortable and be able to sleep peacefully without no hassle, especially if he had just come back off of a tiring job.

Granted it may not seem like much of a big deal to anybody else, but for Rogue it was the little things such as this which made him fall even more for her.

Speaking of the resident Mermaid Heel mage the dragon slayer tilted his head slightly to see her snuggled up to him, arm draped over his chest and her head resting by his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her holding her close to him. Rogue's mind wandered to the first time they had slept in the same bed as one another, both sleeping with space in between them only to end up with Kagura cuddled up to him by morning. He could never forget her reaction when she woke up; her eyes widening at the sudden realisation that she was near enough splayed on top of him before she shot up and tumbled off of the bed, taking the bedsheets along with her to the floor instantly spluttering apologies for her sleep-induced actions.

He of course didn't mind it at all, in fact he actually quite enjoyed it. She did also, but she wouldn't tell him that.

Rogue had to resist the urge to chuckle in fear of waking her up, especially since she looked so serene whilst sleeping. Her usual indifferent and rather uninterested facial expression - which Sting had dubbed her resting bitch face, only to earn a punch from both himself and Kagura - was now replaced with a neutral expression, one which made her look at ease for once. It was something he always liked seeing, knowing that she mulled over many things in her mind, he could tell by her zoning out of reality, frowning to herself.

He knew that she was currently mulling over a certain blue-haired mage; once she was set on killing the man who took her brother's life until her battle with Erza revealed part of the truth to her, and receiving the rest of the events in the Tower of Heaven later on when the two women met up one day.

Now aware of the whole story she was torn between her initial goal or forgiving him completely, now knowing he had no control of himself whatsoever. Eventually they met up, Rogue accompanying Kagura as emotional support as they travelled with Erza to meet Jellal and talk things through.

Jellal ended up with a black eye.

"It's better than killing him." Kagura shrugged as the two glanced between her and the man who was currently on the floor holding the left side of his face.

Even though things had somewhat settled Rogue knew she was still restless over it, suggesting that she reach out and talk to Jellal one on one. She had been putting it off; shrugging him off whenever he brought it up so he decided not to bother, knowing that eventually, in her own time, Kagura would do it one day.

Letting out a deep breath Rogue closed his eyes, intent on falling asleep again, until he felt Kagura shift slightly, her body tensing as she stretched before letting out a yawn. "What time is it?" she asked, her voice quiet.

"Too early to get up." Rogue replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Kagura simply hummed in reply before making herself more comfortable, a lazy smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Anytime before twelve is always early to you." she commented snidely, rolling her eyes causing Rogue to smirk at her. "Besides I have to get up eventually, Erza is expe-mmph!" her eyes widened as the dragon slayer captured her lips with his own, instantly shutting her up.

His lips moved lazily against her own as Rogue leaned over her, his hand sliding through her hair as the kiss deepened, his tongue seeking hers. "We have enough time to play, right..?" he raised a questioning brow, nipping at her lower lip before nuzzling his nose against hers, his hand slowly disappearing in the duvet to brush along the inside of Kagura's thigh caused her breath to hitch.

The sound of the door pushing open along with feet padding along the wooden floor halted Rogue's movement, Kagura's smile widening, knowing just exactly who that person is - well, exceed is, to be in fact.

"Play time's over."

A tug on the duvet could be felt before the frog-suit clad exceed made it's way to the small space in between the couple, causing Rogue to retreat back. The dragon slayer felt his eye twitch at the rather rude intrusion. Getting ready to scold the exceed he glanced down at Frosch who was snuggled into a small ball, the sight making the dragon slayer's frown disappear into a smile.

How could he be mad at this?

"Good morning, Frosch." Kagura greeted the exceed, stroking her head gently causing the cat to purr in reply.

"Morning." Frosch yawned, wriggling slightly before settling down to go back to sleep.

Rogue couldn't believe it, cock blocked by a cat, but an adorable cat at that.

The Sabertooth mage shifted to lie back down, grumbling to himself only to catch Kagura smirking at him. "What?" he questioned.

Kagura simply shrugged, the smile not leaving her lips. "Nothing..nothing at all." she answered before closing her eyes.

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