Rewrite the Stars (Oscar x Oona)

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Authors note: I really liked the movie "The Greatest Showman" and I recently listened to the song "Rewrite the Stars" and thats how I got inspired to write this. :)

Narrators POV

A few months ago Oscar hired an assistant, Oona and over the course of those few months they had realized that they had feelings for each other, but there was one problem and it was that they couldn't be together because of Ms.O's new rule: "No agents are allowed to date each other." This was a problem for Oona and Oscar, especially since Oscar is Oona's boss. Which makes things worse because Ms.O will definitely not allow that. Yes, they could go out outside of Odd Squad but that's kinda hard since they have to work together every single day for a large amount of time. 

Oona was working on a new gadget but she was having trouble focusing on it since she couldn't stop thinking about Oscar.  Oona sighed thinking about how they couldn't be together. "It's not fair." Oona thought. 

Oscar was over on the other side looking at the clipbored of returned gadgets, he also was having trouble focusing, not being able to have Oona leave his mind.

It wasn't that long ago when Oona and Oscar admitted their feeling for each other it was a very sweet moment accept the fact that Ms.O overheard them and strictly told them that they couldn't be together. Ever since then, Oona and Oscar tried to avoid each other to hide a suspicion from Ms.O. and again, since they work with each other...avoiding the other person was a really hard thing to do. 

Oona had accidently did something to the gadget she was making and it caused the gadget to explode confetti. She was making a party-inator because Olympic had kept begging her to make one. 

Every one stopped what they were doing and looked at Oona who was coughing our confetti and had it all over her. 

Oscar went over to her to make sure she was okay. "Oona, are you okay?" He asked placing his hand on her shoulder brushing of some confetti. 

Oona shook his hand off her shoulder and replied. "Yeah, I'm fine should go back before Ms.O see's us." She said sadly. 

Oscar shook his head. "No, I can't do this anymore." He took Oona's hand and walked to a hallway that wasn't busy and where they could talk In private. 

"What do you mean? Where are you taking me?" Oona asked as they walked to the hallway. 

"With this." Oscar said. "With having to avoid each other and alway worrying if Ms.O will see us. Oona I like you and I want to be with you, I don't want to hide that."

"Oscar.." Oona started to say but got interrupted by Oscar. 

"Oona, just listen, ok?" Oscar said. 

Oona nodded. "Okay fine."

"I also know you want to be with me too but why do you keeping saying that our hands our tied?" Oscar asked. 

"Because it is. You know Ms.O will separate us the minutes she finds out we're together." Oona said cautiously looking around for any agents, or worse..Ms.O. 

"Oona, who's to stop me from being with you? No one. You were made to be mine, Oona." Oscar said taking her hand. "Nothing could keep us apart, I just know that your were one I was meant to find. The only ones that decide if we're together is you and me. No one else." 

Oona looked away from Oscar. "You think this easy for me too? Everyday I see you and you don't think I want to run up to you and hug you?" 

"Oona.." Oscar said bur got cut off by Oona. 

"Oscar, there are just some mountains and doors we can't walk through. " Oona said. Oscar placed his hand on her chin so that she looks at him. Tears were forming in her eyes. "Oscar, I get that we could just be together here and now but when go back to the lab and have to pretned that we're not together  your gonna see just how hopeless it is. Everything tears us part, how can you say that you'll be mine? Trust me Oscar, I'm not the one you were meant to find because it's not up to any of us to see if we're together." 

Oscar wiped her tears and placed his hand on her cheek. "Oona, I don't care about what Ms.O says. I still wanna be with you." 

"You could get fired." Oona said crying a little bit more at the thought of not seeing Oscar everyday. 

"I'll do anything it meant I could be with you." Oscar said, him tearing up anything little but too. "I'll do anything, I told you Oona, you were made to be mine and I'm not letting Ms.O ruin that. We can do this together, Oona. We can rewrite the stars." 

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