Our Last Night

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Before I start, I want to apologize for leaving my stories high and dry. Been dealing with a lot of health issues and other things. But finally been motivated to write again and I plan on finishing these stories as soon as I can!
Also apologies that this is so choppy. Well, enjoy.

It has been a few weeks now since the hunters came to meet with the vampire. Since then, each passing day felt like the distance between Kevin and I was growing further and further. With Fallon now having the knowledge of Kevin's family being the head of the hunters, our usual seats next to each other became opposite ends of the classroom. Fallon growing closer and keeping a watchful eye, lead to Kevin and I not even being able to hide away with each other during the school days.

This was driving both of us mad.

Alas, I knew my part and played the devoted boyfriend well to Fallon. Giving her all of my attention when she called on it, letting her have her way with me and smiling through it. She was loving it, while I wanted to smash my head into a locker near by. During today, she was becoming extra brave in her request. I do believe all the girls and boys that now flocked to her gave her a boost of confidence when telling her that we were the ideal couple and a perfect match.

As I was putting my books I no longer needed away in my locker, I captured her scent as she danced her body around mine, leaning up against the locker next to mine and smiling at me. "Hello handsome." It took everything in my not to roll my eyes, and to plaster a fake but convincing grin on my face. "And what do I owe the honors of you coming to my locker, beautiful." Her fingers danced up my chest, outlining the collar of my shirt. I guess these time I was not so convincing as I was sporting a rather annoyed look while watching her unwelcome fingers touch my body.

To this, she frowned. "What's wrong Eddward?"

The fake grin was painted on my face again as I looked up to her, my blues meeting her grays. "I'm sorry darlin, I seem to have much on my mind."

"Well perhaps I can ease your mind." The boost of confidence of her early morning praises from her human minions shined though as she took the collar of my shirt and pulled me in for a deep and passionate kiss. One I wish I could turn this kiss away from, but I did not dare.

For being taken as a believable couple, we have shared small pecks before. Three to be exact, but they were nothing that a child wouldn't give his mother while kissing her goodbye. This was a kiss I would only allow Kevin to give me. If I had my ways without anything to hide, of course.

I allowed her lips to part mine as her tongue intruded into my mouth. She tasted of sweetly cheap vanilla and her perfume was sweet also. It was disgusting, and the hums of pleasure coming from her as we kissed mad an uneasy pit in my stomach. After another moment and I tried to pull back, she pushed herself closer to me, demanding the kiss to be deepen.

Brave lady.

"Oops." A familiar voice filled my ears as Fallon was now knocked into and pushed away from me. I was finally able to catch my breath, looking up to see a very jealous Kevin as he walked by, making sure to nudge against Fallon one more time to push he further away from me.

She grew angry. "What the fuck! Watch yourself!"

"Stop whoring up the fucking hall." Kevin bit back.

I licked my now throbbing lips as I watched in amusement as my lover tried to nonchalantly claim what was his.  Luckily Fallon was just seeing this act as an enemy trying to stir things up. She grew tense, curling her hands into fists as Kevin now stood his ground, eyeing her down. I truly hoped he knew better than to pick a fight with a girl in such a public space.

I placed a comforting hand on Fallon's shoulder and smiled at Kevin. "My apologizes, we will make sure we keep out PDA to a minimum from now on."

As Kevin looked back at me, my heart sank. He was still fuming and ready for a fight, but I could see all the hurt and sense of betrayal in his eyes. My smile faded and my shoulders slumped. All I wished to do was to reach out, hug and hold my lover, and apologized until I lost my voice. But I could not. It killed us both.

"Well?" Fallon's sharp voice brought both of our attention to her. "Are you going to fuck off or what?"

Kevin mumbled, "fucking trampy vamp," under his breath as he rolled his eyes and flipped her off before walking away.

I could feel the heat rise within Fallon as I believe if we were not in a public setting, she would be clawing and attacking Kevin by now. "Let it go Fallon, you know how hunters are."

"He's asking for war."

I sighed, going back to my tasks in my locker before I was attacked by an unwanted tongue down my throat. "We are not the ones to give it to them. If the hunters want a war, then they shall make the first move. We should just hope they want to keep peace as much as we do."

"Screw the peace."

I noticed her head nod to a younger blonde vampire, calling her over. I closed my locker after gathering my books for my next class, eying the young one as she approached, she wasn't one of mine. "You're language isn't very becoming of a lady."

Fallon rolled her eyes. "There's a lot of things that aren't very ladylike of me, Eddward." She kissed my cheek. "I know you don't like to be late for class, so go. I'll see you later."

"Very well." I turned on my heels as I began to walk to my next class. Looking over my shoulder to see Fallon whispering to this young girl.

I had a bad feeling about this.


"Fuck Edd! That hurts like a bitch!" Kevin cried out as I touched the wounds on his face with hydrogen peroxide.

"Stop being such a child. You're lucky that she only used her claws on you and not her fangs." I dabbed the soaked cotton ball on the deep cut, getting another scream from Kevin as I did so.

My bad feeling from earlier today came true as Kevin came to our normal nightly meeting spot, covered in blood, the left side of his face and chest scratched up. Fallon had sent the young blond to attack Kevin, though it was to be a warning mark. Kevin's smart mouth had the girl ready to kill as he insulted her clans princess.

Another yelp came from Kevin as took a cloth to clean the wounds thoroughly. "Edd that hurts!"

"Do you think I do not know!?" I hissed in response, pouring cold water over his face to hope it helped numb the pain, even for a moment. "That shall do for the time being. Now take your shirt off so I can tend to your chest." I looked the 8 deep scratches that ran across either side of Kevin's chest. "Or what is left of the shirt."

Kevin did as I said, biting his lip as the fabric pulled at the dry blood, reopening parts of the cuts that began to heal. It killed me to see my love in pain. It took everything in me not to go and attack Fallon myself for having this done to Kevin. I don't care that she crossed the line and could have possible started this war. I was more furious that anyone could lay a hand on someone so precious to me.

"Are you just going to sit and stare at my sexiness, or are you going to help?"

I snapped out of my thoughts of rage, looking at the cocky grin that Kevin was now sporting. How on earth could this man still be able to make jokes in a time like this?

I pressed the soaked cotton ball deep into one of his cuts to get that cocky grin off his face. He cursed at me, but it worked. "Kevin, my love, I do not think you understand how serious this situation is now."

"I almost had my face ripped off by a 4 foot somethin' vampire bitch. I think I understand."

"Then how can you possibly make jokes when we are more than likely going to enter a war?"

Kevin reached over, grabbing my face and pulling me close to him as he kissed me deeply. His lips didn't taste like vanilla, but of him, and his body wore little cologne, which mixes perfectly with his own scent. This was much better.

"Edd, you're trembling."

To my surprise, he was right. I was trembling, and I was clinging onto this man for dear life. I swallowed hard as I felt my eyes begin to burn, tears flooding them and blurring my sight.

I felt so weak for the first time in my life. I felt weak, hopeless, and afraid. I couldn't protect what is most near and dear to me on just a regular Thursday evening. How on earth was I going to protect this wonderful boy out on the battle field? How was I going to make sure nothing worse than this would ever happen to him?

"Babe." Kevin's green eyes were filled with concern. I can only imagine it was because mine were filled with fear.

"I can't lose you during this war." I finally choked out.

Kevin's strong arms tightly wrapped around me, pulling me close in for another deep and loving kiss. I kept my eyes closed as he slowly pulled away, and felt the warm pads of his thumbs gently wipe away the tears that had fallen. He was always so strong, but I always felt that he was the strongest in those moments that he would treat me gently.

I pressed my face into the side of his neck, inhaling deeply and taking in all of his beautiful scents. His musk, his sweat, his cologne, even his blood, I just needed to take all of him in.

A few moments of silence passed as we held each other closely. "My love, lets run away."

I felt Kevin's sigh and the new slump in his position. "You know we can't, Edd."

"Why can't we? We are 18 years of age, we are adults. We can get far away from this fight, just be together, no one can find us, no one can hurt us."

Kevin pulled back slightly as he tilted my face up to his. Oh how it pained me to see those scratches over his face. From his scalp, where he was now missing two patches of hair in his left eyebrow, and continuing down under his eye to his jaw. It looked so painful.

"Edd, it's weird being on his side and having to say the reasonable thing. But you know if we left, our families would just straight in to trying to kill each other. It's already going to be hell enough as it is, but at least with us there, we can keep everyone in line."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. "You're right, it is weird for you to be the voice of reason."

Kevin cracked a grin. "Oh, look who's making jokes now." He kissed me again and let me slip out of his arms so I could go back to cleaning his wounds. "I'm going to make sure I punch that Fallon bitch right in the tit when I can."

I raised an eyebrow, as I tried ever so gently to pick out the remaining shirt fibers from Kevin's wounds. "Is that truly necessary, Kevin?"

He flinched as I cleaned out his wound. "Fuck yeah it is! I have to sit in the middle of the woods just to kiss ya. And she gets to dry hump you and suck the life out of you in school? She's just asking for it!"

I dared not say a word, knowing full well that no matter what I said, if it was for or against Kevin's thoughts, it would just rile him up more. Unfortunately, with the situation he was now in, he couldn't afford to be riled up until he let his body rest. Kevin didn't protest the silence, allowing me to finish cleaning his wounds with only the soft noises of discomfort coming from him as I did so. But even those soon fell silent as I finished my work, sitting back on my knees and carefully looking over my work.

"That shall do it. Now put your hoodie back on before you catch a chill." I turned, putting away the first aid kit properly and making sure everything was in order. By the time I turned back to educate Kevin on how to properly care for his new wounds, his lips were crashing into mine. Deep and passionate kisses were given, arms quickly wrapped around one another tightly; there was a sense of need within these touches. As if we would disappear if we let go.

Unfortunately, that seemed to be the fear that was steadily coming true.

Kevin was the first to pull away, but he didn't travel far, as his forehead pressed against mine. I could hear his heart racing, felt his pulse rushing as he was taking in deep breaths. "Tonight may be our last night to be together like this."

My blues met with his dazzling greens. He was right. Tonight was more than likely our last night to be together. At least until the conflict between our families was done and over with. If that was to ever happen.

My lips pressed gently into Kevin's. "Make love with me tonight."

Lips pressed deeper into mine, holding my face ever so lovingly. Tonight would hopefully not be our last. But I shall treat it as such.


Kevin and I parted our ways that night sooner than either one of us had wished for. Though we knew our families would be on edge, awaiting for us to arrive home, therefore we had to make our moments together quick.

I was still guilty of dragging my feet as I made my way back home. I did some small hunting, catching three rabbits on the way home. With winter soon approaching, it wasn't uncommon to bring home a small hunt here and there to make sure the family was taken care for at ease.  It also allowed me to linger in Kevin's smell a few moments more before I had to mask it.

All the lights were on and I could see shadows moving about in the living room. It was not an uncommon sight, but I noticed more shadows than normal, which was soon picked up by more smells as I walked towards to door. One of them belonging to Fallon. I clenched my jaw, all I wanted was to be able to tear into her as she did to Kevin. For now I can only fantasy about it.

As the door clicked open, my fathers voice rang clear through out the house. "Thanks to your careless ways, Fallon, the hunters just declared a war between us!"

"He was the one who started it!"

As I made myself known by stepping into the living room, Fallon's eyes happily greeted me as she jumped up and ran over to my side. "Isn't That right Eddward!? Didn't Kevin start all of this today by threatening us?"

What a disgusting bitch.

My tongue clicked against my teeth as I crossed my arms, leaning my hip against the doorway as I stared at her. "He did me no harm. Yes, he was rude, as it is common knowledge that we are not on best terms. But he did not start anything more than a mere argument." Her face dropped, her eyes now looking as if they were about to puddle with tears.


A small smirk twitched at my face as I watched her for a moment longer before looking up at my father and the rest of the people in the room. "Because of Fallon's mistakes, we are going to war. She clearly can not be able to control her emotions, and may get in the way of others, along with putting us in even more danger. I suggest she does not become a part of this any further."

"What!? Like hell Im going to sit back and watch! My clan needs me!"

"Well you should have that about that before you started this." I hissed at her. She flinched at my harsh response, holding her breath as I brought my face down to hers. "Or you can do your clan a favor and give yourself over to the hunters, hoping they will be content and end this war before it starts."

"Eddward." This time my father spoke. "I know you are suggesting this because you care for our clans safety." More like Kevin's safety. "But please do not be so harsh with Fallon. She is a mighty fighter and we are going to need her, since she may be the one to go head to head with the boy."

"No!" I snapped to attention, catching everyone's interest around me. I better play this well. "I have fought with this man before. Not to Fallon's extent, but in school fighting grounds. I know how strong and skilled this man is when not taken by surprised. I will be the one to fight him.... for Fallon's sake and safety."

My father smiled, more than likely thinking that my words were from a protective lovers heart. He was not wrong, they were, but not for Fallon. Never for her. His hand rested on my shoulder to show me his support. "I am always proud of you, my son. We can discuss all the plans for preparation in the morning. Everyone please get your rest."

I nodded a goodnight to everyone as we all began to go out separate ways. Though I did not get far until I felt Marie's hand grab onto mine and pull me back away from listening ears.

"You're dating him, aren't you?" She whispered to me, eyes stern looking into mine.

There was no use of lying, she could see right through me. "Yes. Almost two years now."

Marie's stern look turned quickly into concern. "Shit Edd. What are you guys going to do?"

"I'm afraid I do not know yet."

But I shall figure something out quickly.

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