14- Sorrow Swept Over Me

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The view infront of me is a disaster. Pieces of shattered glass are dispersed on the floor, Joan standing before it with parted lips and her hands mid air as if holding an invisible dish- and last but not the least, Adam in his signature position down in a lovely meeting with the ground.

"At this point I think you two should start introducing yourselves to each other", I speak from my place with a smirk, watching below. "You and the floor, I mean."

"Not again." He pushes himself up, ignoring my remark and looking over at me with a painful frown on his face. "I'm pretty sure it was you this time."

"What- were you. . ." Joan cut in in a weak voice, wide-eyed and puzzled as if my flour coated face wasn't enough of a proof of what events had occurred in the previous five minutes.

"Just removing dirt from Madison's eye, but I guess her way of saying thank you is pushing me off of the countertop." Adam answers her, although facing in my direction with a scowl. He switches back to his mother, and next at the shards of glass lying on the floor. "How did. . .this happen? You okay?"

"Oh." She says, shaking her head with a smile. "No. . .nothing, I'm okay. Just lost in thoughts. "

"I wonder what is your problem with my face," I comment blandly, jumping from the counter to rinse off my face in the basin.

"It was a mistake!"

"Was not." I hurl back wiping my face with a towel, very well knowing he was telling the truth but unable to think of any better comeback.

"Stop it you two." Joan orders, lowering down and crouching to pick up the broken pieces one by one. Her wrist is instantly clutched by Adam who now has crawled near the mess, as he slowly and cautiously takes the sharp piece from between her fingers.

"I'll do it." He insists. I walk to them to do the same, wondering what thoughts had been running inside her mind.

"Oh and Adam?" Joan looks over at him as he throws the broken remains into the bin, and once he faces her back, she continues in a stern tone. "I noticed you digged out one of your old toys from the basement and kept it on the living room table. May I know exactly what was your thought process behind all that? You know I hate it when you misplace your things, even as a kid you'd-"

"Mom." He interjects, brows furrowed. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I never got anything from the basement, why would I play with those stuff when I'm old enough to drive a car?"

"Then who could've. . ." she pauses, fixing her blank gaze at him. Then, with the same expression, the mother-son duo slowly move their heads to look at me, causing me to crack an apologetic smile.

"Um. . .", I chuckle in mild embarrassment, "I've always wanted to play with those kind of control cars. So when I saw one in the basement, I couldn't help. . ."

"No worries, Maddie!", Joan assures with a beam of smile, "If you want you can also play with Adam here."

"Who said I ever want to?!" He complains, throwing his hands up in the air. "Besides, it doesn't have batteries-"

"Do as you're told." Joan threatens him with a strict glare. Adam groans, watching me with baring teeth as I flash him an evil grin.

As soon as Joan places the final cake mixture into the oven, I wash my hands and rush to the drawing room, Adam following suit with no interest whatsoever. We install a new set of batteries into the two mini cars, four in each of them.

"I doubt you can even control this properly, let alone win the race." I state with a fake yawn, secretly hoping my words to spark a sense of competition into him. He glances at me sideways in suspicion, a moment later grabbing the remote from the table. I smirk, realising he fell for the trap.

"You know, it hasn't been long since I last won a match with my friends."

"Really?" I challenge. "Prove it again, then."

Both of us now stand firmly, the sight of the entire living room before us and two cars- mine blue and his green- right on the floor below which we marked as the starting post as well as the finishing line. "To the kitchen and back, four rounds around the couch, four around the kitchen chairs with three laps in total", he explains the race course in brief, "Whoever wins gets to have a wish granted."

"Good. I'm all ready." I say.

"And I'm ready to win." He boasts, looking at me with a smug grin, then back to the front. "One."

"Two." I playfully roll my eyes at his sudden and rare attitude, returning my focus to the game ahead.


He yells, either of the cars racing through the room in the wink of an eye as I try to remember the last time I felt a similar boost of happiness. It thrives right inside my bones, and while I'm savouring the moment as much as I can, it soon occurs to me that despite my lack of trust in experiencing a decent vacation, in some way or the other I had been living the best summer of my life so far.


In the evening I rearrange the cushions properly on the sofa, having changed the covers as requested by Joan. With the gaming equipments lying on the desk I dust off my palms, ready to confront Adam with another challenge. Unfortunately, he won the remote controlled race as if it was a piece of cake. An easy win, I admit, considering I've never had a past experience with those types of ancient toys anyways. About the 'wish' the loser was supposed to fulfil for the winner, he told me he'd wait for the day the wish would come into handy, and for now I just have to keep it in mind and avoid getting on his 'bad side'- his words, not mine.

I hear fast footsteps approaching into the hall, aware it was him as I look up with a wide smile. "Hey, let's have a video game ma-"

I waver off, the volume of my voice decreasing with each word. Standing a few feet away dressed in a simple and semi-formal black tux is none other than Adam, as he fumbles with the purple bow tie that hangs flat around his neck. His frowned face is so focused it looks like he's trying to insert a thread through a fine needle by telekinesis.

"Sorry, I can't. I have to go somewhere." He finally meets my gaze with an arch of smile, eyes hopeful. "How do I look?"

I stay frozen for a second behind the couch before gradually breaking into fits of snorts and giggles. He raises an eyebrow, features molding into a disappointed as-expected-from-you reaction. "Are you done?"

"Sorry. . .", I hold out a hand in between hiccups of half-laughter, eyes moistening. "It's just, it's weird seeing you like this. I almost believed you were going on a date."

"I'm not." He denies, resuming with the bow tie attempt. "I'm only going out with Abbey."

My smile slowly fades in confusion, later transforming into a curve of amusement. "Waiiit a second. You're already going out with her? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"No, no, you're getting it wrong! I'm not-" He rotates around to check, as if afraid of someone overhearing our talk- most likely his mother. "I'm not. . .dating her. Basically, one of her older friends has a date with this guy at some restaurant- I forgot his name, and she was so nervous she wanted Abbey to come along, and since Abbey couldn't just. . .third wheel a couple, she called me and offered to join them. So it's not a date, it's simply. . .an outing with friends. Yeah."

I stroke my chin with my fingers, pretending to be thoughtful. God, how clueless can someone be? "Ooh, I get it. So it's not a date." I agree with a slight nod of head, due to which he does the same, however, with much more speed and seriousness.

"It's a double date!" I cheer, causing him to face palm following a roll of eye- an action he's repeated so many times throughout the day that I'm surprised his eyeballs hasn't completely dissociated from his sockets.

"It's not!" He whines, at this point seeming frustrated to maximum capacity because of the bow tie. "Argh! Why am I even arguing with you. I shouldn't have asked for your advice in the first place."

I blow out air through my nose, shaking my head and strolling over to him. "Here. Let me help, it seems like you're more than desperate to meet her."

He frowns again, though silently accepting my offer as he lets his arm rest by the sides. I begin with the steps I learnt- bring one end across the other and move it behind the previous from below to tie a loose knot first.

"Be honest Maddie, is this suit really not over fancy for a simple. . .outing?", he pulls out his arms at an angle, "Do you think she'd like it? Does my arms look too much noodle-like?"

What a headache. I sigh, stepping backwards and giving him a once over. The suit appears custom-tailored, though a bit ill-fitted, but overall not exactly a poor choice. "I wouldn't mind if I were her. So. . .it's not bad."

"You wouldn't mind?" He questions curiously.

"Ofcourse," I push his forehead with a finger as he winces back, "You'd still be equally annoying even if you miraculously get all buff. The real question is, why purple?" I point at the satin ribbon I'm working on.

"You don't have to know everything." He pouts a little. "Just hurry up already. Are you even sure you're doing it right?"

I continue with my job, draping the longer end in front of the shorter one. "Yeah." A faint smile upturns my lips at the sweet memories flooding in. "I'm used to doing this for dad whenever he had to attend an important event."

There's a few moments of quietness hanging in the air before Adam speaks again, only this time in a low voice, almost unfamiliar and too strange to be real. "So you do remember your family."

It takes me some time to register, and when it does dawn upon me, my entire body paralyzes like one of those haunting nightmares. My gaze trails up to his, wide-eyed, while his were unusually cold. "I. . .it's-" Think of an excuse, think of an excuse, come on Madison.

But I can't. I can only seem to breathe through my mouth which has run dry.

"You do." His eyes settle on me, devoid of any emotion, and I feel like he's read my mind through the silence I gave as reply. "Why?"

"It's- it's not what you're thinking. . ."

Adam scoffs, but he appears hurt- deceived. "Really? Elaborate then, please. I'm begging you."

Anxious and distressed, I dig fingers into my scalp. My mind tries desperately to form sentences, phrases, anything that I could say to justify what I did, but in the end I'm left to suffer with nothing but failure.

"I knew it. Your silence gives it all away, you know? Exactly how much of it was a lie? No wait. . .how much of it was true?" He's looking everywhere but at me, as though trying not lose it but failing miserably, and it makes my stomach knot.

"Listen, Adam. . .I-" I stutter, still running the gears of my mind to come up with an excuse as I place a hand on his arm. "I can explain, okay? It's not easy-"

He backs away his shoulder and steps behind, releasing my hold. "What do you want from us? Did you know us already? Saving me from the guys so you could have a chance to stay with us, it was all planned, wasn't it? You better not lay a finger on mom Madison, or else. . ." he pauses for a breath, finally looking at me. "Should I even call you Madison?"

"It wasn't fun to be lying all this time either! You don't understand. It was really hard for me too, and this. . .", I pointed at the floor with moist eyes, signifying the consequences of a mere slip of tongue, "This is exactly the reason I couldn't being myself to confess everything."

"It doesn't matter anymore. None of it." He says in a fragile tone that once again, churns my insides. Does he still not get it?

"We trusted you." He grabs my shoulders and shakes it violently, while I simply allow my vision to blur into the void. This is it. Everyone will hate me now, and it'll all be my own fault. "How could you do that? Tell me, Madison?!"


My brain jerks back into reality, eyes meeting with the sight of Adam's tie still around his neck as he stares down at me in utter confusion. "Would you mind hurrying up? I'm running late." He points at an invisible watch on his wrist. I blink, reeling from the recent nightmarish episode. What in the world was that?

"Huh? Yeah. . .right. I'm almost done." I say as I tighten the bow by pulling both ends simultaneously and even it out.

"Thanks!" He beams while I'm yet in the process of recovering from whatever the heck just happened. It's all in my head, I comfort myself. It's all good now.

Talk about a wild imagination.

Just then, the doorbell rings with a shrill noise, Adam gasping a little. "Oh my God, she's here, I gotta go." He begins jogging in the direction of the door, smoothening the creases on his outfit on the way.

Mrs. Young saunters into the room, carrying a pile of clean laundry just as Adam unlocks the door. His hands are clutching the handle as the door opens wide enough for me to catch a glimpse of Abbey's figure standing outside, whilst he himself stands frozen. A couple of seconds pass and he still appears starstruck, mouth forming a small circle.

"Wo-" He quickly clamps his mouth shut, wide eyed, regretting the way the compliment slips out. "I mean, you- you look. . .amazing. Hi." The last two words are barely audible to me since he'd slowly transitioned to whisper -mode. Abbey laughs heartily, exchanging his greeting with an awkward 'hi' and returning his flattering remark.

"I could say the same for you. Nice bow, by the way."

I witness his neck turning red as he lifts a hand behind it. "Thanks, I did it myself."

My forehead furrows, a scowl forming on my face. The audacity!

"Just kidding, it was Madison." He says proudly. "Looks professional, right?"

I relax my posture back against the couch, crossing arms over my chest. This guy has just prevented his own untimely death.

Abbey agrees and walks inside in all her gorgeous glory, further insisting it'll be disrespectful not to greet his mom despite Adam's reluctance against her decision.

"It's the girl he likes, right?" Joan mutters, glancing over to where he stands. I knit my eyebrows, a smile tugging my lips.

"You knew?!"

"I know everything, Madison." She faces me for a second, later swapping back to the door, her lips curved upwards. "For the first time in fifteen years, this bug asked me if his hairs look fine. Would you believe that?"

My ear-to-ear grin slowly fades into a faint smile, and I wander over my gaze to him. Joan's right, if there's someone whose sight can make his entire day, it's definitely Abbey.

"It's fine, really." Adam suggests, but she doesn't listen and instead marches up straight towards Joan. She bows a little, greeting her with a sweet 'hello' while Mrs. Young nods with a smile. Meanwhile, I take time to observe her dress- an absolutely beautiful piece in shiny satin ending just below her knee, not to mention the colour she chose- ofcourse it had to be a purple gradient. Her hairs fall loose, prevented from reaching her eyes by a long silver hair clip on one side. Just when I'm done with my inspection, she notices me and happily waves a hand, causing me to return the gesture.

"So Abbey, right? When am I going to have my son back?"

I snort and Abbey chuckles again, Adam mouthing a 'mom!' standing behind her, but she goes along with her joke. "I'll make sure it'll be soon."

"Good, good. Let's hope he treats you well." She teases again, causing him to face palm in embarrassment. "Oh and, is the place far away? How are you going to reach there?"

"Miles has a car, and it's the four of us along with his date."

"Oh, alright. That's wonderful, then!" Joan chimes in as one of Adam's bright green pyjamas with prints of Buzz Lightyear falls off of the pile in her arm, landing gracefully among the four of us.

Adam clamps his mouth again, face turning red behind both of his hands while he gapes at the floor in sheer horror. Feeling extra generous for him, I casually bend down to pick it up along with a few other laundry in Joan's arms to prevent overloading, all while suppressing an explosion-worthy laughter. My eyes connect with his and I furtively signal him by jutting my chin towards Abbey, hoping him to get what I'm trying to express. Thankfully, he does.

He rotates to her, biting his lips and nervously tapping fingers against his leg. "We should-", his voice comes out weirdly high pitched and he clears his throat, "We should go."

"Sure," she keeps fidgeting with her bracelet, smiling before looking at Joan. "It was really nice meeting you, Mrs. Young."

"You too, honey! Have fun!"

They both nod before at last, I watch the couple gladly ride off into the sunset- I mean, walk out side by side as her shoulder occasionally brushes his arm. Either it's a coincidence that they're walking extremely close to each other, or it's merely the sub-conscious doing of one of them.

"Cool pyjamas, I've always wanted one." I can hear her mumble with a smile stuck to her playful voice as they begin strolling to the entrance. Adam averts his head, red from embarrassment.

"Though I'd rather prefer the Woody ones."

"Why Woody?" He questions, staring at his feet.

"Because he's my favourite."

He halts in his tracks, stealing a glance of her barely for a second before resuming to walk again. "Should've called him instead of me, then."

"I wish I could, honestly." She jokes with a giggle. "But I can't, so I have no choice but to pick you instead."

"How nice of you." He says blandly, jealousy obvious in his tone. Abbey giggles again, clearly amused as she nudges him playfully.

"You're the best option after the fictional toy, after all."

Adam, being the master of obliviousness he is, clearly misses her hint and shrugs. "Why not Buzz? He's always better than the others."

She shakes her head with a smile. "Nope. I don't like robots."

"Well I do." He twists the knob and swings the door open, allowing her to exit first before following suit and closing it shut.

"Did they even have the slightest idea that we could overhear them?" Joan speaks beside me. I almost forgot she was standing there the whole time, heck, I almost forgot I existed in the time span both of them were conversing.

"I guess not."

"Adam didn't clean his room. Again." She sighs and crosses her arm, a few more clothes falling before her. "He kept saying he'd do it later, later became noon, and evening, and now he'll forget it again once he comes back. When will he ever learn?"

"I can teach him my way if you give me the permission", I offer with a smirk.

Joan fixes her eyes on me. "Really? If you do so Maddie, I'll forever be grateful. I mean, it's always better not to depend on 'later' to do something you ought to, or you'll regret it deeply, right?" She picks up all the clothes in her hands, including the few pieces I was holding as well. "Now he'll come back exhausted, and won't even bother to clean up before collapsing on the bed. And it all repeats again. I'm glad atleast you're not like that."

She gives a reassuring smile. "I'll take care of this, you can go do whatever you want as long as you don't break anything."

I return the gesture, watching her leave. The entire living room becomes quiet, when just a few minutes ago it was bustling with numerous joyful faces.

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