AI co-write: new species mission, Snake danger

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⚠️Just an AU⚠️


Kwazii and Calico Jack were in the Terra-Gup 3 "I wonder why this one was sent out to Find a new creature, don't we need a sneakier gup?" Kwazii said, Calico Jack stayed silent as he drove the gup, they got out near a forest, and started to explore...

they were looking for a new creature for Shellington, and they also wanted to check out the Island anyways...

Kwazii sighed... as he followed his grandfather around the forest... "See anything, Lad?..." Calico Jack asked "nothing but Trees, Trees, Snake in the tree I'm standing next to...  tre- oh hey what type of snake is this? it's kind of cute" Kwazii said looking at it... not knowing it was a baby...

and its mother was nearby...

Before Kwazii could get a closer look at the snake, he felt a sharp pain in his arm. He looked down and saw two small punctures bleeding. He realized he had been bitten by the snake, and it was not a friendly one.

"Ow! Granddad, I think this snake bit me!" Kwazii shouted, dropping the snake and backing away.

Calico Jack heard his grandson's cry and rushed to his side. He saw the snake slithering away and recognized it as a coral snake, one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

"Kwazii, lad, you've been bitten by a coral snake! We need to get you to the gup right away!" Calico Jack said, grabbing Kwazii's arm and wrapping a bandana around it.

"What? A coral snake? But it was so small and cute!" Kwazii said, feeling dizzy and nauseous.

"That's how they fool you, lad. They have bright colors to warn predators, but they also attract curious creatures like you. Come on, we need to hurry. The venom can be deadly if not treated soon." Calico Jack said, lifting Kwazii and carrying him to the Terra-Gup 3.

They reached the gup and Calico Jack put Kwazii on the seat. He opened his first aid kit and looked for an antidote. He remembered that he had packed some snake venom antidotes, but he was not sure which one was for coral snakes.

"Kwazii, lad, can you hear me?" Calico Jack asked, shaking Kwazii gently.

Kwazii opened his eyes and nodded weakly. He felt a cold sweat on his forehead and a tingling sensation in his limbs.

"I'm here, Granddad. I don't feel so good." Kwazii said, trying to stay awake.

"Listen, lad, I need you to stay with me. I'm going to give you an antidote, but I need to make sure it's the right one. Do you remember the rhyme about coral snakes?" Calico Jack asked, holding two vials in his hands.

"Rhyme? What rhyme?" Kwazii asked, confused.

"The rhyme that helps you tell the difference between coral snakes and other snakes that look like them. It goes like this: Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, friend of Jack. Do you remember which one is the coral snake?" Calico Jack asked, hoping Kwazii would remember.

Kwazii thought hard and tried to recall the rhyme. He remembered seeing the snake's colors and how they contrasted with each other.

"Red on yellow, kill a fellow. That's the coral snake, right?" Kwazii said, guessing.

"That's right, lad. Good job. Now, look at these vials. One of them has a label that says 'Red on yellow'. That's the one we need. Can you point it out for me?" Calico Jack asked, showing Kwazii the vials.

Kwazii squinted his eyes and looked at the vials. He saw that one of them had a red label with yellow letters, while the other had a black label with red letters. He pointed at the one with the red label.

"This one, Granddad. This is the one we need." Kwazii said, hoping he was right.

"Good lad. You're a smart pirate. Now, hold still. This might sting a bit." Calico Jack said, opening the vial and injecting the antidote into Kwazii's arm.

Kwazii winced and felt a surge of pain in his arm. He hoped the antidote would work and neutralize the venom.

"Granddad, will I be okay?" Kwazii asked, looking at Calico Jack with fear in his eyes.

"Of course, lad. You'll be fine. You're a tough pirate. You can handle a little snake bite. Besides, we have the best medicine in the world right here." Calico Jack said, smiling and hugging Kwazii.

"What medicine?" Kwazii asked, curious.

"Love, lad. Love. That's what keeps us going. That's what makes us strong. That's what makes us family." Calico Jack said, kissing Kwazii's forehead.

Kwazii felt a warmth in his chest and a tear in his eye. He hugged Calico Jack back and smiled.

"I love you, Granddad." Kwazii said, feeling grateful and happy.

"I love you too, lad. More than anything." Calico Jack said, feeling proud and relieved.

They stayed like that for a while, until Kwazii felt better. He noticed that the pain in his arm was gone and he felt more energetic.

"Granddad, I think the antidote worked. I feel much better." Kwazii said, sitting up and looking at his arm.

"That's great, lad. I'm glad to hear that. You're a brave pirate. You handled that snake bite like a champ." Calico Jack said, checking Kwazii's arm and removing the bandana.

"Thanks, Granddad. You're the best. You saved my life." Kwazii said, hugging Calico Jack again.

"Nonsense, lad. You saved yourself. You remembered the rhyme and you pointed out the right vial. You're a smart pirate. You have a good head on your shoulders." Calico Jack said, ruffling Kwazii's hair.

"Thanks, Granddad. You're too kind. But you know what? I think I've had enough of snakes for today. Can we go back to the Octopod?" Kwazii asked, looking at the forest with a shiver.

"Sure, lad. Let's go back to the Octopod. I'm sure Shellington will understand. He'll be happy to see you're okay. And maybe he'll have some other creature for us to find. Something less dangerous and more friendly." Calico Jack said, starting the gup and driving away from the forest.

"Sounds good to me, Granddad. As long as it's not another snake." Kwazii said, smiling and holding Calico Jack's hand.

They left the island and headed back to the Octopod, where they were greeted by their friends and family. They told them what happened and how they survived. They received hugs and praises and cookies and tea. They were happy and safe and loved.

And they never forgot their adventure with the coral snake.

The End.

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